Courting Katarina. Carol Steward
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Название: Courting Katarina

Автор: Carol Steward

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ but we need to leave. Thank you, Alex.” She paused and looked at Katarina, as if tempted to say something else. “We sure appreciate your help.”

      “Glad I could be of service.” Alex reached his hand out to Katarina.

      She froze.

      “I’ll take the tux now.”

      Katarina looked at the clothes she’d clung to, and handed them to Alex. “Oh, sorry, I forgot I had them.”

      His lips curved into a smile and Katarina felt her face flush.

      He looked down and examined his pants for damage. “Guess you have more fabric for that collection of yours.”

      She smiled stiffly and handed him the bundle in her arms. “I’ll bring Ricky over in a while?”

      “Sure. And if you’re not busy, feel free to join us.”

      “I am, but thanks for the invitation.”

      Chapter Four

      Ricky bounded up the front steps toward Alex. Behind him, his sister’s kids ran up the stairs screaming, chased by Alex’s brother, Adam. Laughter echoed from the beamed ceiling. Ricky stopped, his eyes opened wide, then he turned around and dived into the folds of Katarina’s skirt.

      “Maybe this isn’t such a good idea,” Alex whispered.

      Katarina spoke softly to Ricky and gave him a hug. She had obviously been around the child quite a bit. He clutched her leg as she stood up again. “This isn’t like him,” she whispered back, “but then, he has had a lot of changes in his life these past few weeks. I guess I should have thought of that.”

      He didn’t want to force them to stay, yet he hoped he could coax his nephew to give them all a chance to get to know one another. Alex squatted. “Ricky, I’d sure like for you to meet the rest of your aunts and uncles. And you even have some cousins now. They’re just your age.” Alex reached out his hand and waited for the frightened child to respond. “Would you like to meet them?”

      Ricky peered out from the fabric and pulled it across his face again, a mischievous grin on his face.

      Alex chuckled. “I see he takes after his shy aunt Katarina.”

      Her cheeks turned pink. Trying to free Ricky from her skirt, Katarina blurted out another option. “Maybe I should stay. Would that be okay with you, Ricky?” She looked up with those bright blue eyes. “That is, if your family wouldn’t mind.”

      Alex stifled his pleasure. Ricky wasn’t the only one apprehensive about being there. And he didn’t want to scare either of them away. “We wouldn’t mind at all.” He tore his gaze from Katarina. “What do you think, Ricky?”

      The little boy nodded and grabbed Alex’s outstretched hand, reaching out with the other for Katarina. “C’mon, Auntie Kat.”

      Alex led the way through Kevin’s house to the backyard. Away from the noise inside, Ricky seemed more like his usual spunky self. “Come see the zebro.”

      “The zebra?” she repeated, puzzled.

      She looked at Alex, and he shrugged his shoulders.

      Katarina looked around the yard. He could see that sparkle in her eyes. She’d figured out what Ricky meant, and was now making a game of it.

      She looked up into the maple tree and shook her head. “I don’t see any zebras.”

      Ricky pointed to the object and giggled. “See, it’s a zebro. An’ Kevin, my new daddy, put a swing in it, too. C’mon.” The little boy took hold of Katarina’s hand and dragged her past the barbecue grill, past the picnic table full of glasses and food.

      Alex followed, playing along with the ruse, as he, too, figured out the mystery. “Ricky, there is no such thing as a zebra with a swing inside.”

      “Yes, sir! See?” He pointed to the ivy-covered gazebo and pulled Katarina inside.

      “Oh, a gazebo. Can you say ga-ze-bo?” Katarina’s smile was warm and enthusiastic.

      “Ga-ze-bro,” Ricky repeated confidently.

      Katarina praised his efforts. “Very good. Come here and try out the porch swing with me.” She sat down and pulled her nephew onto the seat beside her.

      Alex sat next to them and rested his arm on the back of the bench, wishing suddenly that they were alone. The thought surprised him. Katarina was attractive, and also spoken for. Even if she wasn’t, with his life up in the air, he was in no position to set his sights on any woman.

      His loneliness had nothing to do with Katarina, or coming home to help his brother run his construction company. Katarina wasn’t just some woman he’d like to see a few times. They were practically related. He didn’t need to complicate things. It would only make it that much more awkward to be around each other. After all, they were bound to be invited to the same family gatherings in the future.

      He listened to Ricky and Katarina joking around. She had a contagious laugh, and the two fed off each other. Though the sound brought a smile to his lips, Alex was struck with an uncommon feeling of regret.

      Adam bellowed over the crowd, “Burgers are ready.”

      Alex touched Katarina’s shoulder. “You two ready for a bite?” Her contagious giggles came to an immediate stop, while Ricky’s continued.

      “I’m not hungry, but thanks, anyway. You two can go ahead without me.” She pushed herself from the swing and went across the gazebo to the window on the other side.

      Uncertain what had startled her so, Alex suggested Ricky help him fix his plate.

      As she watched Alex lift Ricky to his shoulders, Katarina’s mind drifted. How easy it had been to let the mood of the day carry her away with the relaxing sway of the swing, the soft voice of her sister’s brother-in-law and the coziness of sharing a gazebo with a handsome man and an equally adorable child.

      Just watching Alex, she had no doubts he’d make a wonderful father. Why hadn’t he married? He seemed nice, considerate, and his looks certainly wouldn’t stand in the way.

      “Katarina?” Alex looked right at her.

      She blinked, suddenly aware that she’d been staring. “What?” Why in the world was she daydreaming about Alex MacIntyre? A take-charge man didn’t fit into her plans.

      Ricky dangled over Alex’s shoulder like a sack of flour, squealing with delight. “I’m going to take Ricky to meet everyone. You sure you don’t want to come?”

      She tipped her head toward the window and shook her head. “I think I’ll just wait here. You two seem to be doing fine.”

      Alex swung Ricky to the ground. A smile teased Alex’s lips. “No hiding out allowed. After all, you’re part of the family, too.” Then they were gone.

      She watched as Alex and Ricky hugged Alex’s mother. Ricky met his twin aunts, Elizabeth СКАЧАТЬ