St Piran’s: Italian Surgeon, Forbidden Bride. Margaret McDonagh
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СКАЧАТЬ other people, too? That he was immediately attuned to her unsettled him further.

      ‘What are the priorities with Cody?’ Jessica asked, moving them onto ground which, he felt sure, made her feel more comfortable. ‘Have his parents signed the consent form?’

      ‘Not yet.’ Gio ran the fingers of one hand through his hair in frustration. ‘The injury occurred over two weeks ago,’ he explained, unsure how much Megan had told her. ‘The parents are too upset to understand that while Cody may have appeared fine at first, the situation has changed.’

      ‘And you don’t want to waste more time.’

      Grateful that Jessica was on his wavelength, Gio smiled. ‘Exactly so.’

      ‘He’s deteriorating more quickly?’ she asked, glancing at the notes.

      ‘What was a slow bleed building a chronic subdural haematoma could be worsening,’ he outlined, sharing his concerns. ‘Or something more serious could be underlying it.’

      Jessica nodded, making her beautiful hair gleam. ‘And the longer you wait, the more chance there is of permanent brain damage.’

      ‘I’m afraid so.’

      ‘His parents must be very confused.’ Her expression softened with understanding. ‘They may feel guilty for not realising that what seemed an innocuous incident has become something so serious.’

      ‘There is no question of blame, although such feelings are common,’ he agreed, impressed by Jessica.

      Her smile was rueful. ‘I come across this in a wide variety of circumstances. We need to explain things to the Rowlands without frightening them further.’

      ‘Yes… and Megan says you’re the best person to help.’

      A wash of colour warmed her flawless alabaster cheeks. ‘I’ll do what I can, of course.’

      ‘Thank you, Jessica.’

      Again her name felt right, unsettling him and curbing his amusement at her flustered reaction. Ignoring the hum of attraction between them by concentrating on work might not be effective long term, but hopefully it would get them through this encounter.

      ‘Do you have suggestions about the Rowlands?’

      Her relief was evident and she nodded again, loosening some strands of fiery hair, which tumbled around her face. As she raised her free hand, he saw that her fingers were ring free, and that she wore a narrow silver-toned watch around her wrist. She tucked the errant curls behind her ear, drawing his attention to the attractive stud earrings she wore. Set in white metal, the olive green stones matched her eyes and he made a mental note to discover the identity of the gem that so suited her.

      ‘We need their consent so Cody can go to Theatre without delay. Then I can spend time with them and run through everything in more detail.’ Even, white teeth nibbled the sensual swell of her rosy lower lip, nearly giving him heart failure. ‘Do you have a rough guestimate on how long the operation might take?’ she queried, snapping his attention back to business. ‘The Rowlands will ask—and I need to reorganise my schedule to support them.’

      Gio was encouraged by Jessica’s common-sense approach, knowledge and apparent dedication to her patients. With real hope of a resolution, he gave her all the information he could.

      ‘Can you talk with the father while I try the mother?’ she asked next, walking briskly towards Cody’s room.

      He would happily do anything to speed things along. ‘No problem.’

      Following her, he admired her gently rounded, mouthwatering curves. As she stepped into Cody’s room, sunlight spilling through the window made the natural red, copper and chestnut tones of her hair glow like living flames, captivating him. And, for the briefest instant, as he stood close behind her before she shifted to give him more room, he could have sworn he caught a faint, tantalising aroma of chocolate.

      Fanciful notions vanished as he observed that Cody appeared more listless than when he had checked him several minutes ago. His frightened young mother sat close to him, clinging to his hand, tears spilling down her cheeks. The father, scarcely more than a boy himself, stood to one side, pale and withdrawn, at a loss to know what to do.

      Jessica glanced over her shoulder and he met her gaze. The connection between them felt electric and intense, and it took a huge effort to look away. Clearing his throat, he introduced her to the Rowlands.

      As Jessica began the delicate process of winning the trust of the troubled young family, Gio released another shaky breath. He was in big trouble. He had sensed Jessica would be more than he’d bargained for. Professionally. What he could never have foreseen was the impact she would have on him personally. It was unexpected, unwanted and scary. But bubbling within, as yet unacknowledged and unexplored, was growing excitement.

      Even as they worked together to see Cody and his parents through the trauma that had befallen them, Gio was aware of the simmering connection between himself and Jessica. However hard they fought it, it was not going away.

      All he knew for sure was that Jessica threatened to blow the ordered and lonely world he had lived in these last five years wide apart, and that her impact on his life would not leave him unscathed.


      SHE didn’t look any different.

      Jess peered at her reflection in the mirror above the basin in the tiny bathroom next to her office. She wasn’t sure what she’d expected to see, but she felt different. Changed somehow. And scared. Because of Giovanni Corezzi. Thinking about him made her pulse race and raised her temperature to an uncomfortable level?one she couldn’t blame on the scorching August weather.

      After splashing cool water on her overheated cheeks, she buried her face in the softness of her towel. Even with her eyes closed, images of St Piran’s new Italian surgeon filled her mind. Unsettled by her reaction to him, she had endeavoured to keep things on a professional footing, determined to banish the disturbing feelings he roused within her.

      She hadn’t wanted to like him, but it had proved impossible not to. Ignoring the inexplicable and overwhelming blaze of attraction would have been easier had he been arrogant and horrible to work with, but nothing was further from the truth. He’d been compassionate and patient. As his initial suspicion had evaporated once he had witnessed her with the Rowlands, the likelihood was that she would be called to work with him again.

      What was she going to do?

      Jess sighed, discarding the towel and glancing at her reflection again. Less than an hour in his company had left her shaken and anxious. Megan had been right to describe him as hands on and caring. It was something Jess admired, yet it made him even more dangerous to her.

      She had to find a way to limit his impact on her. He had reawakened things long forgotten, things she would sooner remained buried. She had to fight the desire he roused in her… because nothing could come of it. Ever. And she was leaving herself open to heartache if, even for a moment, she allowed herself to imagine anything else.

      For the last four years, since the bombshell had hit her, changing her life for ever, she had turned in on herself, keeping focused on her new career and keeping people at bay. She hadn’t worked so hard to reinvent СКАЧАТЬ