Fresh-Start Ranch. Leann Harris
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Название: Fresh-Start Ranch

Автор: Leann Harris

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ Tessa. She fought for what she wanted and believed in and was even stronger after her broken engagement.

      She might be only five feet tall, but she threw a mighty big shadow. And he felt himself responding to that amazing woman. With his history, though, he doubted she’d be interested in him. And oddly enough, that saddened him.

      * * *

      “How’d things go at the hearing?” Dr. Adams asked as Tessa walked into the clinic office. He sat at the rolltop desk, reviewing file folders. Doc still preferred the handwritten files that he wrote himself. None of his records were electronic.

      “The Society was awarded custody of all the horses.” She put her briefcase on her desk. “Ethan said he’d notify the different ranchers caring for the horses of the decision.”

      Doc turned in his chair. “Well, Lady and Hope are getting stronger every day. I expect that with good care and feed, the other horses should do as well.”

      “I hope so. Those horses were in bad shape. It might take a month to six weeks to get them in any type of shape to adopt.”

      Leaning back, he replied, “I agree,” then asked, “How did Doris take the verdict?”

      “She wasn’t happy. I expect we might have trouble from her.”

      Doc sighed. “I don’t doubt that. The woman is the most stubborn individual I’ve ever seen. Once she gets something in her head, she’s like a dog with a bone. We’ll need to be on our guard.”

      “I don’t doubt that from her reaction in the courtroom. Her son had to drag her from the court.”

      “Sounds like the Doris I know.” He studied her and she tried to control her flush. “Did something else happen?”

      “Nothing else that has anything to do about the court case.”

      “Oh?” He stabbed her with a look.

      She didn’t want to admit her misstep with Ethan but the question in Doc’s eyes made her squirm. She’d learned early on how to put on a brave face to the outside world while things at home were falling apart. Her father’s drunken episodes were never talked about at home or in public. After her dad disappeared, her mom and Tessa started back to church and found acceptance, love and compassion. With prayer, Tessa learned to trust others, although sometimes it was a struggle.

      But Tessa knew trust between vets in this small a clinic was imperative and she needed to fess up. “I kinda stepped in it with Ethan. Last time Kevin was here he taunted Ethan about Mary. I noticed how tense they were at the hearing and asked him if what Kevin said was true.”

      A slow smile appeared on Doc’s face. “How’d that go?”

      “After I got over feeling stupid, Ethan told me about his broken engagement. I told him about mine.”


      “It’s an old story. My fiancé wanted me to pay for his law degree. I was to put my degree on hold, even though I was the one with a scholarship.”

      “Obviously, you didn’t take the deal.”

      She laughed. The first time she’d ever laughed at the subject. “You’ve seen that play before?”

      “I have.”

      “But when Ethan was talking about Mary, I got the feeling that there’s something more—” She shrugged. “I shouldn’t try to analyze him. I’m an animal doctor, not a psychiatrist.”

      Doc nodded. “Good call. I watched Mary and Ethan grow up. They were good friends, but there didn’t seem to be that special spark that you want in a spouse.” He shook his head. “Look at me. I’m not a shrink, either, but common sense said they just needed to stay friends. It took a while after that ‘almost wedding’ for the talk to die down. Luckily, Ethan was away at school, and Mary was gone for more than ten years. She only recently has come home. Ethan hasn’t said anything about it, but there’s a tension. I know both Ethan and Mary are horse people, and they’ll put the horses first and work together.”

      Tessa understood that passion. Growing up, she’d loved her horse. When her father lost their ranch, she asked the new owners if she could continue to board her horse there and work off Blue’s board and feed. Eventually, they hired Tessa as a stable hand and paid her to work. She didn’t go to high school football games or dances or her junior or senior proms. She spent those nights in the stables talking to Blue. Shaking off the bittersweet memories, she said, “Let me get changed and I’ll check on Lady and Hope.”

      As she walked out of the room, she caught a glimpse of Doc’s face. He smiled, a big satisfied smile.

      Now, what was that all about?

      * * *

      Ethan slipped in the back door of the family ranch house that led to the kitchen. His mom stood over the sink peeling potatoes.

      “Hey, son, how’d the court case go? Did the rescue group get custody?”

      He leaned over and kissed his mother’s cheek. In her mid-fifties, Lynda McClure was still a vibrant woman. She wasn’t afraid to work outside with her children and husband on the ranch, but she also liked for her husband to take her into Albuquerque to see an art exhibit. Her zest for life made her seem years younger than her actual age. She was also a woman who could smell out a lie at thirty feet. Her children knew they couldn’t pull anything on her, so it always amazed Ethan that she’d never probed his secret.

      “It went well. The court awarded us custody.”

      “Good. I’m sure Doc’s testimony helped.” She pointed with her potato peeler. “Hand me those carrots.”

      He grabbed the bag and handed them to her. “Doc didn’t testify. Tessa did.”

      “Oh?” She turned toward him. “How’d she do?”

      “She did a great job. It was obvious the woman has experience in the courtroom testifying.” Thinking about Tessa’s testimony, he remembered the way she’d covered all the angles that the judge wanted to know. Judge Sanders had even commented afterward what a thorough job she’d done.

      His mom’s eyes narrowed. “That good, huh?”

      Ethan immediately realized his mistake in showing too much interest. His mother’s antenna was up. “Yes.”

      Lynda turned back to the sink, but he could feel his mother’s smile.

      “Don’t get any ideas.”

      She didn’t turn around. “I didn’t say anything.”

      “No, but I know you. You’re thinking it.”

      “You’ve turned into a mind reader, Ethan McClure?”

      He heard the mirth in her voice. “I know you’re itchy to get your last chick married off.”

      Turning toward him, she pointed her potato peeler at him. “I think my son protests too much.”

      Ethan СКАЧАТЬ