Die Before Nightfall. Shirlee McCoy
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      “You’re not up to it.”

      “Taking care of people is what I do. Whether I’m up to it or not.”

      “Not here. Not now. Go home and sleep.”


      “Will be fine. I’ll stay here until her day companion arrives. Kaylee’s an LPN and she’s very good with Abby.”

      Raven shrugged again, the movement emphasizing the thinness of her shoulders beneath the cotton nightshirt she wore. “All right. I’ll head out, then. Tell Abby I said goodbye.”

      “I will.” Shane walked her to the door, wondering why he suddenly felt as if he were kicking her out. He’d thought she would be happy to be freed from the responsibility, but instead she seemed reluctant to leave. “Are you okay?”

      “I’m fine.”

      Shane wanted to press for more but knew he had no right. They were strangers, after all. “Thanks again for all you’ve done for Abby.”

      “It was no problem.” Raven stepped outside and moved toward her car, the shadowy predawn world enveloping her.

      Shane caught one more glimpse of her as she opened her car door, the interior light flashing on, her profile illuminated in its glow. She looked worn, lonely and unbearably sad.

      He felt a gut-level instinct to go after her, to try to ease the burden that weighed her down. Instead he stood rooted to the spot, unable to turn away. Only when the car disappeared did Shane step back inside the house and close the door.

      Chapter Four

      The phone rang just after morning light first streaked across the sky. Raven dropped the book she’d been reading and fumbled for the receiver. “Hello?”

      “Hey, sis.”


      “Yep. Sorry for calling so early. Did I wake you?”

      “No. I was reading.”

      “Still love books, huh?”

      “Always. I thought you were leaving this morning?”

      “That’s why I’m calling. I’ll be driving past the Freedman place in five minutes. Mind if I stop in?”

      Mind? She’d love it. Anything to fill the empty hours. “You won’t miss your plane?”

      “Nope. I’ve got plenty of time. Hold on—I’m here. Took me less time than I thought.”

      As he said the words, Raven heard the rumble of a motor outside. She rushed to open the door, smiling as Ben got out of a dark blue sedan. “A sedan? I figured you more for a motorcycle.”

      “I have one of those, too.” He came up the stairs and hugged her hard. “I’ve been up all night. Afraid if I fell asleep I’d wake up and find out you were just a dream.”

      “All night?”

      “Okay, most of the night. Here—” He passed her a white paper bag. “I brought you something, but you have to share.”

      “Must be something good.”

      “It is. Got any coffee?”

      “I don’t know. I’ll check.” Raven started toward the kitchen, but Ben stopped her with a hand on her arm.

      “Sit down. I’ll look.”


      “I’m not the only one who’s been up all night. Those dark circles under your eyes aren’t from a good night’s sleep.”

      “I’m fine.”

      “And I’m your big brother, which gives me the right to boss you around. We agreed on that yesterday, remember? So sit.”

      “Suit yourself. I’ll just eat everything you brought before you get back.”

      “Now that would be cruel and unusual punishment. I couldn’t allow it and still feel good about myself.” He snagged the bag from her hand, pulled out a chocolate-frosted doughnut and handed the bag back. “Everything else is yours. Be back in a minute.”

      He was back in five. “No coffee, but I did find orange juice. Here.”


      “Now, tell me what kept you up all night.”

      “Do you know Abigail Montgomery?”

      “Sure do. She’s been in Lakeview longer than either of us has been alive. She used to be active in the community but has had to step back from her responsibilities these past few years.”

      “Do you know why?”

      “I do, but I’m not sure if it’s common knowledge and I don’t want to break a confidence.”

      Raven stood and paced the floor. “Then you know she suffers from dementia. That it’s gotten worse in the past few months.”

      “Yes. Shane and I have talked about her condition several times. He’s concerned. And rightfully so.”

      “He definitely should be concerned. Last night Abby wandered from the house. Ended up here, digging around near the side of the cottage, sobbing and crying. I found her and brought her home.”

      “Thank God.”

      “That wasn’t the first time. I found her on an old dock down by the lake yesterday afternoon. Again, she’d wandered away.”

      “I thought Shane hired people to help him care for Abby.”

      “He did. I’m not sure how qualified they are though. At this point, Abby needs professionals. People who understand her condition and are trained to deal with the symptoms.”

      “Like you.”

      Raven sat back down on the couch. “It doesn’t have to be a nurse. Though that wouldn’t hurt.”

      “Did you tell Shane this?”

      “I told him Abby needs more than what she’s getting right now.”

      “He’ll hire more qualified people. Shane’s that way. He loves his aunt. Wants what’s best for her.”

      “I sense that.”

      “So Abby’s wandering woke you up and you couldn’t get back to sleep?”

      “There were other things on my mind, but I’m fine now.”

      “Then maybe you’ll consider coming with me today.”

      “I СКАЧАТЬ