Second Chance Sweethearts. Kristen Ethridge
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СКАЧАТЬ far apart these days, Gloria and God.

      And now there stood the wrath and fury of the storm in the gap. There was no bridge that could cross that. She was alone with one pregnant woman and one elderly aunt who went to bed an hour ago saying she “always liked sleeping to the sound of the rain.”

      Crazy lady.

      Of course, Gloria wondered what was more crazy: Inez’s idea of ideal sleeping weather or Gloria’s idea that she could deliver this baby under these circumstances.

      She felt pretty sure the answer was not Inez.

      There must have been a lot of cries being lifted from the citizens of Port Provident tonight. Gloria didn’t think it mattered much, but the icy chill in the pit of her stomach and the howl of the wind outside came together and nudged her to add one more request from Port Provident to Heaven.

      “Querido Dios, dear God, give us the strength we need to get through tonight.” She closed her eyes and let out a sigh. “Please.”

      She didn’t have anything more to add. Talking to God for basically the first time in two years was much like placing that call to Rigo earlier. Awkward. And just a reminder of the bad times, when she was all but abandoned by someone she thought would never leave her.

      “I’m coming, Tanna. I’ll check you again. You may be getting closer to transition.” Gloria tried to master the fear inside as she walked down the hall. First-time labor brought enough uncertainty to a mama. Tanna at least deserved a midwife who sounded confident, even if the midwife was scared to death on the inside of the conditions all around.

      Gloria paused and looked over the railing and down the stairs. On the level below, the water had risen to more than a foot deep. Gloria could no longer see the baseboards. Since the turn-of-the-century home stood on pilings that were about six feet high, plus the slope of the lawn down to the street, Gloria estimated the storm surge was easily already more than ten feet deep outside.

      She rummaged through the boxes that had been stowed earlier at the open area at the top of the stairs, both for easy access and the hope they’d remain high and dry. Inez had packed a box with food and some supplies like batteries and candles, and there also was a smaller box. Inez said Rigo had packed it with things like a hammer and a small plastic sheet that could be used like a tarp.

      Shortly after arriving at the house, Gloria had pulled together another box with sheets, blankets, a coil of twine, extra scissors and some bottled water, just in case she needed to use it. And she’d also placed her box of midwifery supplies alongside these critical supplies.

      As she grabbed a sheet and a new pair of disposable gloves, something crashed into the front door with a thud.

      Her breath came short. Surely someone wasn’t trying to break in on a night like this. Was it debris? The thud hit again and rattled the doorknob, then the front door swung partway open. The sky behind it glowed strangely red and a familiar figure stood silhouetted in the frame, water lapping almost to his knees as he stood a step or two down on the stairs at the front door.

      “Rigo?” She’d never been more thankful to see him. Not when she was madly in love with him as a teenager. Not even when he showed up at the seedy apartment complex to help get Tanna to safety. The world seemed to be collapsing all around her, but at least she wouldn’t be alone as Tanna’s labor progressed. His presence was better than nothing.

      Maybe a lot better than nothing. But she didn’t want to admit that quite yet, not even to herself.

      “The power’s out completely now. I couldn’t make it up to the command center at the Grand Provident. The streets are like rivers. I barely made it back here. Is Tanna okay?”

      At that moment, Tanna let out a low moan. The guttural noise told Gloria’s trained ears that Tanna was moving toward the next phase of labor, the one where instinct and the body took over and left the thinking, controlling mind behind.

      “Yes, she’s been having steady contractions since we got settled and things seem to be picking up. I was just gathering what I needed to check her again.”

      Gloria needed to get to Tanna but stood rooted, drinking in the sight of Rigo’s silhouette, dark with untold layers of rain, framed by crimson in the sky behind.



      “Why is the sky red? Is that normal?”

      “It is if a marina is on fire.” He kicked the door shut with his foot and began to cross the room toward the kitchen as he answered. “Although I’ve been told the sky’s color in hurricanes can range from midnight blue to teal and even shades like pink.”

      “The marina is on fire?”

      “Yes. The whole thing. The fire department can’t get to it, so they’re just letting it burn. It will be a complete loss.”

      She rolled her eyes in disbelief. More destruction, in ways she never imagined. “My sister Gracie’s sister-in-law has a really nice boat down there.”

      “I’m sorry, Gloria. I’m afraid that boat is gone. They’re not expecting anything to be left. One of my guys talked to an assistant fire chief about an hour and a half ago and told me.” She needed to stop thinking about the way looking at his silhouette in the fire glow a few minutes ago had made something inside of her spark. She had to remind herself that at age eighteen she’d promised herself she was never going to take notice of him again.

      “I’m coming up,” Rigo said. “Is there anything you need?”

      Gloria shook her head, not trusting herself to answer with words.

      As Rigo waded across the entry and placed his shoe on the first soaked stair, a crackle sounded behind her. She turned around to see water shoot from the nonfunctioning electrical outlets like the jets on a Jacuzzi tub.

      “Rigo! The house!” Gloria screamed, terrified she was about to find herself in the same situation as the doomed marina.

      “Gloria. I need your help down here.” In that instant, Rigo transformed from civilian to peace officer. There was no questioning or disobeying the tone in his voice. “It’s the pressure. It’s building up in the walls. Those holes are the best way for the water to relieve the pressure.”

      “Gloria? Gloria? What’s going on?” Tanna shouted from the bedroom.

      “It’s just the water, Tanna.” Gloria couldn’t believe that she had the ability to sound calm. Her throat was full of fear and her veins coursed with adrenaline. “Rigo’s here. We’re coming. Just move into whatever position makes you the most comfortable.”

      Gloria skittishly made her way down the stairs, afraid of the fizz of the outlets and the red of the marina fire and the ice in her heart and her stomach and the tips of her fingers.

      Rigo grabbed Gloria’s hand as she made it to the bottom of the stairs. Even though he was leading her into who knows what kind of chaos, she felt better just having his hand wrapped around hers. She could feel a callus at the base of his ring finger and vaguely wondered what had caused it. It hadn’t been there before.

      Time had changed them all. In ways both big and small.

      “Where СКАЧАТЬ