Frozen Memories. Cassie Miles
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Название: Frozen Memories

Автор: Cassie Miles

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ with you on this. We’ll have to figure out some way for both of us to carry firearms while we’re inside the NORAD complex. It’s a weapons-free zone.”

      “You’re the superspy. You’ll come up with something.” She tapped him in the center of his chest with her forefinger. “My next demand is that you treat me like any other partner. No hugging, no carrying, no kissing...unless we’re alone...and I give consent.”

      “That road goes both ways,” he said with a grin. “So don’t be rubbing up against me or making kissy faces.”

      “Oh, please, I don’t do that.”

      “We’ll see.”

      Clarence and Trevor clomped onto the porch beside them. Trevor handed her an unexpected gift.

      “Your cell phone,” he said.

      “A thousand thanks. I never thought I’d see this again.”

      “It was with you when we picked you up. Don’t worry, it’s untraceable. I’ve already removed the batteries, sim card and GPS.”

      Spence suspected the bad guys were still tracking her, using something like his own little implanted device. Modern electronics were too tempting. Sooner or later, everyone would be wearing an array of chips for location and scanners for making payments. They’d all be blips on a giant blue screen, and there would be no need for humans at all.

      Clarence opened the front door, and Trudy joyfully greeted her nephew, rushing him toward the kitchen, where she had cookies and muffins. Spence’s stomach growled. When was the last time he ate? He closed the door against the cold.

      Quietly, Angelica said, “My last demand is the most important. I will go to the hospital with you for tests, but I will not stay. And you’re taking me with you when you talk to Lex Heller.”


      “The obvious reason,” she said, “is that Lex is a computer guy. We speak the same language. Also, when he comes face-to-face with me, he’ll see that his kidnapping scheme didn’t slow me down.”

      “He might have been the one to give the orders to Trevor and his mates, but I doubt Lex hatched this scheme.”

      “Why not?”

      As soon as he figured out that she’d been abducted, he’d been turning the event around in his head, examining the strategy. The reason for taking her was linear and simple: they wanted to find out how much she knew and to assess her level of expertise.

      He wished she could remember what she’d told them or showed them. Though he wanted to believe she was clever enough to point them in a wrong direction, Angelica had been drugged and couldn’t help telling the truth.

      The big questions came at the end. Why had they bothered with induced amnesia? Why take that risk?

      “Spence?” She gave him an adorable scowl. “It worries me when you think so hard. What’s on your mind?”

      “They erased your memory instead of using the more expedient solution to ensure your silence.”

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