The Daddy Dilemma. Kate Denton
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Название: The Daddy Dilemma

Автор: Kate Denton

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы





      In the predawn hours, Gordon Galloway sat motionless in a rocking chair, watching his tiny daughter sleep. He’d been there the entire night, dozing occasionally, but unable to remain asleep for long. “I can’t lose you,” he whispered, his heart aching, squeezed in an invisible vise. Yet the possibility was too real. All because of Beth and her hotshot lawyer Mackie Smith.

      Already those two were making his life a living hell, and things were just heating up. Gordon could visualize this morning’s hearing. Beth had a penchant for drama and the wronged maiden was one of her favorite roles. His imagination went into overdrive speculating on what kind of performance she’d give today to impress this particular audience of one—a judge with the power to blast Gordon’s world asunder.

      His attorneys had told him to stop stewing, swore that there was no way Beth could finagle Ashley away from him. Easy for them to say—it wasn’t their child. And they had yet to catch Beth’s act. When she put her mind to it, Beth could charm the fangs off a snake.

      For certain, Gordon wasn’t about to give up Ashley without a fight—gloves off if necessary, Marquis of Queensberry rules be damned. Yet he couldn’t erase the fear that no matter how tough a war he waged, he’d still lose. Even in today’s more progressive courts, the norm was to favor mothers over fathers in custody battles. Even mothers like Beth.

      He glanced outside. Darkness had given way to a streak of pale pink light traversing the horizon. The dreaded day was here.

      Rising stiffly from the chair, his muscles in rebellion at their long confinement, Gordon stretched and crept silently to Ashley’s crib, staring down at his daughter. He straightened her blanket, then reluctantly turned away. Time to shower and dress. As apprehensive as he might be about the contest ahead, he dared not be late.


      POISED to present her case, Mackie stood in the center of the courtroom. Surreptitiously, she glanced at her adversaries seated at a table a few feet away. Gordon Galloway and his pack of attorneys from Alexander, Mott and Percy were awesome to behold. Talk about overkill. You’d think Galloway was taking on Microsoft.

      “Your Honor,” Mackie began, directing her remarks to the judge, “as our petition affirms, my client’s ultimate goal is shared custody of her daughter. However, she wants to be the first to acknowledge past mistakes and seeks to redeem herself. That’s why I’m submitting a new motion.

      “Rather than addressing the custody issue, all we ask from the court today is that Beth Galloway be allowed visitations every other weekend for the next six months, that she be given an opportunity to bond with her child and to establish herself as a fit mother.”

      The stunned silence emanating from the opposing attorneys told Mackie that reactions were precisely as she’d anticipated. By admitting weakness and asking for less than expected, she had robbed the Galloway team of its chance to beat up on her client.

      From Judge Fillmore, Mackie saw a spark of interest in her request. It was already midmorning and an overloaded docket lay ahead of him. The possibility of quickly dispensing with one matter had to be tempting.

      “Give me a moment to read the motion,” the judge said.

      Mackie used the opportunity to study Beth’s ex-husband. Earlier she’d spared him scant attention, noting little about his appearance beyond the fact that his medium brown hair was modishly cut. Now she had her chance for a better look.

      One wouldn’t call him handsome in the conventional sense—his longish face rather angular, no-nonsense wire-rim glasses framing his eyes, his cropped hair ruffled from repeated hand raking. At the same time, something about Galloway made her want to step closer and take stock. Maybe the earnest gaze or the vivid blue eyes that even glasses and distance couldn’t hide. There was something understatedly sexy about the man. It was easy to see how an innocent like Beth could have been taken in.

      The second the judge laid down Mackie’s documents, Sonia Mott, one of Galloway’s attorneys, rose to object, only to be cut off in mid-diatribe.

      “Have you got some current evidence that shows this mother to be a danger to the child?” the judge interrupted.


      “What do you call deserting a newborn?” Gordon Galloway barked in a voice that went all the way to the bench.

      “Counselor, control your client,” the judge instructed sternly, sending Galloway and his team a stare strong enough to peel paint off the walls. “Petitioner’s request is granted. Alternate weekend visitation is temporarily established and further consideration of this matter is postponed for six months. At such time professional assessments will be made.” With that, he pounded his gavel, announced a brief recess and left the courtroom.

      “We won!” Beth squeezed Mackie’s forearms in celebration, then her eyes shot past Mackie’s, her lips easing into a sly grin as she zeroed in on her former husband.

      Mackie could appreciate her client wanting to gloat a little. But it wasn’t wise to toss gasoline on an already-combustible situation. She nudged Beth toward the door. “Get on to that job of yours and I’ll negotiate the logistics for Ashley.”


      After listening stonily to arrangements for relinquishing his child the coming weekend, Gordon walked out with his lawyers as far as the elevators, then pointed at the water fountain, indicating they were to continue on without him. He took a couple of gulps to wash down the bile in his throat. Had his outburst caused the judge to rule in Beth’s favor? If it were physically possible, Gordon would kick himself from here to the end of the hall for losing his composure like that.

      Normally he displayed the calm, thoughtful demeanor befitting the college professor he was. For a few moments in there, however, he’d been like a child in the throes of the terrible twos—unable to restrain his emotions. But dammit, this was about Ashley. It was torture having her welfare, her future, resting in the hands of others.

      I can’t leave it like this! Charging back toward the courtroom where Mackie Smith remained behind, Gordon pushed open the door. She was just coming out and he almost collided with her, felt her hand pressing against his chest to avoid bodily contact.

      Determined to get himself in control, Gordon retreated a step, bracing himself against one of the courtroom pews. “I tried offering Beth a settlement but she refused,” he began, breathlessness from anger and the too-close encounter vibrating in his voice. “Obviously my offer wasn’t enough. So please tell me how much she’s holding out for and we can move to end this charade.”

      Mackie was taken aback, not sure what bothered her more—Galloway’s reappearance or the physical contact between them. That brief touch was as electrifying as those incredible blue eyes...eyes she could now see were framed by lush sable lashes. Her equilibrium wasn’t helped, either, by this revelation about a settlement offer. News to her—Beth hadn’t said a word. But that wasn’t what mattered at the moment. What mattered was putting some distance between herself and Gordon Galloway. “Really, Mr. Galloway, this isn’t appropriate.”

      He gave her an irritated roll of the eyes. “Neither is your farce of a lawsuit. I repeat, how much?”

      “Beth isn’t after your money.”

      “The hell she isn’t. Aren’t you a tad suspicious that Beth’s СКАЧАТЬ