A Family for Faith. Missy Tippens
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Название: A Family for Faith

Автор: Missy Tippens

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ heart ached at the look of pain on his face. “Children can do that to the best of us.”

      “Yeah.” He rocked back on his heels. “I guess I actually could use your help. Some female guidance for Chelsea since she’s been pushing for independence. I’ve got to do something. I can’t let her…” His voice hitched.

      Why, Lord? Why get me involved in this? She wished she could simply tell him good luck and turn away. But as if God Himself were forcing the words out of her mouth, she said, “What can I do?”

      The breath huffed out of him and his tense expression eased. He laughed. “I have no idea.”

      His smile ravaged her already tender nerves. She’d always thought he was handsome. Especially when in uniform. But seeing him in angst over his young daughter sent his attractiveness to a whole new level.

      “Well, I can tell you she was glowing with happiness after hanging out at the café tonight. Anything you can do to let her spend more time with friends will go a long way.”

      He crossed his arms as he digested that bit of information. “Have the kids her age been coming to the café this summer?”

      “Yes, some.”

      “Can Chels hang out with you one day this week?”

      Oh, I don’t think so was pushing at the edge of her lips. But the earnest look on his face snapped her lips tightly closed. Instead, she uttered, “Of course. How about tomorrow?”

      The strong, rugged man smiled, his nearly-black eyes beaming in the moonlight. He took hold of both her hands and gave a quick squeeze. “I appreciate your help.”

      What on earth was she doing? She should run in the other direction. She didn’t have any business taking a middle school girl under her wing. Chelsea was right about the age Ben had been when he started rebelling. Her kid with all A’s had done an about-face and had started on the slippery slope toward becoming a juvenile delinquent. And by the time Faith realized what was happening, she’d been too late to stop it.

      What if Faith failed with Chelsea, too? What if her advice to Gabe backfired?

      “I’ll bring her by during my lunch break tomorrow,” he said. “If that’s okay with you.”

      “Sure. Anytime.”

      “Good night, Faith.”

      His warm, deep voice brushed along her nerves, almost like a brush of his hand, soothing her.

      He was a kind man. A good father. A strong leader in the community.

      But he was hurting. Probably still grieving. Struggling with a strong-willed daughter.

      Okay, so it looked as if God may have put Faith in a position to help father and daughter. She would do what she could. But she better not fail this time.

      Chapter Two

      Gabe couldn’t resist. The next afternoon, a couple of hours after he dropped off Chelsea and traded cell phone numbers with Faith, he cruised by the coffee shop in his squad car and tried to get a glimpse of Chelsea, to see how it was going. Maybe buying her a cell phone with the stipulation she check in regularly wasn’t such a bad idea after all.

      Ever since Chelsea hit middle school, she’d been begging for the chance to stay home alone. And the previous Friday, he’d actually set the rarely used alarm system and left her alone. But it had been the longest two hours of his life. What if she falls…or burns herself or a stranger comes knocking?

      Letting her hang out at the coffee shop was only marginally better.

      He yanked out his cell phone and dialed Faith’s cell number.

      “She’s fine,” she said instead of answering with hello.

      Apparently, he was predictable. “Thanks. Don’t tell her I checked up on her.”

      Laughter sounded in the background. And not all of it was female. “Your secret is safe,” she said over the din.

      He wanted to know exactly who was there doing all that laughing—in that bass voice. “Is Chelsea with a boy?”

      “Um. Some of her friends stopped by.” He sensed a bit of hesitation. As if she hadn’t really wanted to give out that info.

      “Thanks.” He ended the call and parked, even though he knew Faith would take good care of Chelsea. Even though he knew his daughter would think he was interfering with her brief stint of independence.

      Because he knew he wouldn’t be able to concentrate on work if he didn’t investigate.

      He nodded and waved to passersby, calling each by name, as he strode down the blistering-hot sidewalk. Gabe’s smile held as he opened the door to Faith’s Coffee Time Café.

      Faith really had a knack for decorating. Since she’d bought the shop a year ago, she’d made the place feel homey and inviting with a couple of groupings of comfy chairs, tables with Mason jars full of fresh flowers, a display case holding mouthwatering pastries, the perpetual smell of coffee and, normally, soft Christian music in the background.

      But today, giggling drowned out the music.

      When Faith spotted him, her face screwed up into a wince. She made shooing motions with her hand, as if he were some irritating fly buzzing around the place.

      He ignored her warning and meandered toward the table, trying to catch snippets of the conversation—all the while eyeballing the boy sitting glued to Chelsea’s side.

      The kid with flyaway blond hair and freckles seemed way more than friendly. He and Chelsea had separated a bit from the group, were in their own little conversation. He had his arm around the back of her chair and practically had his tongue hanging out of his mouth like some lovesick puppy dog.

      “Chels?” Her name cracked across the café, louder than he’d intended.

      More-than-friendly boy popped straight up to standing. He looked familiar, like maybe he was one of those troublemaking Pruitt boys. “Hello, sir,” he said. But his voice, in the middle of changing, squeaked halfway through the greeting.

      Chelsea’s two friends—Valerie and Theresa—laughed.

      Chelsea didn’t. “Dad? What are you doing here?”

      “I just wanted to make sure you and Faith were doing okay.”

      “We’re fine.” She stared him down, anger narrowing her eyes and making her face splotchy red.

      Too bad. “Well, I’m not sure this was such a good idea.” He gave a nod of his head toward the boy. Then, to Chelsea, said, “It might be time to go.”

      “I’m just hanging out with some friends from church. I don’t want to leave.”

      Her ramrod straight back probably matched his at the moment. She might look like her mother with her light brown eyes and long, curly hair, but he could only blame himself for her stubborn streak.