Weekend With The Best Man. Leah Martyn
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Название: Weekend With The Best Man

Автор: Leah Martyn

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ need looking after.’

      ‘You’ve been through a trauma tonight, Lindsey. What if you need something—or someone?’

      Heck! Was he offering? Lindsey pulled back from the flight of fancy. ‘I should explain,’ she said. ‘We have managers for the vineyard, Jeff and Fiona Collins. Their cottage is quite close to the main house. Knowing I’m coming, Fi will have aired the place, stocked the fridge and left the lights on. I’ll phone her when I arrive and she’s around if I need anything.’

      ‘I guess that’s all right, then,’ he said, as the bright lights of the roadhouse came into view.

      * * *

      ‘That was lovely, thanks.’ Lindsey forked up the last of her omelette and then sat back, replete. ‘So, why are you heading to Milldale?’

      ‘Nathan Lyons’s wedding.’ Dan finished off his steak sandwich and casually swiped his mouth with the paper napkin.

      ‘Of course. I can’t believe I’d forgotten for the moment. It’ll be a big do. Sami will have all the trimmings.’

      Dan raised a dark brow. ‘You know Sami?’

      ‘For ever. Our parents’ properties adjoin. We lost touch a bit when she relocated to Sydney but we’ve caught up again now she’s back.’

      ‘I’m Nathan’s best man,’ Dan said.

      ‘I knew from the hospital grapevine you were mates.’ Lindsey rested her chin in her upturned hand and looked at him. ‘Are you looking forward to the wedding?’

      ‘Yes, I am...’ he said slowly, and realised it was true. ‘They’re a great couple.’

      Lindsey gave a soft laugh. ‘They’re in love. It shows.’

      ‘I suppose it does. Have you ever been in love, Lindsey?’ he asked abruptly.

      Wow! That was out of left field. ‘In love. Out of love,’ she sidestepped lightly. ‘You?’

      He gave a tight shrug. ‘Same.’

      They picked up their mugs of tea, each silently assessing the weight of their answers, each guessing that they hadn’t exactly been lies but that they hadn’t been quite the truth either.

      ‘You’re not Sami’s bridesmaid, by any chance?’ Dan asked after a minute.

      ‘No. Her sister Caitlin’s filling that role. She’s just back from a modelling assignment overseas. Cait’s the face of Avivia.’

      ‘Which is...?’

      Lindsey chuckled. ‘Avivia is an international cosmetic company.’

      ‘Ah.’ He nodded sagely. ‘But you’ll be at the wedding?’

      ‘Yes. I’ll save you a dance,’ she ventured daringly.

      Dan’s eyes flicked wide. The thought of dancing with her, holding her, sent a new chain of awareness shooting up his spine.

      ‘I take it you can dance?’

      ‘Yes, I can dance.’ He gave a guarded kind of smile. ‘In fact, I used to love dancing.’

      ‘Used to?’

      ‘It’s been a while.’

      ‘Oh.’ Lindsey drew back in her chair. Out of nowhere, her body felt tingly with electricity. ‘We’ll have to catch you up, then.’

      His chuckle was a bit rusty. ‘Don’t plan ahead too much. I think I’m supposed to dance with the bridesmaid a bit.’

      ‘Well, only the first dance, perhaps.’ Lindsey’s eyes gleamed. She was enjoying this. ‘Cait’s engaged. She’ll have her bloke with her.’

      ‘So...’ Dan considered. ‘After the first dance, I’m off the hook?’

      ‘Unless Nathan expects you to work the room.’

      ‘Unlikely.’ His mouth curved into a crooked moue that was almost a grin.

      ‘That’s good, then.’ Suddenly Lindsey’s breath felt fluttery. What was it about being with Dan that made her feel as though she was flying through space without a parachute?

      And loving it?


      THE NEXT MORNING Dan was awake early. He got up, embracing a new sense of purpose, a kind of upbeat feeling, as he threw himself into the shower and then dressed in faded jeans and a long-sleeved navy T-shirt. He’d arranged to meet Nathan for breakfast.

      He slipped quietly down the stairs from the upper floor of the pub and stepped out onto the street. So this was Milldale, Lindsey’s family home. He could imagine her growing up here, he thought. A leggy country kid, bright as newly minted gold, a bit sassy, self-reliant... He shook the image away and continued along the quaint village street.

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