Fresh-Start Ranch. Leann Harris
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Название: Fresh-Start Ranch

Автор: Leann Harris

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ balance, Ethan glanced at his father. “When did that happen?”

      Ken swallowed. “She got here last week when you were in Boise.”

      Ethan knew that Doc Adams had finally made the decision to bring another vet into his practice, but Ethan hadn’t realized it would happen that quickly. He’d been gone less than a week.

      Ethan and Ken strode together toward Ranger’s stall. His horse raised his head and nodded in greeting.

      Ethan grabbed the bridle and rubbed Ranger’s nose. “Hey, big guy.” The woman stepped back from Ranger and met Ethan’s gaze. Golden-brown curls framed her pixie face and her huge green eyes found a path straight into his heart.

      Ethan jerked, though he wasn’t sure if it was from his intense reaction to their eyes meeting or his surprise at the idea of this tiny woman as the new vet. Short and slim, if she didn’t have a stethoscope around her neck, Ethan would’ve thought the woman standing beside his horse was a teenager, not a grown woman and certainly not someone who worked with large animals. “What’s wrong with Ranger?” The tone of the question came out gruffer and harsher than Ethan expected. His father pointedly frowned at him.

      The woman’s brow shot up, and she stood up straight. “He’s fine.” Her tone made him think of the times his mother had scolded him for addressing her in a disrespectful tone when he tried to get out of chores. “He just got spooked by the weather last night. He has a few scrapes from flying debris, and I think he ran into the barbed-wire fence. He’ll be fine.”

      Ethan looked at the wounds and nicks on Ranger’s side.

      “The storm last night just came up without any warning,” his father explained. “A tornado touched down at the Barlows’ ranch. They lost one storage shed. Several of our horses were out in the north pasture. First thing this morning I was able to get Ranger, Sadie and Ringo rounded up, and brought them in. Doc Adams and Dr. Grant have been out all day checking with the other ranchers, seeing to the different needs of the animals.”

      The woman shook her head. “That storm was something else. We had bad weather in Kentucky, but yesterday was—I felt like I was in a metal barrel with someone banging on it with a hammer.” She held out her hand. “You must be the Ethan I’ve heard so much about. I’m Dr. Tessa Grant, Dr. Adams’s new associate.”

      He felt as if he was in that same storm, disoriented and waiting for the next blow. “I am.” His hand enveloped hers, but that small hand had a surprising number of calluses on it. “I did see some evidence of the storm as I drove in. Ringo and Sadie okay?”

      “They’ve got a few cuts from flying debris, but they look fine.” She patted Ranger’s withers. “This guy took the worst of it.”

      Ethan bristled a little. He didn’t know this person from Adam and no one touched his horse. “Maybe we should wait for Doc Adams.”

      “No need—I’ve this under control.”

      “He’s kinda high-strung.”

      “I know.” She went back to work, cleaning the last of the horse’s wounds, but he thought he heard her mumble, “He’s not the only one.”

      His father shifted. Ethan wasn’t going to apologize for being concerned about his horse. He also was having trouble wrapping his brain around the fact that the woman was a vet—a big-animal vet, no less. How could she do the job? She wasn’t big enough or strong enough, as far as he was concerned. He turned to his father and opened his mouth, but his father’s warning expression stopped him. But much to his embarrassment, he could only stare in amazement as Ranger stood docilely by while the lady vet finished working on him.

      Ranger head-butted Ethan’s hand, wanting attention. Ethan rubbed the big guy’s nose. “Usually, Ranger’s not so cooperative with exams,” Ethan heard himself say. “He likes to give Dr. Adams a run for his money.”

      “You should’ve seen Tessa handle Ranger when she first got here,” Ken eagerly explained. “She worked on Ringo, then Sadie before seeing to Ranger. He got jealous, and finally Ranger couldn’t take the suspense anymore and turned to her.”

      “Really?” Amazed by his father’s comment, Ethan knew his horse liked to be a pistol, dishing out a bad attitude. Doc and his dad had been on the wrong end of Ranger’s mischief. But he didn’t like being ignored, either. Small or not, the vet must have some horse sense if she’d figured that out right from the start. Or had she gotten lucky?

      “I wouldn’t have believed it myself unless I saw it with my own eyes,” Ken added.

      The woman studied him. Ethan knew doubt showed on his face. The telltale tightening of her right hand told him he wasn’t the first to question her skill.

      “When I was growing up,” Tessa explained, addressing Ken, “the stable manager I worked with was a genius with horses—that ‘horse whisperer’ kind of thing. He was truly amazing. He taught me how to get acquainted with horses. I haven’t found a single horse who’s given me grief.” She glanced over her shoulder. “A lot of owners, but not the horses.”

      Ethan didn’t doubt that other owners had trouble with her. He wondered if she had the strength to help with a distressed pregnancy, a breech foal or an angry cow that was on a rampage. Could she wrestle a branch out of a cow’s throat like Dr. Adams did a couple of years ago?

      “You need anything else, Dr. Grant?” Ken asked.

      “I don’t think so. I’ll leave some salve for the horses and drop by next week to see how things are progressing.”

      Ken nodded. “You coming, son?”

      “I’ll just stay here and help Dr. Grant with Ranger.”

      Ken laughed and walked out of the barn.

      Ethan watched carefully as Dr. Grant finished with Ranger. She had a way with his mount as if she had some connection to him. She gave Ranger plenty of affection, murmuring sweet words and pats. His horse ate it up as if no one had ever praised him. Those sweet words charmed more than his horse—Ethan felt himself respond to that affectionate tone, too. It’d been so long since that bright morning, standing in the church, waiting for his bride that never showed.

      He mentally jerked himself out of the painful memory. “So what made you come out here to New Mexico?”

      “I graduated from Purdue, same as Dr. Adams. I got the call from him about six weeks ago. He asked if I wanted to practice in a rural setting and pass up the glamour of an urban practice. He said he needed a young associate.”

      Her story made sense. Ethan and his dad had noticed that Dr. Adams wasn’t moving quite as fast as he used to. A couple of months ago, one of their cows had kicked out and Doc hadn’t moved quick enough to avoid that hoof. Doc had to spend a few hours at the house, an ice pack wrapped around his leg.

      “I laughed and told him I’d love to practice out here, but did he realize my size. He said that he knew, but asked if I was willing to give it a try. I jumped at the chance,” she added, turning to put away her things. “I wasn’t interested in working in a practice that only dealt with dogs, cats and assorted pets.” She pulled her stethoscope off her neck and put it in what looked like a tackle box.

      He waited for the rest of her answer. “Why not?”