Daddy's Choice. Doreen Malek Owens
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Название: Daddy's Choice

Автор: Doreen Malek Owens

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ and he stopped to lock his door before proceeding down the steps that led to the street.

      “How are you getting along, Carol?” John said. “You must miss your dad.”

      “I do, but I’ve been so busy I don’t think his absence has really sunk in yet. Since I was away at school I really didn’t see him much, just talked to him on the phone.”

      “Ever hear from Gloria?” John asked warily.

      Carol shook her head. “She’s afraid that I’m going to contest the bequests to her in my father’s will, but I don’t plan to do that. She can keep whatever he gave her as long as I never have to see her again.”

      “No love lost there, I take it.”

      Carol shrugged. “When I saw that she was depositing my father’s money in a bank account with her name on it, I was not favorably impressed.”

      John nodded. “I think that’s why he never told me about his renovation of the cottage. He was afraid I would attempt to talk him out of it.”


      John glanced at her nervously.

      “Tell me,” Carol said levelly.

      John shrugged. “I think he planned to give the place to Gloria once it was redone. He just happened to die before he changed the provision in his will that left the cottage to you.”

      Carol was silent.

      “I’m sorry,” John said gently, “but I thought you should know in case she comes sniffing around, offering up witnesses to testify about his intent to give it to her.”

      “Are there any?”

      John shrugged. “Who knows? But I don’t think she’ll get anywhere. Any judge in the world would determine that she has already been well compensated for her period of ‘companionship.’ If she does file a complaint I don’t think it’s likely to get past a preliminary hearing. I just wanted you to be prepared for the possibility.”

      Carol nodded. She wasn’t worried about Gloria; all Gloria wanted was money, and so more money would make her go away. Carol was much more concerned about passing the bar exam.

      They had reached John’s car, a green BMW sports car, and as he unlocked it he said, “Why don’t you come home with me and join us for dinner? Beth would love to see you.”

      “Thanks, John, but I’d like to get back to Strathmere. I still have unpacking to do and I want to be ready to hit the books early tomorrow.”

      “Okay, but you have to give me a rain check.”

      “I will.”

      John tossed his briefcase onto the passenger seat of his car and slid under the wheel. As he started the car Carol said suddenly, “John, what do you know about this Taylor Kirkland?”

      The older man squinted up at her as he adjusted his seat belt. “Why do you ask?”

      “Well, he’s going to be on my property every day all summer, isn’t he?” she replied obliquely.

      John thought a moment. “He’s a local boy, quiet, minds his own business. He built that construction company up all by himself from what I hear. His father was a fisherman. I don’t know many other personal details, but in business Kirkland has a reputation for being quite fair and aboveboard. That’s why I was surprised when he gave you trouble.”

      “I guess he’s just determined to follow through on the contract my father signed,” Carol said glumly.

      “You can’t blame Kirkland for that.”

      “But I’d really like to,” Carol said, grinning, and they both laughed.

      “Sure you won’t take me up on that offer of dinner?” John asked, glancing at his watch.

      Carol realized that she was detaining him. “No, go ahead. And thanks for your help.”

      “Call me if you need anything else,” John said, and shut his car door. Carol stepped back as he glided out of his parking space and then pulled out of the lot.

      Carol walked toward her father’s car—his used backup model; Gloria hadn’t come after it because she was doubtless more satisfied with the new foreign sports sedan she had received. Carol was just getting into the driver’s seat, warm from sitting in the late afternoon sun, when a wave of dizziness came over her. She had to lean forward with her head on her crossed arms, hands gripping the steering wheel for support.

      How long had it been since she’d eaten? She realized with alarm that supper the night before had been her most recent meal. She’d been in such a snit over her unwanted visitors all day that she’d forgotten about food.

      The dizziness passed and she lifted her head. She knew from experience that she couldn’t drive back safely unless she had something to eat, and John’s car was now out of sight. She glanced across the street at a restaurant she’d been in with her father several times. Like John’s office, it was housed in a restored Victorian-style home. The first-floor rooms of the old house had been converted into a large dining salon. Usually the place required reservations but she was probably early enough on a weeknight to just walk in and be seated. She stood gingerly, then relocked her car and went across the street.

      She was right. The dining room was only half full and she was given a secluded table near the back. She had just picked up the menu when a masculine voice next to her said, “Are you following me?”


      Carol turned abruptly and saw Tay Kirkland standing at her elbow. His tie was off, his jacket over his arm, and his open collar exposed a matte expanse of brown throat. When she looked startled at his remark, he smiled slightly and she realized that he was joking.

      “I thought you’d be taking off with John,” he added.

      “No, he was going home and I didn’t want to intrude. But I started to feel a little shaky when I got into my car and thought I’d better come over here for dinner.”

      “Didn’t eat today?” he asked.

      She shook her head.

      “Too upset about the big bad construction crew invading your domain?” he asked archly.

      Carol gazed at him in exasperation. “You may think my concern is ridiculous, Mr. Kirkland, but if you’ve ever tried to study with hammering and drilling surrounding you in stereophonic sound, you would know that it’s not.”

      “Please call me Tay. And I’ve never been big on studying, but I can imagine that the kind of noise my outfit makes doesn’t exactly aid concentration.”

      Carol said nothing. It was nice of him to be understanding now that he was getting what he wanted.

      “I’d like to explain myself better than I did in John’s office if you’ll give me a chance. СКАЧАТЬ