The Shadowed Heart. Nina Beaumont
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Название: The Shadowed Heart

Автор: Nina Beaumont

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература




СКАЧАТЬ wasn’t held captive, Chiara realized. She was captivated. Captivated by his touch, by the warmth in his eyes that promised every earthly delight. She felt the pleasure race through her in tandem with the loathing as if they were two halves of the same whole. Panic licked at her as flames lick at parchment.

      He must be truly evil, she thought. He must have sold his soul to the devil to be given this power to enchant, to seduce, although she knew him to be capable of the vilest abomination.

      She closed her eyes, gathered all her strength and lifted her hands from his.

      Luca watched her, felt her tremble as she might under a heavy weight. And he smiled, although his own desire was so sharp that it slashed at him as fiercely as her dagger had slashed at him an hour before. It would not be easy, he thought. But it would be worth it.

      He took a step back from her and then another.

      “Come,” he said softly. “Rico has brought us some food.”

      Chiara felt the warmth from his body recede and she opened her eyes, hating herself for her own weakness.

      “Come,” he repeated. “You must be hungry.” He smiled. “I know I am.”

      The merest hint of sensual suggestion tinged his smile. Forcing herself to look away from him, she crossed the room toward the table.

      Luca picked up the silk coverlet that had slipped from her shoulders and followed her.

      Chapter Five



      As the delicious scents rose toward Chiara, she twisted her hands in the folds of her nightgown to prevent herself from rushing toward the table and stuffing handfuls of food into her mouth. She’d eaten nothing for the past three days but some bread and cheese the man on the burchiello, the barge that had brought her to Venice, had given her and an apple she had stolen that afternoon from a street vendor’s basket

      Because the enormity of her hunger was like a beast within her, she sat down and took a deep breath before she reached for a piece of bread. She began to eat, forcing herself to break off small pieces of the bread.

      Luca watched her eat with a steadiness that indicated both extreme hunger and extreme control.

      “Here.” He stopped behind her and slid the coverlet around her shoulders. This time he allowed his hands to linger for a moment. “It’s still chilly in here. This room hasn’t been used for a long time.”

      Chiara pulled it around her closely and tied it in a loose, large knot.

      “You mean, you don’t bring women here every night?” She glanced at him over her shoulder.

      “No.” He sat down and, in an attempt to keep his hands to himself, picked up a slice of cheese. “But if you truly had the sight, you would not need to ask that.”

      Her hand paused an inch from her mouth. “I do not waste my sight on what has no importance.”

      “I see.” He leaned back with a mocking smile. “And I suppose it was important for you to use your sight to peer into the lives of a few indolent patricians?”

      “I needed the money,” she said simply.

      “What for?”

      For my sister. For Donata, whom you raped and turned into a lunatic. The words were on the tip of her tongue, but she swallowed them and merely shrugged.

      “So tell me,” he drawled. “What else do you do for money?”

      Chiara heard the mocking insinuation in his voice and her fingers tightened on her fork. Resolutely she kept her eyes on her plate, knowing that if she looked at him now, she would not be able to control herself.

      “I do what I must,” she said quietly. “But I have never lain with a man for money.”

      “There’s always the first time.”

      She raised her eyes now and met his. “But that time is not going to be with you.”

      The moment the words were said, she stilled, remembering that snatch of a vision she had had when he had kissed her. If the vision was true, she thought with horror, it would not be for money that she lay with him. Nor for revenge.

      Fighting against the memory of the vision and her own words, she sent him a cool look and returned to her food.

      Damn her, Luca thought. Damn her pride and the way she cleverly mimicked aloofness when he knew she was anything but indifferent to him. He had felt her respond to him, damn it. He had felt it.

      He splashed wine into two goblets of indigo-colored glass, lifted one, emptied it and filled it again.

      “I will have you, money or no. And you will be willing,” he said, his voice soft and urgent. “Here.” He pushed a goblet toward her. “Let us drink to that.”

      “No, thank you.”


      His voice had hardened and Chiara looked up at him. Traces of the fury she had seen earlier were in his eyes. Even as she took stock of it, she sensed the struggle within him. Sensed how he fought to harness the wildness within himself that was flaring like fire in a forest of dry pines.

      Slowly she picked up the goblet. Not because he had ordered her to do so, but because she needed the time to come to terms with what she had sensed.

      She took a stingy sip and then another one before she set down the goblet.

      “Is the wine not to your taste?”

      “It’s fine.”

      “Then why do you not drink as much as you would like?” he demanded. “Are you trying to keep your head clear?” As if in defiance, he lifted his goblet to his lips and drank deeply.

      “Yes,” she said cautiously, and edged her chair back. “Yes, I am.”

      “Why?” He leaned a little closer and picked up the ends of the coverlet around her shoulders to toy with the silk fringe. “Do you think you can escape?”

      She would not even try to escape, she thought. Fate had put her here. And fate would give her her revenge. And the price? What will be the price of revenge? a voice within her whispered. But she knew that whatever the price, she would pay it.

      “No, I know I cannot escape.” she said.

      “That’s very wise of you.” He wound a length of blue silk around his hand. “Then why do you want to keep a clear head?” He gave the coverlet a tug, bringing her to the edge of her chair. “Are you afraid the wine will make you willing?”

      “Wine can make me weak, but it can never make me willing.” She closed her hands over the soft linen of her nightgown. “Nothing can make me willing.”

      “You’re wrong. I can make you willing and we both know it.”

      He СКАЧАТЬ