You're What?!. Anne Eames
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Название: You're What?!

Автор: Anne Eames

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ think we will, too.” Mark looked into Kathy’s eyes and she nuzzled closer to his side.

      “Until tomorrow.” Michelle forced a smile and turned left, purposefully avoiding eye contact with Kevin. She walked away, back straight, gait slow. From the rear, she hoped she appeared relaxed and unruffled. Inside, she wanted to scream and run from the room.

      Why did he have to be at her table?

      Leaving the dining room, she quickened her pace to her room. Once inside, she kicked off her shoes and dropped onto the bed.

      And why did he have to be so damnably good-looking? And Kevin, no less.

      She closed her eyes and recalled his reaction when they’d met. What was it she’d seen in the brief moment she allowed herself to look him in the eye? Disdain? Arrogance? Curiosity? She couldn’t be sure. It had happened so fast and so unexpectedly.

      Michelle inhaled deeply and blew out slowly. Relax. She had to relax. She stretched out on her back and stared at the ceiling.

      “Okay. So it was embarrassing,” she said aloud. “Now what?”

      She could ask for a new seat assignment, but then how would she explain it to Millie and Hazel and the newlyweds? Millie would certainly seek her out and ask why she’d moved. Besides, she liked these people. New table companions could be a lot worse.

      No. She’d stay put.

      So what about Kevin? She could A, explain her actions, or B, ignore it and hope things smoothed over.

      She thought a moment about A. How would she explain? Well, you see Kevin, I was artificially inseminated this morning and I was looking for a certain face to use for the fantasy father. yada, yada, yada.

      Right. He’d probably swallow that.

      B it was. She’d look him in the eye, whenever necessary, and pretend nothing happened.

      Michelle pushed off the bed, undressed and went about her nightly routine. Having decided she’d have the breakfast buffet on deck instead of at the table, she found her romance novel and climbed naked between the cool sheets.

      Puffing a second pillow behind her head, she found her place and began to read.

       She gazed into his steely gray eyes, and in that fleeting moment she knew he was the one.

      Michelle slammed the book shut and turned out the light.


      Dawn crept through the twin portholes above Michelle’s bed, and she stretched languorously. The gentle rocking of the ship had cradled her into a dreamless sleep, leaving her more rested than she’d felt in years. It wasn’t yet seven, but her stomach was growling and she longed for some coffee.

      She threw herself into gear, eager for the feel of ocean breezes. Breakfast on deck sounded heavenly. And it meant postponing dealing with Kevin, too. A little food and a good book. That would tide her over for a while. Later, she’d resume her search for the fantasy father, but with more finesse than yesterday.

      After a quick shower, she pulled her hair into a ponytail and donned a pair of white shorts and a white T-shirt. So what if it wasn’t after Memorial Day? She was on vacation and so were the old rules. With her book tucked securely under her arm, she left her stateroom and strode down the hall, the salty scent growing stronger with each long stride.

      At the top of the stairs, she followed the aroma of fresh brewed coffee, surprised to find a number of early risers already in line at the buffet tables near the pool. Goose bumps rose on her bare arms and legs and she wished she’d dressed warmer. She spotted an empty table in the sun. Helping herself to coffee and juice, she headed toward it. She deposited her beverages and book, then joined the line for food, all the while gazing out over the endless sea.

      The line inched forward at a turtle’s pace, which for a change didn’t bother her in the least. There was no client waiting, no place she had to be. Smiling at a pair of lovers strolling by, she took another step forward.

      And ran right into the person in front of her.

      Michelle jumped back. “Excuse me. I’m so sorry.”

      At the sound of her voice, Kevin turned abruptly. “You!”

      Openmouthed, Michelle stared up at him, not liking the acerbic tone he’d so easily adopted. She jutted out her chin and took the offensive. “Are you following me?”

      His laugh was low and sardonic. “You’re the one behind me, Michelle.” He leaned heavily on her name. “Look, maybe we should get something straight up front. I’m not interested.” He’d started to turn back when she grabbed his arm.

      “And what makes you think I am?” The words were no sooner out than she knew the answer.

      Kevin cocked his head and arched an accusatory eyebrow.

      “If you’re talking about that departure incident, don’t flatter yourself. I was watching something behind you. I didn’t even notice you until you started staring at me,” she lied, with more aplomb than she’d known she had in her.

      “Right.” He dropped an English muffin on his plate and turned his back on her.

      Of all the pompous, arrogant…Her breathing was rapid, her face hot. She searched for a clever retort, but was too embarrassed and angry to think.

      Michelle slapped food onto her plate, barely taking stock of her choices. Well, she could have been looking at something behind him. How did he know?

      Kevin wandered off in the opposite direction as she rushed over to her table. She positioned her chair away from the crowd and faced the railing, then dropped heavily into it.

      Men! No wonder she was still single—a fact that sounded better every day.

      Michelle munched on a piece of rye toast as her breathing returned to normal. What was wrong with her? It was a gorgeous day and she was on her way to a tropical island. There were about two thousand people on this ship. She couldn’t let one insolent man ruin it all. She drank her coffee, feeling its warmth trickle through her, then picked up her book. One thing was certain. She’d have lunch outside, too, and be sure he was nowhere in sight when she approached the buffet. Tonight she’d deal with Mr. God’s Gift.

      Michelle read the same page twice before closing her eyes and lifting her face to the sun. Damn, but he was good-looking. That probably accounted for the attitude. Poor baby—getting hit on at every turn.

      A slow smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. Maybe she should give him a little of what he expected. Why not? If he didn’t like it, he could ask for a new table and the problem would be solved.

      Kevin tightened the knot on his tie, buttoned down the points of his collar and mumbled under his breath. He’d spent the better part of the day peering around corners for that ever-present redhead, not once spotting her. Had he been wrong about her looking for action, or had he just been lucky not to run into СКАЧАТЬ