Marrying Up. Jackie Rose
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Название: Marrying Up

Автор: Jackie Rose

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Зарубежные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ snap, a little too cruelly. It’s a sore point for her. George has been working on the same Star Trek screenplay since our second year at Erie. By the time she gets around to finishing it, the actors who play the characters will all have boldly gone into retirement.

      She twirls a dark and frizzy curl around her finger and stares down at the table.

      “I’m sorry,” I say. “You’re absolutely right. I should try. I really should. But…but you know how hard it can be. It’s like, I work all day, and I finally get home and the last thing I want to do is stare all night at another screen.”

      She snorts.

      “TV doesn’t count.” Just try and come between me and my set.

      The waitress delivers our meals and leaves before I can complain.

      “This is wrong,” I whisper, knowing George will forgive me if I can make her laugh. “Didn’t I ask for chocolate? What’s the point of vanilla? Who would want a vanilla shake? It’s the complete antithesis of chocolate—it’s the absence of flavor!”

      The waitress glances over at me from the cash with a dour look.

      “You want me to get her back?” George giggles as she wrings every last drop of flavor from the lime wedge into her Diet Coke.

      “Don’t you dare!” She knows I am deathly afraid of incurring the wrath of food-service persons. They have so much power. Complain one too many times and God only knows what might find its way into your tuna-salad sandwich.

      “You’ve seen too many Datelines,” she informs me as I sullenly drink my shake.

      “Hidden cameras will be America’s new conscience in the twenty-first century,” I say between slurps. Vanilla isn’t so bad, really.

      “Now there’s a topic worth exploring….”

      I’ve spent the past five years trying to come up with a great idea for my book, and George is always trying to help.

      “Naw, it’s already been done.”

      Since September 11th, countless writers have taken fear and ignorance to the bank, but I feel that people are ready for happier thoughts, instead of just another paranoid title like The Osama Next Door, or Nine Legal Ways to Watch Your Nanny, or Why Vegetables Cause Cancer. Unfortunately, though, thoughtful critiques of consumer-health alerts and diatribes decrying the end of privacy have also been done to death. But what if I incorporated those themes into a novel? Hmmm… It just might be crazy enough to work.


      …a sort of Bridget Jones’s Diary meets 1984 meets Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution…

      “Holly? Hello?” George snaps her fingers.

      “Sorry,” I mumble, and promptly lose my train of thought. Ideas for my book are so exquisitely rare and delicate that the mere act of remembering them crushes their goodness into oblivion. I’ve all but resigned myself to the impossibility of writing a single word.

      “You just need a little inspiration.”

      “How can I get inspired when all I do is work, come home, watch TV and boink the bike messenger?”


      “Aw, tell me you’re kidding! You didn’t! Not again! Ew!”

      “I did,” I reluctantly admit.

      “But he’s so…he’s so…”

      “Gross? It’s okay. You can say it. I know he is.”

      “I knew I should have come over last night. You’re not to be trusted. How many times do I have to tell you? Holly Hastings good. Bicycle boy bad.”

      “I was working late, and he was there picking something up….”


      “Look, I finally finished the piece about that new parking lot on Broadway and I wanted to celebrate! Is that so wrong?” Very occasionally, when they tired of my constant begging for assignments or felt a hint of guilt after turning down yet another one of my story proposals, one of the editors will ask me to fill a few very unimportant inches, usually sandwiched on some back page between the calls to tender and the previous day’s corrections.

      She peers at me skeptically. By now, George has long since inhaled her salad and has moved on to eating her dressing-on-the-side with a spoon.

      “Well, I was home alone, and would have been delighted to go out for a drink.”

      “Umm…didn’t you have that coven thing with your mom last night?” As the product of a mixed lesbian marriage, George was half Wiccan, half Jewish.

      “Oh please, Holly.”

      It was worth a shot. I knew full well that the next Wiccan day of worship wasn’t until the fall equinox.

      “Okay, so maybe I just needed to be held.”

      “But by Jean-Jean?”

      “What can I say? I’m pathetic,” I groan. “What’s wrong with me?”

      “You’re just a lonely, lonely woman. You know, I bet if you found a job you liked better, everything else would fall into place. And one that uses FedEx instead of that shitty messenger service.”

      Oh, if only it were that simple.

      “There’s nothing really wrong with my job. I can think of at least a half dozen people who would kill to work there. It’s me, G.I know it is! It’s like all of a sudden, I’m so bloody bored and frustrated and negative about it that I don’t know what to do with myself. And it’s not like I’d be able to find something better in Buffalo, anyway… I’d have to move to New York for that, and God knows that would be a little more than I could handle right now! Besides, I’d rather be at the Bugle even if there’s no chance of me ever getting promoted to anything, ever, than at some boring software company or bank writing internal newsletters. My job’s fine. It’s me that isn’t!”

      “Well, that’s a relief. Because frankly, just being bored at work isn’t a good enough reason to drive you into the arms of Jean-Jean.”

      “I’m teetering on the brink!” I shriek. “I’m playing Russian roulette with my love life…. God! I must be insane. Who knows what else I’m capable of!?”

      She nods sympathetically and glances around to see if my ranting is disturbing any of the other patrons. “I know, Holly. It sucks.”

      But there’s no stopping me. “You know, up until a couple of years ago, everything was fine…. I liked work. I was proud of my job. Yeah, I was! I learned something new every day, even if it was just useless stuff like how much Sabres tickets were going for, or how to spell the names of rare diseases. And you know what else? I was even able to write. Not that I always did, mind you, because usually I didn’t, but I could, you know? When I wanted to…”

      “Calm down. I remember. There was that short story about the big empty house with all the СКАЧАТЬ