A Family To Cherish. Carole Page Gift
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Название: A Family To Cherish

Автор: Carole Page Gift

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ do it?”

      “I don’t see where we have any other choice, Barb. We’ll make it work. We promised Nancy.”

      “You were a terrific mother, Barb,” said Pam, her tone now sweet and cloying as honey. “And you’ll be a great mother again. Just give it a chance. You’ll see.”

      Barbara had great misgivings as she and Doug drove to the hospital the next morning to pick up Janee. How do I do this? she wondered as they walked down the corridor to Janee’s room. How do I play Mommy to a child too young to understand what has happened, a child who wants only her own mother and father, the two people she can never have?

      “It’ll be okay,” said Doug, slipping his arm around Barbara’s waist as they walked. “You know the old saying—All things work together for good.”

      “That’s not just a saying. It’s from the Bible,” she said, thinking how long it had been since they had studied the Bible together.

      “I know that,” said Doug. “I once knew the verse by heart.”

      She looked up at him. “I’m scared, Doug. What if she doesn’t want to go with us? What if we’re all miserable together?”

      “Don’t borrow trouble, Barbie. It’ll work out. Remember what you used to say—trust the Lord.”

      “I did trust Him,” she murmured, “and look where it got us.”

      He stopped and stared at her. “What’s gotten into you, Barb? You never used to talk like this.”

      “You know the answer to that as well as I do.”

      “It’s my fault,” he muttered. “Isn’t that what you’re really saying?”

      “Of course not.” She turned her gaze away, not wanting him to see her pain. “It’s not you, Doug. It’s everything.”

      “It’s Caitlin. Always Caitlin.”

      “All right, yes. You’re right as always. I keep asking the same questions and there’s never an answer. Why would God take away the daughter we loved and give us a child we hardly know? Is He punishing us? Laughing at us? It’s such a terrible irony.”

      “Maybe good will come of having Janee in our home, Barb. We have to give it a chance.”

      “That’s easy for you to say. You’re gone all the time. I’ll be the one at home every day with Janee.”

      “I’ll make time for her. For you. I promise.”

      They had reached Janee’s room now. Barbara paused in the doorway and looked up at her husband, hoping his strength would sustain her, as well. They exchanged brief smiles and went inside.

      Janee was sitting up in bed, cross-legged. A young nurse with rosy cheeks and French braids was helping her dress, pulling an undershirt over her head. “There you are, sweet pea. Now we have a pretty little dress for you to wear. Isn’t that the cutest thing? You’re going to look so pretty when you go home.”

      Barbara crossed the room and stood at the foot of the bed. “Well, look at you, Janee,” she said in her most animated voice. She felt as if she were performing, or worse, auditioning, with her very life at stake. “Sweetheart, you look like Cinderella going to the ball.”

      The child looked up guardedly, her face framed with silky flaxen curls, her large cerulean eyes filled with doubt. “I’m not Cinderella. I’m Janee. I’m going home.”

      “Yes, you are,” Barbara said brightly. No sense in telling her whose home she would be going to. She would find out soon enough.

      Doug joined Barbara at the foot of the bed and drummed his fingers on the metal rail. “You know what, Janee? You’re going to fly in a big airplane. Won’t that be fun?”

      The nurse helped Janee into a pink taffeta dress with ruffles and lace. “Janee has been our favorite patient, Mrs. Logan,” she said as she buttoned the dress. “We’re going to hate to see her go.”

      “We appreciate all you and the other doctors and nurses have done for her,” said Doug in his efficient, professional voice.

      “It was the least we could do, Dr. Logan, considering what this poor child’s been through.” The young woman paused, a shadow darkening her attractive features. “Does she know?”

      “Not everything,” said Barbara. “In time.”

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