Bound By Marriage. Nalini Singh
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Название: Bound By Marriage

Автор: Nalini Singh

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ the pencil to the floor, she dropped her head into her hands. “Help me.” It was a tortured whisper. But no one was listening.


      Several hours later, Jess looked out at the Dumont family plot from inside the Jeep. She’d forced this visit but now that they were here, she was no longer sure she’d made the right decision. It was apparent that Gabe would much rather be elsewhere.

      “Are you coming?” she asked, opening her door. He’d surprised her by accompanying her to her parents’ graves. She had no idea what to expect from him this time, especially since he’d been so silent on the long drive back to Angel.

      He undid his seat belt and got out, not saying a word as she opened the back door and reached for the greenery and flowers she’d gathered from around the station. But he was by her side when she walked toward the final resting places of Stephen, Mary, Raphael, Michael and Angelica Dumont.

      Stopping in front of Raphael’s grave, she looked up at him. “Would you like to lay the flowers?”

      “No.” His tone made it crystal clear he considered this a waste of time.

      She was cut to the quick but refused to rush. This was important.

      Gabe reacted only when she went to put flowers on his mother’s resting place. Striding over, he moved them to his sister’s instead.


      “Are you done?”

      “Yes.” She rose from her crouch, eyes on the harsh lines of a face she found impossible to read. “But…”

      “But what, Jess? They’re dead and have been for twenty-five years.” He glanced at his watch. “I have to check some fencing. We’d better head back.”

      She grabbed his hand to stop him when he would have turned away, acting more out of instinct than logic. His eyes slammed into hers, but she found the courage to stand her ground. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize how much this would hurt you.”

      He raised an eyebrow. “I’m fine. You’re the one who wanted to come out here.”

      “Gabe,” she began, convinced she’d glimpsed a deep vulnerability behind his uncaring mask. Hope fountained in her blood. Perhaps her marriage wouldn’t be a soulless one after all. If Gabe could feel so intensely, then maybe what had gone on between them last night hadn’t been based on lust alone.

      “Jess, you know me. I’m not some wounded hero you have to save. I was ten years old when they died. I barely remember them.” Turning, he shrugged off her hand and strode to the car.

      Jess wanted to believe he was lying but the look on his face as he’d spoken had been nothing but calm, nothing but completely in control. Hope crumbled. No wonder Gabe never visited his parents’ and siblings’ graves—the man didn’t even have the heart to love their memory.


      An entire day and a surprisingly undisturbed night of sleep later, Jess was sketching on the verandah when a battered old pickup roared down the drive. She waited for whoever it was to park and walk over, but the driver raced all the way to the edge of the verandah before braking to a sudden halt on the grass.

      Frowning at the theatrics, she put down the sketch pad. Who in the—? The vehicle’s door swung open and out jumped the last person she’d expected to see.

      “Jessie girl!” Running up the steps, Damon wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her off her feet.

      It was impossible not to be happy to see him, not when she’d missed him so very much. Blue-eyed with jet black hair, Damon had the looks of a movie star or a playboy. But it was his smile she’d fallen for, a bright slash that constantly proclaimed his amusement at the whole world.

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