The Wrong Kind Of Wife. Roberta Leigh
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Название: The Wrong Kind Of Wife

Автор: Roberta Leigh

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы





      ‘I wasn’t half-naked,’ Tim replied. ‘Nor was I making love to Patsy. I was just kissing her. Dammit, I’ve known her since I was six. Her brother’s one of my closest friends.’

      ‘Perhaps you should divorce me and marry her! Then you can work for Daddy and live on the family estate instead of in a poky flat on the wrong side of the river!’

      ‘Stop it!’ Tim bit out. ‘I’m happy here because I’m with you, and that’s all that matters to me. You should know that by now.’

      ‘Should I?’ Lindsey was suddenly gripped with insecurity. ‘I don’t know anything about you at all.’

      Catching the weariness in her voice, he took a tentative step towards her. ‘Why don’t you get into bed and I’ll bring you a hot drink? You look exhausted.’

      ‘Hardly surprising when I’ve been working flat-out.’

      ‘That’s your choice.’

      ‘I was talking about Paris!’ she snapped. ‘I love my job and I can easily cope with it. It was only pressured because I wanted to get home ahead of schedule. Pity I didn’t save myself the trouble.’

      ‘For heaven’s sake!’ Tim’s temper rose to meet hers. ‘I’m a normal, red-blooded male who was missing his wife and stepped a bit out of line. Stop turning it into the crime of the century.’

      ‘Missing your wife?’ Lindsey spluttered. ‘Four days without me and you can’t control your lust!’

      ‘That wasn’t what I meant, and you know it.’

      ‘I certainly do. All I am to you is a good lay, and when I’m not here you’ll settle for anyone else!’

      ‘That’s a disgusting thing to say.’

      ‘It’s the truth!’ She was screaming like a harridan yet couldn’t stop herself. ‘You’re sorry you didn’t marry Princess Patsy. She’s one girl who’d meet with your parents’ approval.’

      ‘That’s what’s bugging you, isn’t it? That they don’t approve of you? Well, why should they?’ Tim flung at her harshly. ‘You abhor everything they stand for and you’ve shown them nothing but contempt. You can’t bear anyone who’s well off, can you?’

      ‘I don’t believe in privilege unless it’s earned.’

      ‘Dad may have inherited the company from his father, but it’s his efforts that have made it bigger and more successful.’

      ‘I suppose you resent me because you aren’t working there too?’

      ‘I don’t resent you, Lindsey. You made it plain you wouldn’t live in Evebury, so I had no choice. That’s the difference between us. You’d have walked away from me, but I couldn’t have walked away from you.’

      Dismayed, Lindsey stared at him. Did he genuinely believe what he had just said? Didn’t he know how much she loved him? The knowledge that he didn’t, hurt her deeply, showing how little he understood her.

      ‘I’m beginning to see why you didn’t want to live in Evebury,’ Tim went on. ‘You were scared you’d lose control over me.’

      ‘Why should I want to control you?’

      ‘Because you have a king-size inferiority complex and it’s time you faced it. The main reason you dislike my parents is you’re jealous of them. As you’re jealous of anyone who has the things you’ve never had.’

      ‘I was waiting for you to bring up my background,’ she cried.

      ‘I never have until now. You’re always the one bleating about being working class. I don’t give a damn where a person comes from. It’s what they make of themselves that counts.’

      ‘It’s easier to make something of yourself if you start with the advantage of money,’ she said scornfully.

      ‘You haven’t done so badly,’ he retorted.

      ‘Because I chose a profession that recognises ability. What you know instead of whom you know.’

      ‘That applies to most professions these days,’ Tim said. ‘Face facts, Lindsey, or can’t you bear to admit you’re wrong?’

      ‘I was wrong to marry you,’ she flared, not meaning it.

      ‘That’s something we can easily rectify,’ he rejoined, striding from the room.

      ‘If you walk out now,’ Lindsey screamed, ‘don’t bother coming back.’

      ‘What makes you think I’d want to?’

      Before she could answer, the door slammed behind him.

      For a long moment she stared at it, then she collapsed on to the dressing-table stool and rested her head in her hands. The evening she had anticipated with such pleasure had turned into a disaster. Tim hadn’t meant the things he had said, any more than she had. But words, once spoken, weren’t easy to forget. Yet forget them they must, or their marriage was doomed.

      Shivering, she undressed, deciding a hot bath might help her unwind. If past arguments were anything to go by, Tim was sure to appear before she had finished and offer to wash her breasts! Her heartbeat quickened. One thing would lead to another, and hurt and anger would fade beneath the stronger force of passion. Not that the reason for their quarrel could be overlooked; too many bitter things had come to the surface for them to be swept aside. But it was better to discuss them when tempers had cooled and realism, rather than emotion, was the arbiter.

      But though Lindsey stayed in the bath for ages, Tim did not return, and she finally dried herself and went to bed.

      She touched his pillow as she did, and began to cry. Was she really the envious young woman he had accused her of being? She refused to believe it. She had simply wanted him to be independent and not dutifully do his father’s bidding. She had assumed he had realised this, but it seemed she was wrong. Resenting his lack of understanding, her anger returned.

      Time passed and she lay wakeful, her anger giving way to fear as midnight became two and two became four. Where had he gone? An image of Patsy rose before her, and jealousy brought her upright.

      Dammit, she wasn’t going to lie awake like this! If Tim thought he could make her jealous he could think again. Storming into the bathroom, she rummaged in the cabinet for a sleeping pill.

      Tomorrow, she assured herself, he would return chastened and apologetic, and they would sit down and calmly discuss everything that had taken place tonight. He had behaved stupidly over Patsy, but perhaps the stagnancy of his career, allied to her own burgeoning success, was responsible for it.

      But at rock bottom they loved each other, and they must acknowledge this, for it was the cornerstone on which to rebuild their marriage.


      TIM had still not returned when Lindsey finished СКАЧАТЬ