The Greek Tycoon's Reluctant Bride. Kate Hewitt
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СКАЧАТЬ if it was as soft as it looked.

      Yet the moment his fingers skimmed her collarbone she jerked back, her body stiffening, her eyes blanking. She almost looked afraid.

      Demos dropped his hand and leaned back, considering.

      What game was she playing?

      Then she smiled again, reached for her martini glass, downed the last of her drink and thrust it towards him.

      ‘Why don’t we start with you buying me a drink?’

      Althea Paranoussis held her glass out, quirking one eyebrow in mocking challenge. The man next to her stared at her for a moment, his own eyes the colour of smoke, darkening to charcoal.

      Hard eyes, she thought. Hard mouth, hard face, hard body. Hard everything. She didn’t like the cool assessment in his eyes, the way his long fingers wrapped around her glass, taking care to brush hers.

      She didn’t like the shock of pure sensation that shot up her arm, uncoiled in her belly and put the familiar metallic tang of fear on her tongue.

      ‘What are you drinking?’ he asked.

      She told him the cocktail she wanted. A name laced with innuendo.

      He raised his eyes, and Althea flicked her hair over her shoulders in a move she’d perfected over the years.

      ‘Is that a drink?’

      ‘You’ll find out at the bar,’ she replied with a naughty little smile.

      He gave a terse nod and moved from the divan. Althea watched his long, lean body as it moved through the crowds with easy grace. As he headed towards the bar she wondered if she should disappear.

      She was an expert at the art of promising without delivering, of melting into the crowd as she made a little moue of regret. It was the way she stayed safe. Sane.

      She leaned back against the leather divan and didn’t move. She wanted to see him again, she realised with a sharp pang of surprise. That was strange. She wanted to know more about him. He seemed different from the bored, base young men she normally surrounded herself with. He was older, more confident, and therefore more dangerous. Yet still she didn’t move.

      There would be time later for excuses, escapes.

      Plenty of time.

      She glanced up and saw he’d already reappeared, requisite pink drink in hand. It was a ridiculous drink, a silly, soppy, girly cocktail, and she swallowed a laugh at the look of it in his hand. He looked revolted by it, but he handed it to her with a flourish, and the laugh she’d suppressed came out in a rich, throaty chuckle that had him smiling back in bemusement as well as blatant appreciation.

      ‘Perfect,’ she murmured. He hadn’t bought a drink for himself, Althea noticed as she took a small, careful sip.

      He sat down next to her, watching her with an intent narrowed gaze that lacked the lascivious speculation she was used to and yet affected her more deeply, causing a strange shaft of pleasure and pain to pierce her composure, her armour, as his eyes swept slowly over her.

      ‘I don’t even know your name.’

      She smiled over the rim of her glass and sought to arm herself once more. ‘Maybe it’s better that way.’

      He raised an eyebrow. ‘Is that how you like it?’

      ‘Sometimes,’ she shot back carelessly. She put her drink down, not quite meeting his eyes.

      ‘I like women to know my name,’ he replied. His eyes glinted with both challenge and admiration. ‘Demos Atrikes,’ he said after a moment, and she tossed her hair back and smiled.

      ‘Pleased to meet you.’ She’d heard of him, of course. She supposed she should have recognised him. He was in the tabloids just as much she was, usually with a model or starlet clinging to his arm. And now he wanted her for that precarious position.

      Her lips thinned before she smiled again, letting her gaze linger on the harsh yet beautiful lines of his face, noticing the gold flecks in his silver-grey eyes. Silver and gold. The man was rich, she knew. Rich and bored, out for an evening’s entertainment. She leaned back against the leather divan, tucking her legs under her, her mouth twisting sardonically.

      He noticed. ‘Something wrong?’ he asked in a murmur, his voice pitched low yet sharpened with cynicism.

      ‘I’m bored.’ Althea met his gaze with a challenge of her own. ‘Let’s dance.’

      ‘You bore easily.’

      ‘Not if given the right entertainment,’ she tossed back, eyes and senses flaring.

      ‘I have a better idea,’ Demos murmured, leaning towards her so she could feel his breath, cool and minty on her cheek. ‘Let’s leave this party. I know a taverna near here. We can have a drink, some quiet conversation.’

      Althea pulled back, raised one eyebrow in mocking disbelief. ‘You want to talk?’

      ‘We can begin with talking,’ Demos replied with a smile. ‘And see where it leads.’ He paused, his eyes flickering over her once again. ‘You’re different.’

      She smiled again, not bothering to hide her cynicism. He had no idea how different she was. ‘I’ll take that as a compliment.’

      ‘It was intended as one. So?’ Demos arched an eyebrow, his eyes dark with enquiry and interest. ‘Shall we?’

      She shouldn’t. She knew she shouldn’t. She didn’t get that close with men like Demos Atrikes. She didn’t get them alone.

      Yet she was intrigued despite her intentions not to be, despite her self. He had told her she was different, and now she wondered if he really was too.

      It was more than simple curiosity, Althea knew. Her eyes were drawn to the hand he extended, lean and brown and sure. She wondered how that hand would feel wrapped around hers, how his body, lean and long and hard, would feel against hers, and the very fact that she was wondering such things made her breathless and dizzy with fearful surprise.

      Althea felt herself slip from the divan even as a disconnected voice reminded her that she never did this. He was just a man, another man, and she knew

      Except maybe she didn’t know. Maybe she wanted to find out. She tossed her hair back and reached for the scrap of spangled silk that served as a wrap. Even in Athens the early spring air was chilly. It had a bite.

      She slipped her hand in his and felt those strong brown fingers close around hers, sending a jolt of pure sensation through her like a shot to the heart. It wasn’t a pleasant feeling; it was too strong and surprising. Althea jerked back, but Demos didn’t let go.

      He just smiled, and Althea realised he’d sensed her reaction and knew what it meant. Maybe he felt it too.

      Out of the corner of her eye she saw a glint of pink silk, and her stomach curled with nerves as Angelos Fotopolous walked straight towards her, smiling with unpleasant promise. She turned back to Demos.

      ‘Come СКАЧАТЬ