Castillo's Bride. Anne Duquette Marie
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Название: Castillo's Bride

Автор: Anne Duquette Marie

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ get back to business—back to finding the San Rafael.

      I will find the San Rafael.

      His vow had been made ten years ago, when he left the family fishing business forever—or what was left of it after a hurricane moved up the coast to New England and sank the Castillo fishing fleet, and killed the Castillo family crew. All the men were gone. Except him.

      Jordan had managed to cling to the wreckage for two days in hurricane-force winds and waves. His father, his grandfather and two older brothers, along with uncles and cousins, were buried in the Atlantic waters they’d loved so well. Their resting place was fitting, even honorable, although not all the widows and younger children had seen it as such.

      After Jordan’s recovery, he and his fiancée, Maureen, had attended the memorial service. Maureen had wept; Jordan had remained dry-eyed. He loved his family passionately and grieved for the dead, but they, like him, knew the risks.

      When Jordan later told Maureen the family’s plans, his fiancée was shocked. The majority of the Castillos wanted to use part of the life-insurance payments to buy another ship so Jordan could go back to sea. They would start out with a single salvage ship and move their base of operations to Florida. Salvaging paid good money. Those profits would be used to fund a new Boston fishing fleet sometime in the distant future. Right now, there was neither the cash nor the manpower for more than that. The Castillos were a long-time fishing family; it was their enterprise, their way of life, and eventually they would rebuild. But not yet…

      Maureen had become hysterical. “You saw your family die! You nearly died yourself. And you want to go back to fishing?”

      “Salvaging,” he’d corrected. “We’re going to buy a salvager, not a trawler.”

      “Fishing for treasure, fishing for fish…what’s the difference?”

      “I’m the last adult male Castillo. I have an obligation to the family. Without my family to crew, I can’t run a fishing fleet, and to be honest, I don’t have the will for it right now. But I can run a single-boat salvage operation. The payoff could support us all. In ten years or so my nephews—and nieces, if they wish—will be old enough to work our own boats again.”

      “Jordan, you’re only twenty-five. That’s young enough to try something new.”

      “The ocean is all I know.”

      “Do something else,” she’d begged. “Let your family do something else.”

      “It’s all I want. All we want.”

      “Want something else.”

      Jordan knew what he felt inside. Never.

      “I won’t have it, Jordan, do you hear me? I won’t sit and wait to hear if you’ve survived another storm at sea. I did it once. I can’t do it again.”

      “But, sweetheart…”

      “Don’t ‘sweetheart’ me! I can’t live that way any more than your mother could. I won’t be one of these widows here.”

      Jordan had winced. His mother had hated the sea with a vengeance. Maureen swore that the stress of being married to a seaman had caused her early death. Perhaps it had, but her husband had made no secret about his life or his intentions.

      “She knew who she was marrying,” he’d said.

      “You’ll have to decide who you love more, Jordan, me or some stupid boat,” Maureen had screamed. “You can’t have us both.”

      “Can’t I?”


      Jordan remembered how his indifference had actually frightened her. Her hand covering her mouth, she’d backed away from him. Jordan had left Maureen without a glance.

      The women in his family had tried to explain his situation to Maureen. Castillo survival depended on Castillo money. U.S. insurance companies rarely insured boats older than thirty years. The family had bought insurance only for the crew and the business itself; this was not unusual. The insurance money they’d received could only last so long. It certainly wouldn’t cover a new fleet. Besides living expenses, it had paid for just one salvage boat. Jordan was gambling on a high-stakes return to reestablish the fishing fleet some time in the future.

      In the ten subsequent years, Jordan Castillo’s salvage business had prospered. He’d successfully recovered both modern and ancient cargo. He’d helped support his family’s widows and put money aside to send his nieces and nephews to school. But as for restoring the family fleet, it hadn’t happened. One boat was all he could afford with the family’s support a necessary drain on his profits. His nephews were still too young to crew, for him or anyone else. Restoring the fleet remained his—their—dream.

      It could happen if he found a Spanish treasure galleon. This particular vessel, the San Rafael, was special. Although most Spanish treasure galleons like the San Rafael had been built in the Philippines, and the ships all sailed from the Philippines to the New World’s gold fields and then to Spain, the obvious similarities ended there.

      The San Rafael was one of the few privately owned treasure galleons. The king and queen of Spain didn’t own her, and no Spanish nobility held investing shares. Jordan himself had the papers to prove that his ancestors, the Castillos, were the sole owners of the San Rafael.

      The Castillo family had settled first in Manila, later in San Diego. After the end of the Spanish New World galleon routes in the late 1700s, the Castillos stayed in business with privately funded ships. They established stable businesses in both locations long before 1809, when the San Rafael went down in a sudden storm. The ship sank somewhere off California’s cold, turbulent waters.

      The Castillos, along with many others, had tried to find it and had finally given up the elusive, often expensive search. Eventually, the ruined family, stranded far from Spain, booked passage on other ships. The older men went home. The younger men sailed west around the Cape of Good Hope to the lucrative lands in Florida and America’s East Coast. A few die-hard treasure-hunters sailed south to Brazil and Colombia, back to their once-lucrative gold and emerald mines. As for finding the family galleon, all considered it a lost cause. Except for Jordan, who would never give up.

      There the galleon remained, its exact location unknown for almost two centuries. To him, the quest for the San Rafael was more than a quest for riches. He cared nothing for personal fame or fortune. His salvage operation earned enough for his family’s immediate needs and kept three generations of Castillos solvent. Whatever was left, he preferred to use for his salvage ship and crew, not himself.

      Gold had never been the sole object of his search. The San Rafael was also his personal quest for ancestors, the family heritage of years gone by. Someday, when Jordan had children, he wanted them not only to know their family history; he wanted them to own a piece of it. For the existing Castillo children who now had no fathers, he considered this a sacred charge.

      Jordan wanted tangible evidence that his family had left their mark on the world. While fishing was an honest way of life, it had become unprofitable. The polluted, overfished seas annually yielded less and less, and had, in revenge, taken back everything three generations of Castillos had owned, including the lives of their men.

      Jordan hoped the recovery of the San Rafael might change the family in ways not dependent on bars of silver or gold ropes studded with precious СКАЧАТЬ