Caught In The Middle. Gayle Roper
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СКАЧАТЬ It looked much like the other houses in the neighborhood, not the retreat of an artist of some stature.

      Thin sunlight patterned the roof through the barren branches of the beech and poplar that formed a semicircle around the lawn. Brown, frosty, winter-killed grass tufted the deep front yard. On the half acres to the right and left were other ranches very similar in appearance. Across the street a pair of three-year-olds made fat and unbendable by their snowsuits stared at me from the porch of yet another ranch.

      I looked again at Carlyle’s house and shrugged. It told me nothing.

      I rang the bell and waited. No response. I rang again as I checked my watch. Ten o’clock. That was the time we had agreed on. Could he have forgotten? Sure, he was probably busy with last-minute arrangements for his show, but I was as important to him as he was to me. If I could tear myself away from a murder investigation to make time for him, certainly he could return the compliment. After all, he needed the exposure as much as I needed the article.

      I rang a third time. Maybe he was hard of hearing. It seemed to me that anyone who retired from teaching must have lost something through the years of dealing with kids. I would have thought it would be sanity, but hearing was a distinct possibility.

      Suddenly the door imploded and a huge bear of a man filled the opening. A great smile lit his face, crinkling his eyes to slits behind their dark-framed glasses.

      “Merrileigh Kramer from The News, right?” he asked as he threw the storm door open for me. “Hi. I’m Curt Carlyle.”

      I nodded as I stepped by him, quickly revising my erroneous preconceptions. “Former gym teacher” obviously didn’t mean what I had thought. Curt Carlyle was no retiree; he was a man in his early thirties who exuded energy, whose mass of curly dark hair was a far cry from the sparse gray I had anticipated.

      “Do you mind if we talk downstairs?” he asked. “I’m finishing up some things for tomorrow.”

      He led the way downstairs and as we descended, he began to whistle “Row, Row, Row Your Boat.” I grimaced.

      Unexpectedly, a huge, bright room greeted me. The rear wall of the walkout basement was exposed by the downward slope of the lawn and had been lined with glass. The lemon light of winter was aided by great lights hanging over Carlyle’s worktable. Shelves lining the front wall of the room were filled with art supplies from paper and paints to huge rolls of popcorn plastic used for packaging. It was a roll of the wrap that he was working with now, swathing a framed picture four feet by three for safe transport.

      I pulled out my new camera and began snapping him as he worked. He was happy to pose at his worktable and stood easily beside a wonderfully detailed watercolor of a stone barn backed by a brooding, stormy sky, dark clouds streaked dramatically with the brilliant oranges and yellows of an angry setting sun.

      “This is the original of the picture I’m offering prints of this year.” He wiped an imaginary speck off the glass before he began wrapping it in plastic. “I select one picture a year to reproduce, and I’ve been pleasantly surprised at how successful the prints have been.”

      “How many prints do you make?”

      “Five hundred. Each numbered and signed.”

      “I know you’re a former gym teacher,” I said. “How did you end up being a watercolorist?”

      “I’ve always loved painting, but it didn’t seem like a very practical way to make a living. So I went with my other love, sports, and taught. In my late twenties I became very dissatisfied. I had visions of me rolling out the ball for the rest of my life while others played.”

      I imagined him stalking the sidelines like a tethered grizzly, frustrated and unhappy.

      “My sister, Joan, was the one who encouraged me to take the leap.” He nodded toward the portrait of an attractive woman I had assumed to be a wife or girlfriend. “So what if I had a couple of lean years, she said. I had only myself to feed. Our parents had left us this house, and since Joan was married, she urged me to live here and go for it.” He shrugged and grinned happily. “I did, and though I’ve been hungry a few times, I don’t regret it. Life’s exciting again.”

      “Your sister must be very proud,” I said.

      His smile disappeared. “I’m sure she would be, but she died two years ago, just before things really started to move for me.”

      “Oh. I’m sorry,” I said.

      “Don’t feel bad, Merrileigh. It’s okay. She was a strong Christian, and that thought comforts me.” He smiled and began to whistle again.

      I listened to him for a minute, then said sharply, “Do you know what you’re doing?”

      He looked at me in surprise.

      “You’re whistling,” I said.

      “I beg your pardon?”

      “Everyone does it, and it drives me crazy.” I tried not to grind my teeth. “Though most people usually sing.”

      “What in the world are you talking about?” Curt asked.

      “What were you whistling?” I demanded.

      He thought a moment. “‘Merrily We Roll Along.’”

      “Right. And what were you whistling when we came down the steps?”

      “I don’t know,” he said patiently. “What?”

      “Row, Row, Row Your Boat’!”

      Curt looked at me as though I were unstable.

      “It drives me wild,” I said. “Sometimes I’d like to strangle my mother.”

      Suddenly Curt’s face cleared and he began to laugh. “Merrily/Merrileigh, right?”

      I nodded. “Most people do it subconsciously, though some people actually do it on purpose just to bother me.”

      Jack had been one of those people, and I’d never understood why he intentionally did something I disliked so much.

      “It doesn’t matter whether you think I’m overreacting or not, Jack,” I said to him once. “Just please believe me when I say I hate it!”

      And he’d smiled his knee-weakening smile and sung back to me to the tune of “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”: “Calm, calm, calm yourself. Don’t get so upset. Merrileigh, Merrileigh, Merrileigh, I don’t like to see you fret.”

      I looked stormily at Curt Carlyle, who smiled unrepentantly back.

      “I’ll try to resist,” he said. “If I do slip, tell me, and I’ll shape up right away. Do people call you something besides Merrileigh to help then deny the word association?”

      I was suddenly embarrassed about my outburst and how childish I sounded. It must have been last night’s shock.

      “People usually call me Merry,” I said, and sighed. “I’m sorry, but if you’d lived with those songs every day of your life since the teacher first called your name aloud in kindergarten, you’d СКАЧАТЬ