Written In The Heart. Judith Stacy
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Название: Written In The Heart

Автор: Judith Stacy

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература




СКАЧАТЬ than when she’d seen them last night.

      The homes displayed a variety of grand architecture. There were storybook houses with gingerbread and scrollwork, great stone castles, English Tudors, white brick Colonials with Grecian columns.

      The carriage swung into the driveway of Stephen’s home. The brownstone looked bigger, more imposing that it had last night. Witches’ caps topped the circular turrets on the house’s four corners. Balconies opened on the second story. Massive stone chimneys and dormers punctuated the steep roof.

      “My uncle Colin and I designed the house,” Stephen said, gesturing out the window. “It’s on two acres, one of the biggest lots in the city.”

      “It is a beautiful home,” she agreed.

      “Seven bedrooms, not including the servants’ quarters. A trophy room, a card room, a billiard room, several sitting rooms and parlors, a formal dining room and breakfast room, and probably several other rooms I’ve never been in.” He smiled. “We had marble brought in from Italy. The stained glass windows are from France. Aunt Delfi always has some decorating project going on.”

      The carriage stopped. Stephen climbed out and helped her down. Richard waited on the front steps. He broke into a full smile when Caroline stepped out of the carriage.

      “Miss Sommerfield is starting work today, Richard,” Stephen announced, and presented her as if she were a trophy from a big game hunt.

      “Welcome, Miss Sommerfield,” he said. “I’m glad you changed your mind.”

      “Thank you,” Caroline said. She liked Richard and wouldn’t be rude to him, even though she might have decidedly different feelings for Stephen.

      The front door opened and the butler stepped outside.

      “Excuse me, Mr. Monterey. Your aunt asks that you come to her at once.”

      Stephen nodded, then excused himself and went inside. Richard stepped over to Caroline.

      “His aunt Delfina,” he explained. “The slightly materialistic, indecisive worrier.”

      Caroline remembered her from the handwriting sample last night. “Oh, yes. Her. Is she ill?”

      “Aunt Delfina?” Richard chuckled. “She’s never had a genuine illness in her life. But that doesn’t stop her from being a…situation that Stephen must contend with. He has several…situations.”

      Caroline was certain she’d been one of those situations this morning. What did that make her now? No longer a situation, had she been clicked over into the “dealt with” category?

      “Well, I suppose we’d better go in,” Richard said.

      But instead he stood there gazing toward the far corner of the house for so long that Caroline turned and looked also.

      “Is something wrong?” she asked.

      “What?” He turned back. “Oh, no. I just…I just wanted to mention that you should see the grounds. They’re impressive.”

      Caroline wasn’t all that anxious to go inside, so if Richard wanted to stand here casting glances toward the corner of the house, that was fine with her.

      “Should I see them now?” she asked.

      “See what?”

      “The grounds.”

      Richard shook his head, as if clearing his thoughts. “No, no, we’d better get inside. Stephen will be…” His gaze drifted away again, but after a few seconds he caught himself. “Well,” he said briskly. “Let’s get inside before—”

      Shouts came from the corner of the house, turning them both in that direction. A moment later a little boy rounded the corner, running toward them at full steam, short legs churning, arms pumping.

      “Uncle Richard!”

      A smile broke over Richard’s face as he walked toward the child, scooped him up and swung him in a big circle. The boy squealed as Richard lifted him high overhead, then settled him into his arms.

      Caroline couldn’t help but be drawn to the two of them, laughing together, both so thoroughly happy to see one another.

      “And who do we have here?” Caroline asked.

      Richard turned so that she could see the child in his arms. Her breath caught. Black hair. Huge green eyes. Good gracious, the boy looked exactly like Stephen.

      It hadn’t occurred to her that he might be married. Or have a child. A huge weight settled on her chest.

      “This is Joseph Thomas Monterey.” Richard tickled the boy’s chin. “Say hello to Miss Caroline, Joey.”

      The boy giggled and turned his attention away from Richard long enough to hold up four chubby fingers.

      “I’m this many,” he declared.

      “Four years old?” Caroline nodded in pretended surprise. “Goodness, you’re an old man now, aren’t you?”

      Joey giggled again and threw his arms around Richard’s neck. “Play, Uncle Richard, come play with me!”

      “You’re his uncle?” Caroline asked.

      “Honorary title,” Richard said, struggling to hold the squirming boy in his arms.

      “And so Mr. Monterey would be his…”

      “Uncle,” Richard said. “Stephen is his uncle.”


      “You gots to play with me, Uncle Richard.” Joey tugged on his neck. “You gots to. Miss Brenna is too slow.”

      Richard’s eyebrows rose in exaggerated surprise. “Is she?”

      “Yes,” Joey insisted. “She can’t catch a ball, or nothing.”

      Richard gazed toward the corner of the house. “And where is Miss Brenna this morning?”

      A moment later a young woman sprinted around the corner, holding up her skirt. When she saw them she froze for an instant, then walked over, hurriedly smoothing down wisps of her dark hair.

      She stopped a few feet away. “Good morning, Mr. Paxton.”

      Despite the child in his arms, Richard straightened his tie. “Good morning, Miss Winslow.”

      The two of them looked at each other, then looked away.

      “Good morning,” Caroline said, and introduced herself.

      “I’m very pleased to meet you,” she said. “I’m Brenna Winslow, Joey’s nanny.”

      Brenna was about her own age, Caroline guessed. Slender, with dark hair and deep brown eyes. Pretty. Richard seemed to think so, too.

      “I’m СКАЧАТЬ