The Runaway Heiress. Anne O'Brien
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Название: The Runaway Heiress

Автор: Anne O'Brien

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Исторические любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ in a silent plea, for what she did not know, but he merely released her into Akrill’s care before resuming his seat at the table and refilling his glass from a bottle of claret.

      ‘Well, Aldeborough. What did you think of my grey hunter? A better animal than any in your stables, I wager.’

      Torrington’s words caught Frances’s attention as she stood patiently for Akrill to wind and secure a napkin as a temporary bandage around her bleeding wrist. Aldeborough! Oh, yes! She had heard of him in spite of her seclusion in Torrington Hall away from fashionable society. Titled. Wealthy. Owner of magnificent Aldeborough Priory. A reputation for hard drinking and gambling and, with his title and fortune, one of the most eligible bachelors on the Matrimonial Mart. But a man at whom mothers of unmarried daughters looked askance, for he was not above breaking hearts with cruel carelessness.

      ‘Most impressive, my lord. Excellent conformation. Good hocks. He took the hedges in style. I do not suppose you would be prepared to sell him?’

      ‘At a price I might!’ Torrington slumped back in his chair, fast sinking into morose despair as he faced his own private disaster. ‘I am near ruin, cleaned out, everything gone except the entailed property. We shall have the local tradesmen knocking at the door, demanding payment before long.’

      ‘Father!’ Charles intervened, grasped Torrington’s arm with a little shake as if to bring him to his senses and awareness of their guests. ‘This is neither the time nor place to discuss such matters.’ His attractive features carried lines of strain around eyes and mouth. His embarrassment was evident in his clipped tones.

      ‘Everyone knows!’ Torrington shook off the grasp impatiently. His clenched fist hammered on the table. ‘Not a secret any longer. The horses are my only hope.’ Then a sly smile curved his lips. ‘But I shall come about. You’ll see.’ His words slurred as he slopped more wine into his glass and drank deeply.

      ‘What’s this, Torrington?’ Sir Ambrose raised his eyebrows. ‘Hopes of a fortune to rescue you from dun territory? Or is it the wine talking?’ The mockery was evident in his smile.

      ‘That’s it. A fortune.’ The Viscount rubbed his hands together in greedy anticipation. ‘I have a niece—an heiress. She will restore our fortunes and then we shall come about. She will marry Charles—this very week. No one will look down on the Hanwell family then!’

      ‘I congratulate you.’ The sneer on Aldeborough’s face was unmistakable. ‘It must be a great comfort to you to see your restitution.’

      ‘You would not understand—with your fortune!’ Torrington’s lips curled into an unpleasant snarl.

      ‘Very true.’

      ‘You were very fortunate in your inheritance, my lord.’


      Tension vibrated in the room, raw emotion shimmering between the Marquis and his host. It could be tasted, like the bitter metallic tang of blood. Aldeborough appeared to be unaware of it. He searched in his pockets and drew out a pretty enamelled snuff box with gold filigree hinges and clasp, which he proceeded to open with elegant left-handed precision, apparently concentrating on the quality of the King’s Martinique rather than Torrington’s barbed words.

      ‘Of course, we were devastated by your brother’s death,’ the Viscount continued in silky tones.

      ‘Of course.’ Aldeborough replaced the snuff box and picked up his wine glass. Sir Ambrose, watching the developing confrontation, found himself clenching his fists as he contemplated the possibility of the Marquis dashing the contents in Torrington’s face and the ensuing scandal.

      Instead the Marquis calmly raised the glass to his lips and turned his head, suddenly aware of the girl standing so still and silent by the door, her eyes fixed unwaveringly on him. He noted her extreme pallor, catching her gaze with his own, to be instantly struck and taken aback by the blaze of anger in her night-dark eyes. Was it directed at him? Unlikely—yet the tension between them was clear enough. Why should a dowdy servant or poor relation display such hostility, such bitter disdain, especially when he had been sufficiently concerned for her welfare to pick her up off the floor? But her hands had been so cold, her eyes filled with such intense emotion … Even now he caught a faint sparkle on her cheek. He shrugged. Perhaps he was mistaken. Perhaps he had drunk more than he thought—his imagination and the guttering candles were playing tricks. He had had enough of Torrington’s company, his shabby hospitality and his scarcely veiled innuendo for one night. It would be wise to leave now, before he so far forgot himself as to insult his host beyond redemption. Although the temptation to do so was almost overpowering.

      He abruptly pushed his chair back from the table and rose to his feet.

      ‘Much as I have enjoyed your company, gentlemen, I believe that it is time I took my leave.’ He moved with elegant grace, giving no hint of the alcohol he had consumed, unless it was the slight flush on his lean cheeks and his carefully controlled breathing.

      Ambrose rose too to grasp Aldeborough’s shoulder urgently before he could reach the door.

      ‘You can not go like this, Hugh. It is the middle of the night, for God’s sake. Are you driving your curricle? You will most likely end up in a ditch.’

      ‘Do you think so?’ For a moment Aldeborough froze, the expression on his face anything but pleasant. Memory of a curricle, overturned and broken, its driver sprawled lifeless beside it, lashed at him, the pain intense. And then, by sheer force of will as Ambrose winced at his own thoughtless and insensitive remark, the Marquis relaxed. ‘No. I have the coach with me. And there is a full moon. I shall be at Aldeborough Priory in less than an hour.’ He smiled cynically. ‘Your concern for my safety does you credit, my dear Ambrose.’

      ‘Hugh, you know I did not mean … I would never suggest …’

      Aldeborough shook his head and managed a brief smile as he turned away.

      He paused by the door to view the assembled company and bowed with a graceful mocking flourish. ‘I wish you goodnight, gentlemen,’ and then, with a sudden frown, ‘I am heartily sorry for your niece, my lord Torrington. She deserves better.’

      Without a further backward glance, and no thought at all to the unfortunate dark-haired girl who had incurred Torrington’s wrath, he left Torrington Hall. Indeed, by the time he made his farewell, she had vanished from the room.

      Frances Hanwell blinked, brought sharply back to her present surroundings by the sound of Aldeborough’s harsh voice.

      ‘But if you are Torrington’s niece, his heiress, why in heaven’s name were you playing the role of kitchen drudge?’ In a flare of emotion, exacerbated by his throbbing head, the Marquis promptly abandoned the polite words of social usage and spoke from the heart to interrupt his own and Frances’s bitter recollections. ‘And why in hell’s name did you need to hide yourself in my coach and take flight from your home?’

      ‘I do not wish to discuss the matter, my lord, except to say that I believed that I had no option in the circumstances.’

      ‘What circumstances?’

      She merely shook her head.

      ‘You are not making this easy! What is your name?’

      ‘Frances Rosalind Hanwell, sir.’

      He СКАЧАТЬ