Forsaking All Others. Linda Hudson-Smith
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Название: Forsaking All Others

Автор: Linda Hudson-Smith

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ take the two sisters. She hadn’t had this much fun since she didn’t know when. It was cold outdoors, but she was able to endure it. The extra layer of clothing was helping tremendously. She didn’t feel chilled to the bone as she had without the double layer of warmth. The leather gloves had lamb’s wool on the inside and really kept her hands warm. The hood on her jacket was pulled up with the strings tied under her chin.

      Weston didn’t necessarily drive the snowmobile recklessly, but he made enough dramatic twists and turns over the snowswept terrain to make it fun and exhilarating. Jessica screamed out of fear a few times. Samuel also had Jennifer howling. She had done this with her husband before so she was no stranger to the fun sport.

      Samuel and Jennifer always had loads of fun together. They had learned about a salsa class to be held at the resort and had just about convinced Jessica and Weston to join them.

      The snowmobile-rental time had flown by. Weston and Samuel had gone to turn in the vehicles and settle the accounts. This was Jessica and Jennifer’s first time alone since the families had arrived in Aspen and they were seated in the lodge’s lounge sipping on hot drinks.

      “You really like him, don’t you, Jess?”

      Knowing her secret was no longer just hers, Jessica lowered her lashes. “I’ve always liked Weston. The truth of the matter hit me square in the heart yesterday. Guess I’ve known it all along but have refused to admit it. Even to myself. I felt so hurt only because he rejected me. Been kidding myself for years by saying I couldn’t stand him. I just wanted him to notice me, acknowledge me in some way—and he didn’t.”

      “He notices you now, big-time. The look on his face when he saw you yesterday was so revealing. Had his parents not hugged you and called you by name, I’m not sure he would’ve guessed that you and the girl he used to torment were one and the same.”

      “Maybe so. I’d think he would have seen all the updated pictures of us that Mom and Dad always send to his parents.” Jessica looked at her sister with open curiosity. “Did you ever have a crush on Wes, Jen?”

      “Heck no!”

      “Not even a teeny-weeny one?”

      “Hardly. I loved Sam even before we started dating in junior high. That is, for as much as I did or didn’t know about love back then. But you already know our history. Took Sam a long time to notice me, too. At any rate, Wes is just not my type.”

      “I don’t know if it’s even about them noticing us. Most boys just don’t start liking girls until they reach a certain age. Up until then, they believe their one purpose on this planet is to torture girls. Adolescent boys are cruel.”

      “Don’t leave out the girls. There were some mean, overbearing chicks out there when I was in junior high. Talk about cruelty. They seemed to have had a monopoly on it. Don’t you recall all the trouble I had with the so-called upper-class brat pack? I also agree with everything you’ve said. But look at what happened when Sam did notice me. We’ve been inseparable ever since.” Jennifer was a nurse and Samuel a paramedic.

      Jessica smiled broadly. “You guys got it going on. I want so badly what you two have. Not ready for marriage, though. Yet I desperately desire the romance. Eating dinner every single night by candlelight has to be the bomb.”

      “That and more.” Jennifer blushed at a couple of other things Samuel and she indulged in by candlelight. “We do more than eat by the light of burning candles. The more sensual stuff keeps us hot for each other.”

      Jessica put up her right hand in a halting gesture. “No details, please! It’ll only let me know how lonely and pitiful I am. Passion is lacking in my life.”

      “Don’t say that.”

      Jennifer went on to remind Jessica that she had a great job and a wonderful group of girlfriends who loved doing adventurous things and taking exotic vacations. “You guys always do something fun and unique. And you also have a great male friend in Jarred. I’d say you have it all. All but the husband you admitted to not wanting now.”

      “Put like that, I don’t have a choice but to agree. Thanks for always showing me the glass is half-full as opposed to half-empty.” Jessica gently nudged Jennifer’s arm. “Here come the guys. We should cool it.”

      “Yeah, wouldn’t want Wes to know you’re out of your mind over him.”

      Jessica frowned. “It’s not that bad. But the potential for such is great.”

      Both women laughed at that.

      All Jessica could do was sit and stare in utter amazement when Samuel sat down next to Jennifer. Taking her in his arms, he kissed her as if he’d been apart from her for weeks instead of twenty minutes or so. Their passion couldn’t be charted since it was off the scale. Those two couldn’t keep their hands and mouths off each other.

      Weston sat down next to Jessica. “Wow! Your sister and her husband are sure deep into each other. Their love is so strong,” he whispered.

      “Been that way forever,” Jessica whispered back to him. “Some people call it sickening. I call it incredible. If Jen weren’t my sister, I might envy her.”

      Weston raised an eyebrow at that statement. Jessica’s remarks made him think she wanted exactly what her sister had. Well, he thought, didn’t everyone want to be involved in a true-blue, passionate love affair? His eyes softened even more as he looked closer at Jessica. He had to wonder if they could ever have what their parents and Jennifer and Samuel had an overabundance of, together or separate. He had to admit he preferred together to separate.

      Chapter 3

      Entering the town house, Jessica was immediately drawn to the kitchen, overwhelmed by the delicious aromas. So much for ordering food in for the evening meal.

      Sahara had cooked and Jessica was sure her father had helped out her mother. Both were excellent chefs and they often worked side by side in preparing meals. Her parents loved to whip up delicious foods and Jessica hated everything to do with cooking, period. She liked cleaning up the kitchen even less than the meal preparations. No man in his right mind wanted a woman who couldn’t or wouldn’t cater to the needs of his stomach.

      Sahara walked up and lightly popped Jessica on the hand. “Stay out of my pots and pans, girl. All the food is for our little get-together this evening. Want me to fix you a sandwich?”

      Jessica looked at Sahara as if she had to be kidding. “You fixed all this delicious food—and you want to feed me a measly sandwich? That’s scandalous, Mom.”

      “Okay, you win, number-two daughter.” Sahara referred to her daughters’ order of birth, not to how they ranked in her sight. She loved her girls equally. “Get a plate from the cabinet and take some of whatever you want. You know I can’t stand here and deny my youngest child a meal.”

      “Thanks, Mom.” Jessica kissed Sahara on the cheek. “Where’s Dad?”

      “Off somewhere with Jacque. He left here right after he finished helping me out. They’re probably sitting somewhere talking shop. Those two eat and sleep real estate.”

      “And they both have their kids doing the same thing.” Jessica put small samples from each pot on her plate and then took a seat at the table.

      Sahara СКАЧАТЬ