His Unexpected Baby Bombshell. Soraya Lane
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СКАЧАТЬ the length of her spine. But this was Ben, this was a step back into the past for one night, and the idea of seeing him again... She shook her head as if it would somehow push her worries away.

      She was going to do it. And then she’d figure out how to break the news to him, because now he was home, and if he was home for good, then all the reasons she had for keeping Lexie from him were gone.

      THIS WAS HARDER than she’d thought. Just the idea of seeing Ben had her stomach turning, twisting into a cavalcade of knots. She focused on the road and gripped the wheel tighter, pulling over just near the turnoff and trying to slow her breathing, trying to stop her hands from trembling, too. If she could only still them enough to smudge some gloss over her dry lips, run her fingers through her hair and press a smidge of perfume to her neck, she’d be fine.

      The driveway loomed ahead; as immaculate as she’d remembered it. Gus was an old man now, but his standards hadn’t slipped, and she found herself hoping the stables and house were unchanged, too. Her memories were so vivid, colorful in her mind as if she’d been here merely months ago, instead of years.

      She pushed the lever down into Drive again, satisfied that she looked passable in the mirror, and pulled slowly into the driveway. Gravel crunched under the tires and trees softly waved against the metal of the vehicle as if welcoming her. Bec took a deep breath and found emotions getting the better of her. Up until a week ago, she’d never expected to see this place again, but it was so good to be back.

      Up ahead she could just see the house, a triple brick, beautiful residence that was as immaculate as the drive. Roses were neatly clipped, windows thrown wide, one of the most gorgeous houses she’d ever seen. Her own family home was nice, better than modest, but this place was something else. And then her eyes settled on her once favorite part of the property—the row of stables, in an L-shape, to the left of the house.

      She slowed the car to a crawl as she surveyed the place, looking for any sign of life and seeing none. There were no horses in sight, but then at this time of day it wasn’t to be expected. Apart from a ginger cat stretched out in the sun, it was as good as deserted. In a way she was glad, it gave her time to walk around and reminisce before figuring out what to say to Ben.

      She pushed open the car door and let it shut behind her as she stretched her legs. The sun was warm on her bare arms and she moved toward the stables, eyes wandering everywhere. What she loved about this place was the privacy, with only the side of the stables visible. Bec had heard there were fewer horses here than ever now that Gus had slowed down, but as soon as she rounded the building it became obvious that reduced numbers for him were still impressive.

      The property had been purpose built with horse rearing and polo playing in mind. The old stables had been meticulously cared for and maintained over the years, and Rebecca stopped to look. The stables stretched in a long line, flanked by larger, box stalls tying up bays. The wooden structures were faded yet clean, the white and navy colors still vivid in her mind from years ago. Wisteria curled down over the edges, pots of bright flowers infusing color into the well-kept area. The door to the tack room was wide-open, and Rebecca could smell the aroma of saddle soap and sweaty horse blankets. It was a blast from the past that made her smile.

      She continued on, stopping to rub a nose poking out from one of the boxes. The smell of hay, the sight of horseflesh, it sent a shiver of both excitement and worry through her body. The same kind of feeling she got thinking about Ben.

      Rebecca looked ahead to the land before her. The most sheltered field was still kept for young stock, and from the looks of them, recently weaned fillies and colts. Frisky-looking babies who were having a ball of a time, playing and scolding one another in the safe, well-fenced environment. Working with the young stock had been something she and Ben had both enjoyed. Teaching them their manners, how to respect humans, all without needing to use a firm hand. Back then, she and Ben had always had their heads buried in a Monty Roberts book, the legendary horse whisperer who flaunted industry-standard horse breaking rules.

      Rebecca walked on and let her eyes wander, taking in the sights, but it was the noise out to her right that had the blood pumping that little bit faster in her veins, that had a smile turning her mouth upward.

      She could just make out someone, who she presumed was Gus, excitedly waving what looked to be a cane as some young guys trained. At least six horses rushed past in a blur, hooves pounding hard on the ground as they thundered fast alongside each other. Her feet picked up speed and she rushed toward them, desperately wanting to watch the game as the horses and riders galloped around the polo field.

      She didn’t want to disturb Gus, so she approached quietly once she was close, watching the riders compete for the ball, heading toward the goal. From her vantage point, she snuck a quick glance at the old man before her and felt sad, it was like he’d shrunk a little and aged so quickly, but it was unmistakably the same kind person who had been so good to her for so many years.

      “Go, go, go!” She jumped as Gus screamed, waving his stick again.

      As one of the players made a goal he threw his stick, one hand pumping up in a fist. She couldn’t help but laugh.

      “Gus.” Her voice was soft but he turned immediately on the spot, his eyes meeting hers.

      Gus looked her over for a moment before a big smile spread out wide over his face.

      “Rebecca! Well, look at you.”

      He held out his arms and she reached him in no time, embracing him fondly.

      “It’s so good to be back here, to see you,” she mumbled, holding him tight.

      He smiled at her as she stepped back, his eyes shining.

      “Just look at you. Look at you, huh? All grown-up.”

      She beamed, embarrassed yet flattered. Before she could answer a voice interrupted them, sending her almost a foot in the air with fright.


      Ben. She would recognize that voice anywhere. Deep, rich and delicious. He sat astride a blowing, sweaty polo pony that was now dancing very close to her.

      “Good goal, son. I’ll walk him back for you.”

      Ben jumped to the ground and passed Gus the reins.

      “You sure you’re okay taking him?”

      The older man just looked skyward, eyes rolling. Bec knew it would take more than a highly strung horse to keep him from where the action was, walking cane or not.

      Bec stole a glance at Ben while his attention was still directed at the horse before looking away. If only he wasn’t so handsome, so charming, so...not available. Or possibly available, she had no idea if he had a girlfriend or not, but not available to her. She was all about no complications, being a mother, nothing else. Nothing else, she repeated inside her head just in case her body was thinking of disagreeing. She’d been happy being friends with him for so long, but ever since that night...


      He was talking to her. Damn it! And there she was away in fairyland.

      “You looked good out there.” It was all she could think to say, but the truth was she hadn’t even realized he was the one in the saddle.