A Daughter's Redemption. Georgiana Daniels
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      “He was here before, clearing the place out.” Caleb stood, a guarded expression in his eyes. The truck stopped abruptly.

      She smoothed the hem of her shirt and braced herself. She’d been praying for a chance to talk to Brad and Abby before they left town, before they all parted ways again—this time for good. Now was her chance, and she hoped she appeared calmer than she felt. “You’ve met my half brother?”

      “Not exactly.” Caleb’s jaw flexed when Brad shut off the engine. “He didn’t say much when he was here, other than telling me he knew exactly what was on the property. His meaning was implied.”

      Robyn cringed, wondering how bad their encounter was. “Why’s he here? There’s not much left except heavy furniture, and he’d need help for that.” She schooled her features as Brad slammed the truck door and closed the gap between them. “How are you?”

      “Fine.” He whipped off his shades. “Where’s the rest of the paperwork?”

      “What paperwork?” She stepped back.

      Brad walked toward her, then halted when he noticed Caleb off to the side. “Don’t play dumb. Dad’s files. What’d you do with them?” He nailed her with his gaze and raised a pointed eyebrow.

      “I haven’t seen any files.” She forced a smile, despite the uneasiness growing inside her. She chose her words carefully, rather than slipping back into big-sister mode and demanding to know what had gotten into him. “Come inside, and I’ll get us some coffee.”

      He brushed past. “I need to have a look around.”

      Robyn started to follow, but Caleb gently tugged her elbow. She turned toward him. “I’m going to help my brother.” Even though she didn’t have a clue what he was looking for, and didn’t appreciate his attitude. But more than anything, she wanted to make a connection with him while she could. She’d already learned life didn’t give a person unlimited time to repair relationships.

      Caleb shook his head, his gaze trailing Brad. “Let him go. Something’s not right.”

      Anxiety wormed through her as she watched her half brother storm into the house. Maybe if she helped, he’d be less agitated. “You don’t understand.” She pulled away from Caleb, vaguely aware his hand had been steadying her. She started toward the house. “It might be my only chance.”

      “Your only chance to what?” Caleb’s gentle tone reeled her back.

      “To talk to him.” It pricked her conscience to know she’d waited so long to reconcile that she was down to chasing her angry brother, who clearly didn’t want to be bothered. She closed her eyes to clarify her thoughts. “I know it sounds ridiculous, but if I don’t go after him now, that might be it.”

      Caleb held up his hands. “I won’t stand in your way. Be careful.”

      The warning lingered in her head as she made her way up the steps. What did Caleb know that she didn’t? She reached for the door at the same time Brad opened it. He pounded down the steps.

      She stumbled out of his way. “Did you find what you were looking for?”

      Brad wheeled to face her, his stale breath assaulting her. “Does it look like I did?”

      Frustrated, she counted to three before answering. “You didn’t have time to find anything. Let me help—”

      “You can help by telling me what you did with the rest of Dad’s files. There had to have been more.” Brad raked his hand through his dark blond hair.

      Robyn walked down the steps into the clearing, thankful for Caleb’s presence. This wasn’t the little brother she remembered—mischievous, but kind. This seemed like someone else altogether. “I haven’t seen any files or paperwork, but I’ll keep my eyes open. How about I call you if I find them?” She pulled her phone out of her pocket.

      “Like that’s going to happen. I know you took them.” Brad fisted his hand and made a sudden move toward her.

      Caleb cut him off. “Calm down, bud. There’s no need to accuse Robyn. Let’s talk this out.”

      Brad pointed at Caleb’s chest. “This is none of your business.”

      “I’m making it my business.” Caleb stood firm, arms crossed.

      Silence shrouded the clearing long enough for Robyn to swallow the nervousness rising in her throat. She shot up a quick prayer. “I’m only trying to help.”

      Brad’s jaw ticked, and even with Caleb between them, Robyn could feel the anger coursing through her brother. “I don’t know why Dad left this place to you, but one thing is sure—you don’t deserve it.” He pointed at her. “According to the will, everything on this property that’s not nailed down belongs to me and Abby. If I find out you’re holding back...” He let his threat hang as he turned and made for his truck.

      Robyn exhaled, hands trembling. “I’ve never seen him like this.” She looked at Caleb, drinking in his cool demeanor that reassured her during this unexpected encounter. “I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t been here. I mean, I’m sure he would’ve calmed down eventually. He’s probably still upset about Dad—we all are.”

      “Don’t make excuses for him.” Caleb retreated behind the sawhorse.

      “I’m only saying that he wouldn’t act that way if it wasn’t for the circumstances.” She searched his eyes for understanding.

      “His behavior isn’t excusable.” Caleb pulled out his measuring tape.

      “You’re right.” She shook her head, trying to get her mind around what just happened. “Thanks for stepping in.”

      “Anyone would.” He marked the lumber and didn’t meet her eye.

      “I think most people don’t like to get involved.”

      “You might want to stay away from him.”

      “I can’t. He has every right to come here and get our father’s belongings. I hate to admit it, but he made me uneasy.” Robyn rubbed a chill from her arms, then dipped her head to lock into Caleb’s gaze. “I hope you’re here when he comes back.”

      * * *

      She wouldn’t be saying that if she knew who he was, and the realization stung.

      What was coming over him? He couldn’t deny the surge of protectiveness that blasted through him when Brad appeared to threaten Robyn. To believe it had anything to do with the way she looked at him with those hopeful blue eyes would only further derail his plans to reveal his identity.

      Why hadn’t he unburdened himself of the truth when he had the chance? The moment he’d arrived at Lakeside the confession stuck in his chest like wood glue. And bringing it up now while Robyn expressed her gratitude after the encounter with Brad didn’t seem right, either.

      “He almost completely ignored me at Dad’s services, but I could understand that. Then after we found out Lakeside went to me, he stopped talking altogether. But this—I don’t СКАЧАТЬ