Double Identity. Diane Burke
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Название: Double Identity

Автор: Diane Burke

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература




СКАЧАТЬ if she closed her eyes really tight she’d wake up and find out this had been a terrible nightmare. Sophie squeezed her eyes shut, counted to five and then slowly opened them. Nope. Still Main Street. Still Cain standing there with that worried look on his face. She hadn’t been dreaming. But, boy, she wished she had.

      “Your father’s letter said he left to keep you safe.” The soft, low tenor of Cain’s voice soothed her. “But I bet you don’t feel very safe these days, do you? Something is happening and I want to help you get to the bottom of it.”

      She locked eyes with him. “You’ve changed your mind? You’re going to help me?”

      Cain grinned. “I never said I wasn’t going to help you. I said that I didn’t think I could help you. Face it, you haven’t given me a lot to go on. But I never said I wouldn’t try.”

      Sophie nodded and hung her head.

      He gave her hand a quick, reassuring squeeze and her heart skipped a beat. Why’d he have to be so kind? It didn’t hurt that he was good-looking, too. How was she supposed to think straight if her heart took silly little jumps every time he looked her way?

      “Considering what happened today, we’re going to have to try harder to find a place to start looking.” Cain glanced up and down the street. “Your father was right, Sophie. You’re in danger. The question is, why?”


      The diner looked like something right out of a 1950s magazine, black-and-white tile floor, red vinyl booths, red covered stools at the counter and polished chrome everywhere. Small jukeboxes graced the tables and stood at attention at marked intervals along the speckled counter top. The steady hum of quiet conversations mingled in the air with competing strands of music from the jukeboxes. Sophie paused for a moment and looked around. It must be close to lunchtime. The place was packed. As the tantalizing aroma of home cooking wafted in the air, she knew why. Her mouth watered like she was a participant in a Pavlov experiment.

      “Over here,” Holly yelled, waving them to the counter. “I’ve saved a couple of seats. We can talk while you eat.”

      Sophie weaved her way through several people waiting for seats. Normally, she would have been kinder and waited her turn in line but not today. Today it was every man—or woman, as the case may be—for themselves. She hadn’t eaten since lunchtime yesterday. One glance at the huge burgers and home-cut fries at the booth beside her gave her the incentive to move faster as she whispered, “Sorry,” and elbowed her way to the counter. She plopped down on the stool Holly had reserved for her. Seconds later Cain slid in beside her.

      “Wow! This place really does a business.” Sophie glanced around the crowded diner and smiled at Holly.

      “Some people say we’re packed because the food is fantastic. Others say it’s because we’re the only diner in town.” Holly laughed. “I don’t care what the reason. I’m just happy they come. Now, what can I get for you?”

      “I’ll take a burger and fries,” Sophie replied. “With lettuce, tomato and onion.”

      “And to drink?”

      Before she could answer, Cain said, “I’ll order the same and you can bring us a couple of large chocolate shakes.” When Holly hurried away, he leaned his elbow on the counter and swung to face her. “This diner has the best chocolate shakes—and the best charbroiled burgers—and on Tuesdays we serve fabulous pot roast dinners…”

      “And apple pie. Don’t forget you told me this place serves the best apple pie.”

      Cain laughed. “Okay, I admit I probably sound like a bad advertisement for fast food. But I dare you to finish your meal and not smack your lips.”

      Sophie grinned. “No way. I’m not stupid. I looked at the food on the way in and I’m not taking that bet. Those burgers are so thick I’m wondering how I’m going to open my mouth wide enough to take a bite.”

      “Believe me, you’ll find a way.”

      Holly placed two glasses of water and silverware in front of them and disappeared again before Sophie could do more than blink.

      Cain leaned closer so he could be heard above the hum of other conversations and the beats of music. “I’ve been thinking about your situation. There’s got to be something you’re overlooking. An old letter. Something in the background of a picture. A name. Date. Something.”

      Sophie shrugged. “I can’t imagine what it would be. I’ve spent the past two weeks searching for clues and I keep coming up empty.”

      Cain reached over and brushed a strand of hair from her face.

      When his fingertips slid across her skin, her heart pounded so hard she thought it would leap right out of her chest. She sat perfectly still, not daring to break the welcome contact or even to breathe.

      “This has been a tough day for you.” His eyes looked like pools of dark chocolate and all Sophie could think about was how much she liked desserts.

      “Coming through. Hot stuff here.” Holly slid two platters overflowing with food in front of them. “Let the girl get some food in her empty stomach, Romeo. Make your moves later.”

      Cain’s expression darkened like an incoming storm. “You can be a real pain. You know that?”

      Holly grinned. “What’s a kid sister for? Be back in a sec with your shakes.”

      Sophie blinked in surprise when Cain clasped her hand, bowed his head and offered a quiet blessing. When he looked up, he grinned and said, “Go ahead. Dig in. And tell me if you don’t think that’s the best burger you’ve ever tasted.”

      Sophie didn’t need a second invitation.

      They sat in companionable silence enjoying their meal.

      A short while later Sophie pushed back her empty platter and patted her stomach. “I can’t believe I ate the whole thing. I’m so stuffed I can hardly breathe.”

      “And?” he prompted.

      “And I have to admit it was the best burger I’ve ever eaten.”

      Cain laughed. “Told you so.”

      Holly cleared the dirty dishes and was back in a flash. She propped her elbows on the counter and said, “So, spill. I want to hear every nasty detail. Girl, what have you done to get someone mad enough to try and run you down?”

      Cain and Sophie took turns filling her in on the little information they had.

      “Wow,” Holly said when they’d finished bringing her up to date. “I don’t know what’s spookier—not knowing what happened to your dad—or waking up one morning not knowing who you are.”

      Sophie grimaced. Holly had honed in on exactly what was eating her up inside. It was bad enough she didn’t know what had happened to her father. But her father was strong, sensible. She had faith that he’d be able to take care of himself.

      But, as for the rest…

      How could she explain how it felt to have spent twenty-two years believing СКАЧАТЬ