Bachelor Boss. Pamela Ingrahm
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Название: Bachelor Boss

Автор: Pamela Ingrahm

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ didn’t mind giving one hundred and ten percent, but today was her birthday. Her mother was waiting to go out for Chinese food, and then they were going to take turns arguing over who got to hold Erin while they watched the movie Madalyn had rented the night before. It probably wasn’t most people’s idea of a big birthday bash, but it suited her just fine.

      Madalyn glanced at the clock. It was almost seven and she wasn’t even close to being finished. Picking up the telephone, she sighed and dialed her home number. She brushed a wayward strand of not-quite brown, not-quite-red hair out of the way as she pressed the receiver to her ear.

      Her mother’s Cajun accent jarred her out of her wandering thoughts.


      “Hi, Mom, it’s me again. Looks like we have to cancel my birthday plans. I’m not even close to getting out of here.”

      “You’re still working? My goodness!”

      “I’ll tell you all about it when I get there, but that may not be for a while. Don’t let me forget to call Mr. Price at home and let him know what happened.”

      “I’ll write you a note. I’m sorry about tonight, shay. But my angel and I are having a good time.”

      “Oh, yeah? And how many cookies has she conned you out of?”

      “Don’ you talk about my angel that way!”


      “Just three, but they were just a bit and a piece—”

      “Mother, don’t you dare give her another one. Has she eaten any dinner at all?”

      “Yes, and had a bath, and she’s rubbin’ her little eyes. I swear she looks like your papa lookin’ back at me.”

      Madalyn smiled. “I know, Mama. Listen, I’ve got to go. I’ll see you soon. Kiss my sweetie for me.”

      “Sho’ thing. You drive home careful, he’ya?”

      “Yes, I hear. Love you.”

      Madalyn hung up, her good humor restored. With her usual determination, she faced the computer screen and typed the pages of dictation she’d taken. Once she was in the groove, she lost track of time again, and it was only when she realized she was in danger of a permanent crick in her neck that she stopped and stretched.


      Philip’s voice startled her, making her heart race. She hadn’t even heard him open his door.

      “I’m sorry I’ve taken such advantage of you on your birthday. I was looking over your résumé again and the date finally struck me.”

      She tried to make her smile sincere. “That happens sometimes. It’s not the end of the world.”

      “Still, I’ve thrust you straight into the lion’s den and didn’t even think about the time. Let me take you to dinner to make up for it.”

      “Oh, no, that’s not necessary—”

      “I insist. What do you like? Chinese? Mexican?”

      “I love Chinese, but—”

      Madalyn paused, sensing a challenge in his voice. Good heavens, hadn’t she proven already that she was a team player? A cold fear settled in her stomach, and she hoped she hadn’t misjudged Philip—she hoped he wasn’t the philandering type. But then, she’d misjudged before...

      “Philip, listen, I have to be up-front with you.” She took a deep breath, hoping she wasn’t about to put herself out of a job. “I’m not comfortable mixing business with social events. I appreciate the offer and all, but I’d rather not.”

      He looked surprised, but nodded graciously.

      “Very well, then. Why don’t you get out of here and salvage what’s left of your evening?”

      “I appreciate that. I’m close to being done, so I’d like to finish these letters so we can start fresh tomorrow. If that’s all right.”

      “That’s not necessary—”

      “Really, I’d rather. It shouldn’t take me but an hour or so. I’m on a roll. Unless I’m keeping you?”

      “Not at all. I appreciate the offer.”

      He retreated again into his office, and his phone line lit up almost immediately. It only served to heighten her image of Philip at his desk seven days a week. She didn’t need her insider info to know that he was a driven man; that was the first thing any article said about him. Now that she’d met him in person, his drive emanated from him in a palpable wave. She wondered for a moment just what she’d gotten herself into, and decided just as quickly that she’d work weekends without complaint, if he asked, for the experience this was going to provide her, and the security it would give her and Erin.

      She wasn’t sure what could have surprised her more, a mere forty-five minutes later, when the elevator door opened and a man came in bearing white plastic bags. The smells emanating from the bags made her stomach grumble, and she didn’t have to be able to read the red symbols on the outside of the bags to know a feast had just been delivered from Woo Duck Fong’s Chinese Emporium. Fong’s was her favorite restaurant in the whole world.

      Philip must have heard the commotion, for his door opened and he took care of the delivery guy with a minimum of fuss. She watched, amusement warring with concern.


      “Nope, no arguments. I’ve worked you like a slave driver on your birthday. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable with my invitation, so I did the next best thing.”

      While he was speaking, he’d been pulling out little boxes and covered bowls. He moved files from her desk to the floor to make room.

      “You really shouldn’t have.”

      A smile transformed his face, making her heart turn over.

      Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. Maybe she should keep looking until she found a kind, toadfaced man who was at least five inches shorter than her to work for. Anyone but a tall, dark man with a smile that could light up entire rooms at a time.

      Madalyn didn’t want to admit how nervous his proximity made her, and she tried to tell herself it was because he was her new boss, not because he was so devastatingly handsome. It was nearly eight o’clock at night and the man’s suit looked as fresh and crisp as if he’d just put it on. She, on the other hand, felt rumpled and wrinkled, which was not unexpected after the day she’d had. Her suit jacket was hanging on the back of her chair and now she wished she hadn’t taken it off.

      Giving herself a stern mental rap on the knuckles, she told herself to be gracious, eat the food that was making her mouth water and then get home.

      “Thank you for the dinner. It smells great. But how did you know Fong’s is my favorite?”

      “Isn’t it everybody’s?” he asked, his expression teasing. “The truth is, I had no idea, but СКАЧАТЬ