First Mates. Cecelia Dowdy
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Название: First Mates

Автор: Cecelia Dowdy

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ He touched her shoulder.

      “Thanks,” he whispered.

      Chapter Three

      Rainy rushed to her cabin late that afternoon. She opened her closet and scanned every dress before removing a few selections. The sapphire-blue dress would bring out the brown color in her skin. The silk taffeta was simple but striking. The cranberry dress looked good also. While chewing her lower lip, she finally made her selection.

      Choosing the taffeta, she entered her bathroom and gazed at her reflection in the mirror. Piling her hair on top of her head, she wondered if she should sport a more sophisticated look for her dinner date. So many choices!

      While showering, she thought about her day. This cruise was going to be so much fun! Sarah and Rachel had really done her a favor by forcing her onto this ship.

      After drying herself with a white fluffy towel, she dressed for dinner. Upon opening her jewelry box, the first item discovered was Jordan’s necklace. Her fingers touched the expensive freshwater pearls.

      Would Jordan want her back? The sound of his voice as he called her from England, ending their engagement, scattered through her mind like unwanted weeds in a garden. I can’t believe he actually found another woman in a foreign country! He said he didn’t want me, so do I even want him back? She shook her head, dispelling further thoughts of Jordan. They weren’t going to reconcile, and that was final. She replaced the necklace and slammed the lid of her box. The sound echoed in the small room. The only jewelry she would wear was a pair of earrings.

      She forced herself to think of Winston as she placed the studs in her ears. Gazing at her reflection in the mirror, she sprayed her favorite jasmine perfume over her chest and arms before she finished dressing. The wonderful floral scent tingled her nose.

      While pacing her room she glanced at the clock, finally sitting on the bed and continuing to wait. A hard insistent knock vibrated through the room. Seconds later she opened the door and gazed at Winston Michaels. His dark tuxedo accented his broad shoulders and trim waist. His silk shirt was a splash of ivory decorating his chest. Waves of nostalgia washed over her as she recalled her first high school party.

      He touched his head. “I got a haircut. The barber-shop was pretty crowded, but I convinced them to squeeze me in.”

      A warm glow radiated from his face as he looked at her. “You look nice.” I’m glad I took the extra time in preparation for this special date.

      She returned his smile, hoping her voice wouldn’t falter. “You look nice, too.”

      He cleared his throat. “I’m glad they have some formal dinner nights on this cruise. It gives us a chance to dress up.” He chuckled softly. “I love having a pretty lady with a fancy dress on my arm.”

      Her heart raced with excitement as they strolled to dinner. The dining room was extravagant. Each table was decorated with white tablecloths and a vase of fresh flowers. The lights were dimmed, and the soft glow of candles permeated the room.

      Most of the women wore formal dresses in different colors. It seemed as if a rainbow exploded and the shades randomly settled around the tables.

      The waiter showed them to their seats. “You look nice tonight, ma’am.” The waiter attempted to pull her chair out, but Winston beat him to it. She thanked him as she settled into her seat.

      “You look so beautiful tonight,” he mumbled as they opened their menus.

      “Thank you.” That’s the second time he’s complimented me tonight.

      The waiter returned minutes later. “Our special tonight is filet mignon with baby potatoes.” He took their dinner and drink orders before leaving the table.

      Rainy smiled. “I find it hard to believe we spent the whole day together. We’re acting like we just met.”

      Winston gazed around the festive room. Subdued voices mingled in the background. “I know. The formal clothes, and the candles—” he tilted his head toward the lighted tapers “—make things seem different. But I’m the same guy who was wearing swimming trunks this afternoon.”

      She giggled and relaxed into her chair. “I’m glad we’re having dinner together.”

      “Me, too.”

      The waiter returned minutes later with their food. He placed the dishes on the table and removed the silver covers. “Enjoy your meal.”

      He cleared his throat, looking slightly nervous. “Do you mind if we pray over our meal together?”

      She nodded, pleased by his request. “I’d love to.” She bowed and closed her eyes, listening to his strong voice as he thanked the Lord for the food and for this day of life. He prayed for their safety while on the cruise. He prayed for God to heal Rainy’s aching heart. After saying “Amen” simultaneously, they started their meal.

      The scents of juicy steak and buttery potatoes wafted through the air. The clinking of silverware against china filled the room as the other diners enjoyed their meals. After they had their apple pie and ice cream for dessert, they took a long walk on the deck. Several couples passed, still wearing their formal evening attire. A warm gentle breeze blew over the water.

      Winston leaned against the railing. “You know we’re docking in Cozumel tomorrow.”

      “Yes, I can hardly wait. I’m ready to get off this ship for a day.”

      “Would you mind if we spent the day together?”

      She smiled and touched his muscular arm. He reminded her of a schoolboy asking for his first date. “I wouldn’t mind at all. As a matter of fact, I was kind of looking forward to spending the day together tomorrow.”

      She was rewarded with his huge grin.

      “You know, since both of us live in Miami, I think we’ll be seeing a lot of each other once we dock,” he commented.

      They continued to stroll around the deck as the calm, soothing silence enveloped the beautiful night with tranquility.

      Later that night, as they watched the comedy show, Rainy laughed so hard that tears came to her eyes. After the show, they returned to the upper deck.

      Scents of luscious berries, fruits and desserts wafted around the deck as the crew prepared for the midnight buffet. As the workers carved a mermaid-shaped ice sculpture, Rainy prepared a plate of food and they sat at a table to enjoy their late snack. “I’m going to gain ten pounds by the time this cruise is over.” She patted her full stomach.

      He perused her from head to toe with his hazel eyes. “I don’t think gaining a few pounds will hurt you at all.” She flushed with pleasure. She sometimes worried about her weight and it was nice that Winston liked her appearance.

      Early the following day, she met Winston for another breakfast date. As she slathered butter and syrup over her hotcakes, she caught him staring at her.

      A fluttering ripple of butterflies seemed to move through her stomach. He quickly looked away, focusing on his plate of scrambled eggs and bacon. “What’s the matter?” she asked before taking a bite of sausage.

      “I’m СКАЧАТЬ