Take Me Twice. Isabel Sharpe
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Название: Take Me Twice

Автор: Isabel Sharpe

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ of New York.”

      “Getting hurt is not an option. These will be deliberately inappropriate men. The only thing involved will be my body.”

      He suppressed a primal growl and moved his thumbs up and down her firm stomach, noting her sudden stillness with satisfaction. “So when you bring these guys home to do, can I watch?”

      “Ha.” She gave a distracted grin as if she was responding on autopilot. “I don’t think so.”

      He moved his thumbs up her rib cage, tugged her in even closer. “Maybe press a glass to the wall and listen?”

      “Pervert.” She mumbled the word somewhat dreamily.

      “Because I wouldn’t really need to see, if I could hear.” He spoke softly, moved his hands slowly up until his thumbs would be able to brush across her breasts if he extended them. “I already know the noises you make. I’d know when you were getting close, when you make that whimpering sound like nothing else in the world matters to you right then but coming.”

      “Stop.” She was whispering, too, still motionless, caught.

      “Stop what?” He was getting hard touching her, talking about her, picturing how she looked right before she came. “What am I doing?”

      She pushed away and went back around to her side of the counter, grabbed her beer and shoved her hand into the bag of pretzels. “Trying to get into my pants.”

      “So what’s your point?” He meant the comment playfully, but his dick was hard, he wanted her, it looked as if that wasn’t going to happen right now, he didn’t understand why not, and it pissed him off.

      “My point is that my pants are off limits.”

      “From what I just heard, it sounds like freaking open season.”

      “Not for you, Grayson. Been there, done you, not going there again.”

      She said the words calmly, looking right into his eyes. He tightened his mouth, felt a reflexive jerk in his gut. That time she was serious. Her body might still want him, but her brain was firmly opposed.

      “Okay. Message received and understood.”

      “Good.” She let out a breath and grinned a sweet grin he was in no mood to return. “Now that’s out of the way, are you hungry?”

      She turned and reached up into another cabinet; the gesture parted her shirt and skirt, exposing smooth skin and accentuating the curve of her gorgeous ass.

      “Yeah, I’m hungry.”

      She had no idea how hungry. But damn it, getting the meal he wanted was going to be much more of a challenge than he thought.


      From: Angie Keller

       Sent: Tuesday To: Laine Blackwell; Kathy Baker Subject: Re: Men To Do and (ack!) Old Boyfriend Returns

      Hey, girl. I’d say you have yourself a winner with this Antonio guy. Mmm-mmm, them’s good eatin’. If things don’t work out, you can send him on down here to North Carolina, and I’ll show the boy how to boogie.

      But what I really want is to see pictures of this ex of yours, butt-naked if possible. And come on, give Angie a break. You’re planning to live with this guy all summer who was heaven-on-earth to screw and nothing’s gonna happen? Yeow! I’m betting the air was pretty darn thick when he walked in. Or maybe you two have already revisited paradise? That kind of chemistry doesn’t just get up and walk away.

      Heck, girl, live a little! Two at once. Vain Foreigner and the Gray Stud.

      Just make sure to send details. And pictures. And detailed pictures.

      Me, I’m still prowling the bars of Asheville, N.C. No luck last night unless you count the drooling icky married guy, but come the weekend, I’m there again.

      God bless,


      From: Kathy Baker

       Sent: Tuesday To: Laine Blackwell; Angie Keller Subject: The Vain Foreigner and Old Boyfriend

      Of course I’m not such a god-awful slut-puppy as Angie, so I’ll say hey, the Vain Foreigner person sounds good and looks yummy, but Auntie Kathy just has to chime in and say be careful. Don’t give him your phone number or address or even your last name. And don’t let him pick you up at your apartment—meet him at the restaurant or wherever you go. And if you’ve done all that, then I’ve done my Auntie Duty, so have fun! And tell all when you come home. If you come home (nyuck nyuck).

      As for this boyfriend-type person, hmm. Danger there, I won’t say more, but I’ll be curious to see how it all pans out. And yeah, how about treating us to a picture of him, too?

      Me, I have a guy at work that would make a perfect Man To Do, but I think taking coworkers to bed is right up there in the stupidity department with handing steak through the bars of a lion’s cage (typed “bras of a lion’s cage” the first time. Hello?). So I will continue to search far and afield (is that the right expression? What field? Where?) for my man.

      Hmm…maybe the hunky UPS guy who just pulled up…

      Gotta go!


      LAINE LIFTED the ten-pound weight up, then down, up, then down, working her biceps, following the chirpy instructions of the exercise instructor on the video. Laine needed a workout in a big way this morning; she’d slept like crap knowing Grayson was in the next bedroom, and woke with a tired and bleary brain. Thank goodness he’d left early, gone already when she got up at eight. She was not in the mood to handle the all-too-familiar intimacy of a shared morning.

      Up for two, down for two, hold for a pulse of three. She finished working her arm, got the matching weight and moved both to her shoulders for leg work. Then the other arm. Aerobic intervals. More leg work—squats, lunges, dips. Her body felt good, clean and strong, the weights satisfyingly tough to handle. And her brain was responding slowly, returning from its Grayson-induced disorientation.

      Seeing him had been totally different than she’d expected. Instead of the sisterly affection she was so sure would comprise her now and future feelings, the second she opened the door and saw him standing there—masculine, magnetic, full of life—she’d been shot back into her own past, which she’d worked so hard to leave behind. Yeesh. The rest of the evening, even when he wasn’t coming on to her—force of habit for God’s sake, the man was a walking pass—she’d been struggling against the pull of what they’d been together.

      She draped herself on all fours over her exercise step, fitted a three-pound weight behind her knee and bent her leg to keep it in place. Lift and down, lift and down, sixteen reps, then up and cross over the other leg for eight. Her deepest fear? If the initial thrill of seeing him didn’t fade, she might find out, to her ultimate horror, that she hadn’t managed to put him on the shelf after all. That couldn’t happen. If she didn’t get herself under control, she’d be toast. Burned black. Never survive the summer.

      Leg reps over, she sat back to stretch, then lay on one side and started working her adductor СКАЧАТЬ