Mistress For Hire. Angela Devine
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СКАЧАТЬ told her. She says she’s found you in the house twice when she went to visit him. The first time she suspected you were living with him, so the second time she arrived unannounced, found a wild party in progress and Tim draped all over you.’

      ‘It wasn’t a wild party!’ protested Lisa. ‘It was just a few of Tim’s friends at the end of third term. We’ve had much wilder parties than that.’

      ‘Have you?’ demanded Matt in an ominous tone. ‘As your landlord, I hardly find that reassuring. Anyway, be that as it may, Sonia tackled Tim about it afterwards and demanded to know what you were doing there. At first he told her a lot of implausible stories and then finally blurted out the truth—that he had fallen in love with you and was planning to marry you.’

      Lisa gave a low gasp of indignation.

      ‘That idiot,’ she muttered. ‘I might have known he’d go to pieces once Sonia started interrogating him. He’s nothing but a big, silly kid.’

      ‘Exactly,’ growled Matt. ‘So why are you wasting your time on him? You don’t need a boy, you need a grown man, and a powerful one at that, to keep you occupied, young lady.’

      ‘Oh, so you’re offering your services, are you?’ demanded Lisa sarcastically.

      Matt’s hold on her wrist tightened.

      ‘I might be, I just might be,’ he growled. ‘Not marriage, Lisa. I’ve no intention of marrying a woman who’s available to the highest bidder, but a love affair, that’s something else.’ He leaned forward and his voice was so low that she could scarcely catch the words, but when she did they made her quiver with rage and something else. ‘I can make you tingle and ache with sexual passion in a way that boy hasn’t even discovered yet. You’re a gambler and a deeply sensual woman, Lisa, and I’m a man of considerable experience. Why don’t you try your luck with me?’


      LISA was so outraged by this question that for a moment she was completely speechless. Yet if she was honest, it was not only outrage that she felt. A strange, throbbing warmth began to pulsate deep inside her at Matt’s words, and the intense, stormy look in his eyes made her feel breathless. Feeling almost as angry with herself as with him, she jerked her hand out of his grip and gave him a cold, challenging stare.

      ‘What exactly are you suggesting?’ she demanded.

      Matt smiled lazily as if he was enjoying the situation.

      ‘I’m a wealthy man,’ he said in a low voice. ‘I could set you up in style with a luxury flat and a studio. I already come to Melbourne quite frequently on business and I could come even more frequently for pleasure.’

      Lisa felt the taste of rage in her mouth, as pure and toxic as neat alcohol.

      ‘You make me sound like a fast food outlet,’ she hissed. ‘Juicy steaks, medium rare, prepared to perfection while you wait! And our money back guarantee if we fail to satisfy.’

      Matt looked at her from under half-closed lids.

      ‘Oh, I don’t think you’d fail to satisfy,’ he murmured.

      She leapt to her feet with an inarticulate gasp of rage.

      ‘I’ve never been so insulted in my life!’ she cried.

      Matt seized her wrist again. Gently, tenderly, as if this was nothing more than a playful disagreement between them. Yet there was something merciless in that grip.

      ‘Sit down,’ he invited. ‘I haven’t finished with you.’

      ‘Well, I’ve finished with you!’ she flared and turned as if to flee.

      His grip tightened. There was a latent physical force in that warm, hard, masculine hand that enthralled and alarmed her. He wasn’t actually hurting her, she couldn’t say that, but he was making her aware in the most blatant possible way of his virility and strength. With a sense of disbelief, she realized that the only way she could escape would be to shout for help and knock over a few wineglasses. For one wild moment she seriously contemplated the prospect. But Matt’s wordless, lingering smile made her decide against it. He might seem conservative on the surface, but with a sudden flash of insight she guessed that he was really totally indifferent to the opinion of others. If she made a scene, he was probably perfectly capable of swinging her over his shoulder and marching out of the restaurant. Shuddering inwardly at the image, Lisa subsided into her seat and glared at him.

      ‘Am I to take it that your answer is no?’ he asked mildly.

      ‘Yes,’ said Lisa between her teeth.

      ‘Your answer is yes?’ marvelled Matt, deliberately misunderstanding her. ‘What an unexpected pleasure! I’m sure we’ll get along brilliantly together.’

      ‘I didn’t mean that!’ flared Lisa, losing all patience. ‘I meant yes, my answer is no. Oh, stop trying to make me sound stupid! I wouldn’t have an affair with you if you were the last man on earth.’

      ‘And yet you’re prepared to do it with Tim?’ he challenged.

      ‘Well, he says he’s going to marry me, doesn’t he?’ demanded Lisa sarcastically. ‘He told Sonia so, didn’t he? I’d hardly be likely to give up the prospect of marrying Tim just so that I could go to bed with you, now would I?’

      ‘You’d be wiser if you did,’ growled Matt, dropping his benevolent pose. ‘A marriage between you and Tim would never work.’

      ‘Why not?’ asked Lisa angrily.

      ‘He’s not up to your weight,’ retorted Matt.

      ‘If you’re going to make cheap shots about my figure—’ began Lisa.

      ‘I’m not talking about your figure!’ cut in Matt impatiently. ‘It’s magnificent, as you well know. I’m talking about your personality, your style. I’ve seen enough of you to know that you have vitality, gusto, humour and blatant sex appeal. Compared to you, Tim is nothing but a colourless boy. Maybe in a few years he’ll gain some colour, but not if he’s stuck in your shadow. Lisa, I’m appealing to your better nature. Give him up!’

      Lisa scowled at him. She was secretly flattered by his comments about her vitality and sex appeal and she couldn’t help agreeing with his assessment of Tim. All the same, she felt it was underhanded of Matt to try to appeal to her better nature after he had already leapt to such outrageous conclusions about her greed and ruthlessness. She still felt angry and offended and wanted to go on fighting with him until she had evened the score before she laid down her weapons.

      ‘What makes you think I have a better nature?’ she cooed.

      Matt’s eyes flashed ominously.

      ‘Then you won’t give him up?’ he challenged.

      Lisa smiled provocatively, enjoying the heady sensation of power that his uneasiness was giving her.

      ‘Tell me one good reason why I should.’



      Lisa СКАЧАТЬ