Beloved Enemy. Mary Schaller
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Название: Beloved Enemy

Автор: Mary Schaller

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература




СКАЧАТЬ filled his nostrils. Her lips, moist with her outrageous request, were less than twelve inches from his yearning mouth. He knew they should return to the ballroom before someone missed them. Miss Cobweb did not have any idea of the true cost of a ruined reputation, but Rob knew. Even if she were a Confederate, he did not want to be the one to debauch her. He wanted revenge for his injury, but not at the expense of this innocent. What she needed was a good fright to put some sense back into that pretty head.

      The cold moonlight shining through the windowpane glinted in her jade-green eyes. Staring into their depths, Rob tried to ignore their magnetic pull on his senses.

      “To ruin a young lady means to take her virtue,” he began in his best attempt to remain impervious to her attractions.

      “Oh!” gasped the Fairy Princess. Her eyes grew wider.

      Rob continued in a hurry. “A kiss on your lips by a stranger like myself would be enough to ruin a respectable young woman such as yourself.” How he wanted to do it right away!

      Puzzlement filled her green orbs. “But I have been kissed already. Frank did that before he went off to fight the…to war,” she finished.

      Rob thought of his cold bed back in his hotel. “Why don’t you marry Frank then, instead of this cousin? It would save you a great deal of grief.”

      The lady looked down at the floor. “He was killed at Manassas,” she whispered. She touched a silver locket that she wore around her neck. “And he only kissed me once—on the cheek.”

      Rob was tempted to take her in his arms for comfort’s sake, but that would defeat the point he was trying to make. “I am sorry for your loss,” he said through stiff lips. “But to return to your present…um…problem.” His loins stiffened. He hoped it wasn’t noticeable. “If I took improper liberties with you—”

      She looked up with warm expectation. “Yes?” she breathed.

      Rob groaned as his manhood throbbed under his frock coat. How did he get himself into this hell? He had to end this nonsense quickly before he did something that he would surely regret—later. I must be cruel to be kind.

      “To ruin you,” he growled, “my kiss would be hard. It would bruise you.” He tore his gaze away from her lush mouth. “And…and I would not stop with just one kiss. Oh, no, I would kiss you many times…in many places.” Sweat rolled down the back of his neck.

      The tip of her pink tongue darted between her lips. “Fascinating!”

      Rob squeezed shut his eyes. A sane man could only withstand so much temptation. Miss Cobweb had no idea how warm she had made him. He had to conclude the little lecture now.

      “It is quite unpleasant, miss. I doubt you would like it at all—and neither would I,” he ended with a profound lie.

      Rob backed away from her and lifted the drape. Fortunately, their corner was still deserted. “It’s high time that we rejoined the party,” he muttered, every nerve in his body aflame.

      She gave him a soulful look. “So you will not ruin me after all?”

      He pushed her into the supper room. “That remains to be seen.”

      Though her plan had failed miserably, Julia felt relieved. Who would have ever guessed that she would happen to find the one and only true gentleman in this roomful of churlish Yankees? She looked up at him and caught his sidelong glance. Though his mask covered half his face, she could tell that she had made him uncomfortable.

      To ease the tension, she whispered behind her fan, “I thank you for protecting my reputation, sir, but, at least, could you say that you had your way with me? I mean, if anyone happened to ask you.”

      He looked stricken. His mouth thinned, then he replied, “I pray that there will be no inquiries. I have no intention of eating buckshot for breakfast.”

      Just then, Joe Jackson announced a polka. Couples at the refreshment table pushed past Julia and her major to claim a spot on the dance floor.

      As the music began, Julia saw her sister for the first time that evening. Carolyn was in the center of the room in the arms of an officer wearing bright red Turkish trousers. The man was practically galloping her down the length of the dance floor.

      Leaning down, Rob observed, “Now there is a pretty minx who will leave many a broken heart in her wake.” He nodded toward Carolyn. “She’s a candidate for ruination.”

      Julia gulped. “I fear you are right. That’s my sister.”

      Rob groaned. Then he turned to her with apology in his chocolate-brown eyes. “Forgive me again, Mistress Cobweb. It is the knavish spirit within me. Is your sister named Peaseblossom for the color of her gown?” he added in a rush.

      Julia knew her mother would swoon if she saw Carolyn just now. To the major’s anxious look, she remarked, “No, we left Peaseblossom at home to grow some more. That is Mustardseed, so called because she will indeed add a great deal of spice to life.”

      Finally, Rob smiled at her just as he had done earlier in the supper room. Hoping that their awkward episode was behind them, Julia returned his smile. Then she glanced back at the dance floor.

      “Hellfire!” she gasped with horror under her breath.

      As Carolyn’s partner whirled her faster, her sister’s mask slipped down to her neck, revealing her identity for all the world to see!

      Chapter Five

      Across the room, Melinda Winstead stared at the petite blonde in the blue gown who had skittered to a stop in the middle of the dance floor. Within the blink of an eye, the girl pulled up her mask again, but it was too late. Melinda had gotten a good enough look to know that the lively flirt in the arms of a New York Zouave was none other than that brat, Carolyn Chandler.

      “What a brazen little hussy!” Melinda hissed, as she watched Carolyn attract all sorts of admiring glances from half the men in the room. She couldn’t have come here alone.

      Melinda scanned the other dancers, then her gaze roved over the crowd on the sidelines. She paused when she saw a slim woman in a green gown with that unmistakable auburn hair—and wearing an exact copy of Carolyn’s mask. Melinda snorted through her nose. Julia Chandler! How dare those Secessionists presume to come to her ball! Melinda’s outrage grew even more livid when she noticed that Julia was in the company of an absolutely gorgeous major—easily the handsomest man at the party.

      Turning on her heel, Melinda dashed through her guests and crossed the hall to the library where she knew her father entertained some of the older men with bourbon and risqué stories. As she hoped, George Winstead stood at ease with his back to the crackling fire in the center of the book-lined room. Cigar smoke tinted the air blue.

      Barely acknowledging the surprised stares of her father’s cronies, Melinda demanded the attention of her frowning parent. She paid no mind to his understandable displeasure at her intrusion into his male sanctum.

      “Papa, you must come quickly!” She grabbed him by his arm.

      George put down his whiskey glass on the blotter of his polished mahogany desktop. “Here now, young lady. What has happened? Is there a row brewing?” Though his tone СКАЧАТЬ