Finding Her Home. Carol Steward
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Название: Finding Her Home

Автор: Carol Steward

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ of Engineers.”

      “So you’re teaching with an emergency license.”

      Did he hear a disapproving edge in her words? He nodded. “When the upper-level math teacher quit mid-year, Brody suggested I give it a shot. I subbed last spring, passed the state licensing test and enjoyed education so much I decided to get my principal’s license. I hope to finish next spring with my master’s in Ed Leadership. Figure I can help more kids that way.”

      “I’m impressed.” They discussed teaching until the bong of Grandfather’s hand-crafted mantel clock reminded her that she needed to get back to the hospital.

      “Excuse me while I put your clothes in the dryer.” She wasn’t more than a minute, yet he missed their conversation.

      When she returned, the subject progressed to her upcoming challenge to convince her grandparents it was time to move closer so she could help. “With my parents out of the country, my nearest aunt and uncle in California, my brother and his family in eastern Texas, that leaves me with the majority of the caregiving responsibility. Abuelo is stubborn as a mule. I just can’t see him willingly leaving his house.”

      “Surely there’s a home health-care network in the area.”

      “I’ll look into it, but I’d feel a lot better if they would move here. With my job, I just don’t have much time available to run back and forth. And their house isn’t set up well for handicapped living.”

      Steve smiled, mostly to himself. Jose had mentioned his determination to stay in their home, but he wouldn’t tell her that. She already knew the battle ahead of her. “As I’m sure you’re aware, the Segundo school district is struggling. I’m sure they would love to have—”

      She held up her hand. “I’m not moving back to Segundo. It’s out of the question.”

      He took a long swig of soda, hoping to cool his temper before he spoke. “Sometimes we have to look beyond what we want to what’s best for those involved.”

      Tori looked at him, astonished. “How old are your kids?”

      Steve felt pride just thinking of his daring duo. “Six and ten. Kyle and Kelsey. I take it you didn’t like growing up there?”

      “I didn’t say that.” She shook her head and looked at her salad.

      “I believe it was your tone of voice.” He took a bite, waiting for her to say what she was really thinking. “So what is it? Why won’t you consider moving back if you’re the only one who could help your grandparents?”

      “Making decisions for your children is your responsibility, Steve. How can you compare that to…?” She stood and started clearing the dishes.

      “Compare to what?”

      She turned her head and stared at him. “Caring for grandparents is different than caring for your own children. There’s so little for my grandparents to do in Segundo. Colorado Springs has better health care, wonderful retirement living facilities and so much more to offer them. I’ve tried to get them to move, but they won’t.”

      He joined her in the kitchen. “It sounds like your grandfather isn’t the only stubborn one in the family.”

      “I came by it honestly. I have very good reasons for needing them to come here.”

      “I’m sure you do.”

      She placed a hand on her hip. “My career can’t just be ignored. And let’s just say that my education philosophies don’t mesh with Superintendent Waterman’s.”

      “You might be surprised. I think things are on the verge of some big changes in Segundo.”

      “So I’ve heard.”

      “What changes would you make, theoretically?”

      “I don’t live there, so I should stay out of it.”

      “I asked your opinion. I have a feeling you know something I should know. I’d like to hear your take on the situation.”

      “Everyone in the valley should be concerned. Parents more than anyone. Teachers need to try more innovative teaching methods. With certain staff still at the school, I know change is an uphill battle. But this isn’t about what’s easy, it’s about what’s best for the kids. Surely as a teacher, you’re aware of the problems that the schools are facing with test scores.”

      “I am.” Steve leaned a hip against the countertop, mesmerized by her dramatic outpouring. “That’s why I agreed to fill the part-time opening. I’d like to be part of the solution.”

      Her passion to help the students succeed bubbled from deep within her and he admired her determination to do what was best for the kids. Why, then, couldn’t she be more objective with her grandparents? A smile crept across his lips.

      Tori looked at him accusingly. “What?”

      He snapped to attention, erasing the smile as if he’d been a guilty kid caught in the middle of a lie. “I’m just listening. I couldn’t agree more. The teachers started working with a literacy coach this summer.”

      “That’s a good start.” She turned to the dishwater then pulled out a cloth and started wiping the counters.

      She seemed skeptical that Coal Valley Secondary School could meet state standards without major changes. If they couldn’t, rumors were that the state would take over and start with an all-new staff.

      The thought of the state running the school sent chills up his spine. Maybe he was in way over his head, thinking he could make a difference. After his administrative internship he hoped to find a principal position. If nothing came of that plan though, he would be content to be in the classroom, working with kids full-time. He would do anything to prove to his father that his dreams hadn’t been in vain. Listening to Tori renewed his determination.

      “I’d like to hear more of your ideas. Since I’m new to education, I have a lot to learn. Maybe we could have lunch sometime.”

      “I have no idea what my schedule will be like from here on out, but I love talking about education—too much, in some people’s opinion.” She stared at him. “I hope your year goes well. There’s always work for an enthusiastic teacher.” Tori slipped the pizza into a plastic bag and offered it to him. At the same time she called the hospital.

      While she talked, Steve went downstairs to check on his clothes. They were almost dry, which would do him just fine. She needed to get back to the hospital.

      A few minutes later Tori joined him in the basement.

      “How are things going?”

      “Abuela is sleeping again and the doctors are still reading her tests.” Tori looked understandably impatient. “How is your laundry coming along?”

      “Fine. Why don’t you get ready, and I’ll change. And don’t let me forget to bring your grandfather’s suitcase in before we leave.”

      As if reality had just hit, tears wet her dark eyes. “I wonder how long СКАЧАТЬ