The Inconveniently Engaged Prince. Mindy Neff
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СКАЧАТЬ given you references, you’re a self-made success story. The king of cell phones. A man like that’s not intimidated by a few big words.”

      “See? Great guys, my friends. The king title’s a little over the top—even though I am related to a royal family. Was it my buddies singing my praises that made you decide to go out with me?”

      She wanted to smile at the way he teasingly claimed a connection to royalty. She knew he’d deliberately put his friends up to giving him “references.” And they’d had great fun doing it. “I haven’t really decided to go out with you.”

      “Too late. We’re out.” He gestured around to the crisp night where quaint wrought iron streetlamps illuminated the sidewalks in front of restored buildings that had stood since the 1870s. “And you’re with me.”

      She shook her head. “Literal, aren’t you?”

      “I can be. Think of me as your study aid. We’ll exchange information, delve into each other’s psyche. I’m an open book. Anything you want to know, just ask.”

      Hiking the strap of her purse over her shoulder, she shoved her hands in the pockets of her denim jacket. The October air was brisk and invigorating. “Are you always so…”

      “So what?”

      “I don’t know. Happy?”

      He laughed. “It’s called being positive. It’s an energy. Very effective business tool.”

      “And personal one as well.”

      “Is it working?”

      “I think you know it is.” She glanced at the sidewalk tables outside a café. “Where are we going, anyway?”

      “Well, it’s your call, but I’ve got a great condo across the bay. Incredible view. And I make a killer omelet. Decent coffee, too.”

      “And I suppose you have some etchings you’d like to show me, as well?”

      He slapped a wide palm to his chest. “Victoria, my love. You wound me. I’m a perfect gentleman.”

      She couldn’t help but laugh. The man inspired it. He also made her nervous. Especially when he used those endearments so casually. “I think I’m a little overwhelmed by you.”

      “Can’t have that. We’ll save the view for next time. How about the coffee shop around the corner. They’ve got a great caramel apple pie.”

      “Now that’s just flat-out not fair. I’m a sweets nut.”

      He leaned in close. “Mmm. I figured that about you. Will it scare you off if I warn you I’m dying to take a bite?” His eyes caressed her hair, her lips. “Of you.”

      Desire washed over her so swiftly her head swam. Not good. Don’t backslide, Vickie.

      She cleared her throat, took her hands out of her pockets and fiddled with the strap of her purse. “Um…yes.”

      “Okay. We’ll ease into that.”


      He paused, put a finger over her lips. “You’re safe with me, Victoria. I joke around a lot, but I’m a nice guy. Honest.”

      The warmth of his finger against her lips made her want to taste him. In his eyes was sincerity. The problem was, she’d been taken in before. She wasn’t too sure about her own judgment when it came to men and their intentions.

      Oh, she wanted to believe him. Wanted to let down her guard and be a normal woman who could take life as it came and not worry about appearances or mistakes or anything else. But the past was always there. Lurking. A reminder.

      “You’re thinking too hard,” he said.

      “I’m a little rusty at this sort of thing.”

      “What, going for coffee? It’s a snap.

      Just follow my lead.”

      Just like that he could put her at ease. She decided he was right. She was thinking this to death. For once in a very long time, she was going to go with the flow and simply relax in the company of a nice man.

      “Then lead on.”

      JACE CHOSE a corner booth at a trendy coffee house, and watched as Vickie slid onto the sea-green, vinyl bench. He wanted to scoot in next to her, feel the warmth of her body against his, but sat opposite her instead. He didn’t want to scare her off when she’d finally agreed to come out with him.

      It was crazy really. He’d never reacted this way to a woman before. But the moment he’d seen her serving drinks at Diamond Jim’s he’d been hooked. Maybe it was the innocence of her sweet smile, or the dimples in her cheeks, or the soft music of her voice, or that intriguing glimpse of the little tattoo he’d seen on the small of her back when her sweater had ridden up as she’d bent over to wipe a table.

      Or maybe it was something deeper. She touched him on a level he couldn’t quite define.

      He didn’t know her, but wanted to remedy that. She was beautiful in a wholesome way, fresh and intriguing. She didn’t give much away, and he’d tried like mad to get her to open up. Instead, like a woman of mystery, she’d just smile and glide away—intriguing him all the more.

      He’d teasingly gotten his friends to vouch for him and found himself suddenly nervous over her opinion. What had started as a friendly lark, a flirtation with a pretty waitress, had become soul-deep important.

      He watched as she tucked her mink-colored hair behind her ears. He’d come to know the gesture as a nervous one.

      What he was experiencing was more like a gut instinct—an incredibly strong gut instinct. And he’d made millions in the business world relying on his hunches.

      He had an idea Victoria Meadland was going to change his life.

      “Relax,” he said.

      “I told you, I’m out of practice.”

      “There are no expectations, here. I’d like it if we could just be ourselves.”

      “Is that a rarity in your business life?”

      He shrugged. “Not really. I’m the kind of guy who figures you might as well take me as I come.”

      “I admire that kind of self-confidence.”

      “Anybody can have it. In fact, I give miniseminars on positive attitudes to my employees. It’s amazing what it does for closing a deal.”

      “Maybe I ought to sign up for one of your classes.”

      “Are you kidding? You could probably teach the class. After watching you this past month, I’d say you’ve got more self-confidence than my whole company put together.” For some reason that caused her eyes to light with pleasure. Hmm. Had someone told her she wasn’t good enough sometime in her life? In his book, that was inexcusable.

      “It’s СКАЧАТЬ