Heavenly Husband. Carolyn Greene
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Название: Heavenly Husband

Автор: Carolyn Greene

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы





      “I’ll make two promises to you, and I’ll keep them both.” Letter to Reader Title Page Dedication PROLOGUE CHAPTER ONE CHAPTER TWO CHAPTER THREE CHAPTER FOUR CHAPTER FIVE CHAPTER SIX CHAPTER SEVEN CHAPTER EIGHT CHAPTER NINE CHAPTER TEN Copyright

      “I’ll make two promises to you, and I’ll keep them both.”

      When Kim tried to turn away, Jerry touched her chin, urging her to look at him fully. “First, I promise you that I am not your ex-fiancé, nor will I ever hurt you the way he did. My second promise...” he drew in a lungful of air “...is to watch over you and protect you. I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe.”


      Kim suddenly wanted to lighten the mood. “That’s what guardian angels are for,” she joked, fingering the gold pin on her blouse.


      “That’s exactly it!” he insisted proudly. “I’m your guardian angel.” And before she could protest he pulled her into his arms.

      Dear Reader,


      Remember the magic of the film It’s a Wonderful Life? The warmth and tender emotion of Truly, Madly, Deeply? The feel-good humor of Heaven Can Wait?


      Well, we can’t promise you Alan Rickman or Warren Beatty, but, starting in June in Harlequin Romance®, we are delighted to bring you a brand-new miniseries: GUARDIAN ANGELS. It will feature all of your favorite ingredients for a perfect novel: great heroes, feisty heroines, breathtaking romance, all with a celestial spin. Written by four of our star authors, this witty and wonderful series will feature four real-life angels—all of whom are perfect advertisements for heaven!


      We’ll be bringing you one GUARDIAN ANGELS romance every other month.


      Heavenly Husband

      Carolyn Greene


      With many thanks to Kim Barnes for inspiring

      me to write this book


      KIM had always imagined that when you broke up with someone there would be screaming involved...from at least one of the two parties. And maybe some china thrown for dramatic effect.

      The real thing turned out to be nothing like that. Somehow, she just couldn’t dredge up the energy to raise her voice. She felt dead inside, as dead as the love she’d once had for Gerald Kirkland. As for the china, she liked the blue-and-white pattern of the set that had once been her mother’s—the set her father had given her in anticipation of her upcoming marriage to Gerald. The delicate pieces were too precious to be wasted on the likes of him.

      As for her fiancé—former fiancé—he was taking the news in a manner that suggested she’d just told him there was a power failure and they’d have to eat out tonight.

      Kim moved to the door and held it open for him. “If you’ve forgotten anything, I’ll pack it up and send it to your apartment.” The thought flitted through her mind that she could burn anything he left behind or get rid of it in a garage sale, but, for now, she hurt too much to let her thoughts linger on revenge. All she wanted was to get him out of here—out of her house, out of her life, out of her mind, and mostly out of her heart.

      Gerald bent to pick up his briefcase, the movement causing his biceps to bunch under the starched white shirt. Then, in a gesture that came more from habit than from intent, he leaned toward Kim as if to drop a casual kiss on her cheek. When she drew back, he seemed to realize the foolishness of his action.

      “This is a big mistake,” he said. “You’re jumping to conclusions. Why don’t you be reasonable and forget about what you saw? Then everything will be the way it used to be.”

      He flashed her a smile that, just a few days ago, would have made her weak in the knees.

      Kim’s hand tightened around the doorknob. She considered herself a tolerant person. There was a lot she’d tolerate in others, but laziness and lying were two character traits she considered unforgivable. Not that there was a problem with Gerald’s work habits. In fact, other than the way his custom-tailored suit fit—from his broad shoulders to his narrow waist and hips and down over his thick-muscled thighs—his ambition was what appealed most to her. She’d never known a man so willing to work so hard to get ahead. He had lofty dreams and expensive tastes, and he was prepared to do whatever it took to get what he wanted.

      But the lying. That was another matter.

      She’d had vague suspicions about what he’d been up to when he broke dates with her and claimed to be working late. Even so, she’d given him the benefit of the doubt when he did show up—late—smelling of a citrusy feminine perfume. Even yesterday, after Gerald had told her he’d be working straight through lunch, she had wanted to believe him. When she drove to pick up a sub sandwich a few blocks away, she’d been surprised to see Gerald’s Lincoln a few cars ahead of her. She was even more surprised to see a woman seated beside him. Although the hat that shielded the passenger’s face prevented Kim from identifying her, something about the woman seemed familiar. She reasoned Gerald had changed his mind and decided to take a co-worker after he couldn’t reach her at her desk. Assuming he was also headed to the sub shop, Kim followed him, intending to join them for lunch. When he passed the popular meeting place, she continued to follow him, thinking he’d stop for a burger farther down the road.

      Instead, he’d pulled into the parking lot of a small motel. Staying a discreet distance behind them, Kim had watched in horrified disbelief as the couple walked, arm around waist, into the building.

      Now, leaning against the door—more to prop herself up than to prop it open—Kim looked up and saw that Gerald was waiting for her to “be reasonable” and make everything “the way it used to be.”