No Conventional Miss. Eleanor Webster
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Название: No Conventional Miss

Автор: Eleanor Webster

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Исторические любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ to stand. ‘Who are you? Why are you here?’

      ‘Lord Wyburn. I came to visit Sir George Gibson.’ He stepped back, watching her closely. ‘You are Miss Gibson?’

      Of course, Lady Wyburn had mentioned an overprotective stepson. But Rilla hadn’t imagined...

      ‘Sorry, I thought—’ She paused, inhaled, making a conscious effort to collect herself. ‘It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lord Wyburn.’

      ‘And you.’

      Her stomach tightened again, likely a natural reaction. The last thing she needed was for Father to get riled up or on his high horse. He’d hated the idea of accepting charity and she still worried he might gamble in some last-ditch effort to secure funds.

      ‘Miss Gibson, are you still dazed from your fall?’

      ‘No, not at all.’ Rilla jerked her attention back to her visitor. ‘I will get Thomas for your horse.’

      ‘Your father is in?’

      ‘Um—yes,’ she said and whistled for Thomas.

      The lad responded promptly, his eyes irritatingly wide at the sight of Wyburn and his mount. Bending, she picked up the remnants of her pulley and handed this also to the lad.

      With the horse under Thomas’s care, Rilla smoothed her dress, which she belatedly realised was still partially tucked up, and nodded towards the house.

      ‘This way, my lord.’

      * * *

      Paul walked alongside Miss Gibson, covertly assessing her as they neared the residence. Her fall from the tree had dishevelled her gown and dirtied her face, yet she exhibited no embarrassment.

      Indeed, had he been feeling charitable instead of irritated by his errand, he might have found her calm assurance impressive. She walked briskly, with confident strides. Everything about her tall physique spoke of energy and practicality of purpose which was good, he supposed. He had no tolerance for female moods. But he did not favour hoydens either.

      The house proved a pleasant building of Tudor origin with brick walls half-hidden in wisteria and punctuated by mullioned windows. But the family’s poverty could not be missed. He saw it in the overgrown shrubbery, the peeling strips of paint dangling from window frames and the haphazard appearance of loosened slates.

      The girl pushed open the door and Paul blinked as he stepped into the dimness of the hall after the brightness outside. No servant greeted them, nor did the girl seem to expect one. Instead, she took his hat and then removed her bonnet.

      He watched, briefly fascinated as her red hair escaped in a wild cascade of colour. Paul didn’t know if it was beautiful or ugly and, strangely, it didn’t matter. It had such life, such vibrancy.

      The goat girl all grown up.

      ‘I’ll announce you to my father,’ she said. ‘He’s in the study. May I bring refreshments? Tea, perhaps?’

      He dragged his gaze from her hair. ‘Tea would be fine.’

      ‘I’ll go to Father.’

      Paul nodded, looking about the entrance. Sun shone through an octagonal window, forming a patchwork of golden squares on a threadbare runner. Floor wax, flowers and dog hair scented the air in a not-unpleasant combination. Indeed, there was something cosy, almost comfortable about the place.

      A load of codswallop! He would do better to concentrate on Lady Wyburn’s financial interests and not on the unlikely delights of floor wax.

      Glancing up, he found Miss Gibson had not yet withdrawn, but studied him, her head to one side and eyebrows drawn together. She inhaled deeply. The bodice of her gown stretched tightly.

      Her figure was not flat.

      ‘Miss Gibson, was there something else?’ He met her gaze. Her eyes, he noted, were an unusual grey-green and fringed with dark lashes in contrast to her fiery hair.

      ‘ you will not upset my father.’ For the first time, she seemed uncertain.

      ‘It is not my intent. Is Sir George distressed by social calls?’

      Perhaps he was an eccentric academic, comfortable only with dry texts. And card games.

      ‘No, but—’ She frowned, and then squared her shoulders. ‘You have come to discuss Lady Wyburn’s plans for my sister and myself, and I want to make sure you are under no misapprehension about us.’

      ‘I am not prone to misapprehensions and I believe my business is with your father.’

      ‘Lady Wyburn mentioned that you worry about her and I want you to know that you need not. We intend to pay back—’

      ‘Miss Gibson, this discussion is hardly proper.’

      The girl needed a set-down or she’d not survive her own come-out.

      Surprisingly, she laughed. ‘We left propriety when I fell out of the tree. It is only that I’d prefer you did not worry my father about such matters. I can answer any questions you might have.’

      She spoke earnestly, the love and worry for her father evident in her gaze.

      He was not unmoved. ‘I will keep that in mind.’

      She nodded, twisting a fiery ringlet of hair about her finger. ‘I also wanted you to know that I...we care greatly for Lady Wyburn.’

      ‘I also care for her ladyship, Miss Gibson.’

      ‘Then we are of perfect accord.’

      Their gazes met. Hers was like an ocean with depth and movement. She spoke softly but with firmness, and he felt again that peculiar mix of irritation and admiration.

      He also found he believed her.

      ‘Good,’ he said, after a moment. ‘Now that we have clarified our mutual admiration for my stepmother, might we proceed, provided I agree not to unduly distress your father?’

      ‘Of course. This way, my lord. Follow me.’

      Good Lord, her tone was positively chivvying. Again Paul wanted to smile. He hadn’t been chivvied since nursery days and never with success.

      Miss Gibson led him down the hall and pushed open a dark, wood-panelled door. Sir George’s study was small and full of books piled not only on shelves, but in haphazard stacks on the floor and desk. A fire crackled but did not draw properly and smoke hung in blue-grey wisps, scenting the air. A clock ticked, the steady, methodical beat of an old timepiece.

      ‘Father, may I present Lord Wyburn? He is Lady Wyburn’s stepson,’ Miss Gibson said.

      Sir George sat at a desk in the far corner. He wore a shabby, ill-fitting nankeen jacket and appeared small, although that might have been the effect of the books and papers piled about him.

      ‘A timely interruption.’ He stood, running his hand across his balding head and СКАЧАТЬ