Past, Present And A Future. Janice Carter
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Название: Past, Present And A Future

Автор: Janice Carter

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ signing in Hartford tomorrow and…all the best with your book tour.” He turned his back on her and walked steadfastly toward the center of the park.

      She watched him go until she accepted the fact that he wasn’t going to change his mind and turn around. Slowly, her heart rate slowed to normal and the pounding in her head decelerated to a faint pulsing.

      Clare picked up her purse from the bench and headed for her car on the far side of the park. When she passed John Calvin’s statue, she noticed the small bench to its right and a rush of memory overwhelmed her. It was the exact spot where she and Gil had parted company two nights after Rina Thomas was killed. The irony didn’t escape her. But it did fill her with a surge of sadness that she knew only time and distance from Twin Falls would vanquish.

      “I WAS SO HAPPY when you called to say you could make it after all tonight,” Laura gushed as soon as she opened the front door. When Clare stepped into the hallway, Laura added, “You don’t have to worry about any indiscreet remarks, either, because only my folks are here and they’re totally engrossed in Emma.” Then she whispered, “But did you get a copy of the paper?”

      “Yes, I did, as soon as I got back to the hotel. I agree with Anne-Marie. The article was completely off topic. If I wasn’t leaving tomorrow I’d lodge a complaint. But—” she shrugged and worked her face into a big smile “—who’s going to be reading the Spectator outside Twin Falls anyway?”

      “Point taken,” Laura laughed. She looped her arm through Clare’s. “Come and get a drink. The food’s on its way and I’ve nothing to do but get caught up on the last couple of years.”

      When the deliveryman arrived with cartons of Thai food, they gathered around the dining-room table and talked as they ate. After Laura’s parents left, Laura pulled Clare by the arm into the living room.

      “Dave promised to put Emma to bed so we can have a little chat. More coffee?”

      “Heavens, no. I’ll be up all night.” Clare sat in the armchair while Laura curled up on the couch across from her.

      “So,” Laura said with a big smile, “how did your walk with Gil go?”

      Clare laughed nervously. “You get right to the point, don’t you?”

      “I always have. You know that. I don’t mince my words. But I was surprised that you took off with him. I mean, after the way you acted Friday night and then last night at dinner—”

      “What’s that supposed to mean? The way I acted? Considering the shock of his appearance on your doorstep Friday night, I think I behaved very well. We were polite and courteous. We got through the ceremony without drawing blood.”

      Laura laughed. “You both acted as if you were meeting for the first time. I wish you could have seen your face when he walked into the room. Dave was totally oblivious to the electricity zinging around, but I wasn’t.”

      “You always tended to exaggerate, Laura. I doubt even a spark could be generated from any contact I might have with Gil Harper.”

      “Ouch!” Laura grinned. “I take it the walk was polite and courteous then?”

      Clare knew a fishing expedition when she saw one. “For the most part. At any rate, we said goodbye and…well, that’s that.” Clare shifted her attention to the table in front of the bay window where some of Emma’s gifts were on display. “I see Emma got some lovely things.”

      Laura followed her gaze. “Yes. And thank you again for the beautiful dress. I noticed the label. It must have cost a fortune.”

      Clare flushed. “Only fitting I think, from the godmother.”

      “Gil gave her the sweetest teddy bear, as well as a silver locket that can hold a tiny photograph. I was surprised. I mean, he didn’t have much warning about being godfather.”

      Gil again. Clare peered down at her watch, hoping Laura would take the hint. “I should go, Laura. Early start in the morning.”

      “Oh, yes, you’re visiting the school. How did Miss Stuart sound on the phone?”

      “The same. Though I’ve a feeling she’s married now or at least in a relationship. A man answered the phone.”

      “That’s nice. Gee, it’ll be strange for you to be back at Twin Falls High, walking those corridors again. What time are you on for?”

      “Nine-thirty. I have to leave by ten-thirty to get to Hartford before noon.”

      “Did you tell me what bookstore in Hartford you’re going to be signing at?” Laura asked.

      “A place called The Dust Jacket.”

      “I’ve heard of that. It’s supposed to be an amazing store. Dave’s taken the day off tomorrow, otherwise I’d get him to pop by.”

      Clare smiled, trying to picture Dave doing just that on a busy workday. She stood up. “I really should go, Laura.”

      “I know. You’ve got glamorous things to do tomorrow while I’ll be nursing a baby and doing laundry.”

      There was a wistful note in her voice that surprised Clare. “And doting on your beautiful baby. Don’t forget that!”

      “Oh, no. Trust me, now I’ll never be able to see myself in any other role. It’s just that I never expected to…well…settle down like this without doing all the things I once dreamed of. Isn’t it ironic how we both have kind of exchanged places?”

      “What do you mean?”

      “Remember when we were in our last year at Twin Falls High, dreaming of going off to college and starting new, exciting lives for ourselves?”

      Clare smiled. “I do.”

      “I distinctly recall one sleepover being entirely devoted to what we wished for in our future. I wanted to be rich, famous and travel the world. But what shocked me—at the ripe old age of seventeen—was that you said you wanted to marry Gil Harper and live in Twin Falls for the rest of your life.”

      Clare’s smile froze. “I don’t remember that at all,” she said.

      Laura held up a hand. “Now don’t get all worked up, Clare Morgan. But you did say it.”

      Clare leaned over to pick up her purse, slung over the arm of her chair. Laura had an uncanny knack for calling up the most embarrassing moments in one’s life, she thought. But she did remember. Her ridiculous wish was uttered a scarce six months after she’d started dating Gil—when she was still madly in love with him. She draped her purse over her shoulder. “If you say so, Laura. You obviously have a much better memory than I.”

      Laura cued in to the stiffness in Clare’s voice. She stammered out an explanation. “I was just thinking…you know…how funny it is that I married my high-school sweetheart and bought a house in Twin Falls while you went on to become rich and famous.”

      Clare saw the worry in Laura’s face. Neither, she knew, wanted the weekend to finish on a sour note. She reached out and affectionately tapped the end of Laura’s nose. “Not rich or really famous yet but…hopefully…getting there.” When she laughed, СКАЧАТЬ