Killer Body. Elle James
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Название: Killer Body

Автор: Elle James

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Зарубежные детективы




СКАЧАТЬ waited until she was truly asleep before attempting to place a call to Audrey. Despite Savvy’s confidence in him, he still wanted out.

      Audrey wasn’t answering her cell or returning Dawson’s call. The assignment stuck until he could get through to the boss and arrange a replacement.

      “You didn’t leave,” a gravelly voice said behind him.

      Dawson spun in Savvy’s direction. She lay against the pillows, her eyes open, studying him.

      “No. I can’t leave until I find a replacement.”

      “Thanks.” Her pretty lips twisted. “Nice to know I’m such a burden.” She blinked and stretched, her left arm only going as far as the IV would allow before she dropped it to the sheets. “Would you do me a favor?”

      Realizing he was staring, Dawson nodded. “Depends on what it is.”

      “I need to see if I can stand on my own two feet.” She pushed the sheets aside and slowly sat up, dragging the IV tube with her.

      Dawson hurried forward and gripped her elbow to steady her. “Are you sure this is a good idea? Shouldn’t you wait for a doctor or nurse?”

      “No, I need to do this on my own.” Although her face paled several shades, she shook her head. “Just let me get my head on straight.” She leaned against his arm for several long moments, breathing in and out with even, measured breaths.

      Dawson stiffened and would have pulled away, but she held on to him, a reminder that she needed help to balance and that he couldn’t release her or she’d fall.

      “Okay, I’m ready.” With a little scoot that raised her hospital nightgown daringly high up her thigh, she eased off the side of the bed. “I have to warn you, the last time I tried this, I dropped like a rock.” She laughed, the sound as shaky as the hand she slipped into his.

      Hell. Dawson switched hands and wrapped his arm around her waist, the skin peeking through the openings at the back of her hospital gown disturbingly soft and smooth against his forearm.

      He helped her find her feet and held her up until she stood flat-footed on the cool tiles.

      Her pink toenail polish shone brightly in contrast to the plain white flooring. A sweet, girlie color Dawson wouldn’t expect on a redhead or a strawberry-blonde, but it suited her.

      “Got it?” Dawson asked.

      She nodded and smiled, her overbright eyes shining up at him. “Funny what you take for granted when you have it. I never would have thought I’d need help standing on my own two feet.” Her smile slipped. “But don’t worry. It’s one step closer to getting you off the hook.” Her mouth pressed into a thin line and she attempted a step forward.

      “How’s that?” Dawson moved alongside her, letting her lean into him as much as she needed.

      “As soon as I can get around on my own, you won’t need to hang around.”

      Dawson frowned. “What about the bad guys trying to kill you?”

      “I gave it some thought.” Her gaze shifted away from him to the window. “Once I’m out of here, I’ll be extra careful. I’m sure I can manage just fine.”

      “Yeah.” Dawson admired independence, but bravado was just plain stupid. “You think you could fight off a guy like the one who paid you a visit earlier? The one with the pillow and the body mass of a refrigerator?”

      Savvy’s entire body shook and she staggered on her next step.

      Dawson pulled her close to keep her from falling flat on her face. She felt right against him, her narrow waist snug in his grip, the top of her head fitting just below his chin. Not too short and not too thin. Amanda had been quite a bit shorter than him. So small he’d treated her like a fragile porcelain doll, afraid he’d break her. In the end he had. She’d been too small to deliver their baby. Both Amanda and their baby had died in childbirth.

      Dawson’s hands tightened. The guilt he’d lived with for the past two years weighed more heavily than the woman in his arms.

      “Hey, you don’t have to hold me so tight. I think I have it now.” Savvy pushed against his chest, leveraging herself into an upright position.

      Dawson jerked his hands free and stepped away from Savvy as if she were a red-hot poker, heat rising up his neck from the collar of his shirt.

      Savvy cried out, “Wait!” Her knees buckled and she would have fallen if Dawson hadn’t reached out and dragged her back into his arms.

      She slammed against his chest, her face buried in his shirt, her hair tickling his nose, soft and silky despite its tumbled disarray.

      A low laugh rumbled from her chest, pressing her breasts into him. She finally glanced up. “Guess I wasn’t as ready to be on my own as I thought.” Her fingers bunched in his shirt and she sighed. “I’m still a little light-headed, but I’ll be ready by morning.”

      He stared down into eyes so green they rivaled the forests of east Texas. With her body smashed against his, he couldn’t hide the effect she had on him. The hard ridge pushing against his fly nudged against her belly. “Where will you go?”

      Savvy’s eyes widened and a peachy-rose flush spread across her cheeks. “I don’t know.” She laughed, a sound completely devoid of humor. “I don’t remember where I live …”

      “Oh, good, she’s conscious.” Frank Young blew through the door without knocking, sliding his cell phone shut with one easy, practiced move. “Do you think you can answer some questions for me?”

      Dawson slowly turned Savvy around where her bare backside faced the window, not Frank Young’s prying eyes.

      Savvy nodded.

      Frank’s eyes narrowed and he got right to the point, “Well, then, what do you remember from last night?”

      Savvy deadpanned. “Nothing.”

      “Nothing whatsoever?” Frank’s brows rose.

      “Until Dawson told me, I didn’t even know my name.” If Dawson hadn’t already witnessed the effect of her memory loss on her, he might have missed the quaver in her voice.

      The D.A. missed it completely. “I’ll have a talk with the doctor. There has to be a way to get your memory back.”

      “Let me save you the effort.” Savvy’s shoulders pushed back, her spine stiffening beneath Dawson’s hand. “He said the amnesia could be temporary or could just as easily be permanent. Only time will tell.”

      Young’s eyes narrowed and he stared hard at Savvy. “Are you sure you don’t remember anything?”

      Savvy glared at the D.A. “Why would I lie about a thing like that?” She waved at the hospital room. “How would you like to wake up in a hospital room, with strangers, and no idea who or what you are? Try it sometime, although I don’t recommend it.” She nudged Dawson’s arm. “I need to sit.” The hand on his arm shook, but Savvy’s face remained firm and unwavering.

      “My СКАЧАТЬ