When the Cameras Stop Rolling.... Connie Cox
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СКАЧАТЬ out, none of us have a lot of room for negotiation. We have to do something big to make up for cutting back our on-air schedule from five days to three.”

      “What? They’re cutting our schedule?”

      Phil seemed to shrink in on himself. “You didn’t know?”

      Both the producer and the executive producer stared at her agent as if her lack of easy agreement was all his fault.

      She couldn’t throw her kind-hearted agent under the bus.

      “Henry’s not to blame. I had to cancel our meeting yesterday.” Her grandmother had been having a bad day, confused and agitated with all her caregivers. The sweet little lady who had raised her would never have raised her voice if she had been in her right mind. Dementia was a terrible disease.

      And an expensive one to try to manage, too.

      She needed this job. She had to remember that.

      The money she could make by going back into clinical practice would easily take care of all her grandmother’s needs with plenty left over. But she couldn’t. She just couldn’t. Not even for her abuelita.

      “Talk to her,” Stan demanded.

      Henry sent them all a firm, noncommittal look. “Give us a moment.”

      Once the room was cleared, Eva leaned back in her chair, a feeling of unease building in the back of her neck. “What else haven’t you told me?”

      Mark O’Donnell watched his nephew run drills on the same high school field he’d once run them on. The coaches were new, but the discipline was the same.

      Without sports and dedicated coaches to instill boundaries, Mark didn’t know where he might have ended up.

      Hopefully, he would provide a better father figure for Aaron than his absent dad had been.

      “So she agreed?” Mark had been certain Eva Veracruz would turn down the assignment faster than she could say manicure.

      He still wasn’t sure why he’d agreed himself. Maybe it had something to do with feeling more alive while on set than he had in a very long time.

      Maybe that energy had more to do with Eva than it did with the television cameras. It was a question he didn’t have to answer since the show and Eva went together.

      And if she nixed the idea, he wouldn’t have to worry about the why of it all, then, either, would he?

      “She agreed,” his newfound talent agent assured him. “She’ll tape the shows live on Mondays and Wednesdays. You two will share a set on Fridays. And the rest of the time, for the next three weeks, she’ll shadow you when you’re doing your volunteer work at the high school, learning how you and the school system works with parents to keep our young athletes healthy both on and off the field. The executive producer wants to start filming on Tuesday.”

      Mark thought of how those boys on the field would react to having Eva in their locker room. Wasn’t going to happen under his watch.

      Second thoughts swamped him. He could hardly believe he was agreeing to do this. But he needed to break out of the rut he could see himself falling into and here was a sure-fire way to do that.

      “I still find it hard to believe she graduated medical school, even though I looked up her bio on the station’s web page.” The bio’s headline had read, “Single, Sexy and Smart.” It had gone on to explain that Dr. Eva Veracruz was a New Orleans native with a degree in medicine from the state university. She’d been on the show for two years, having taken over from Dr. Todd Marsiglia.

      Mark remembered Dr. Marsiglia’s show. It had been dry, a filler for the thirty minutes before the noontime news. He’d often turned it on for the monotony to key down after the night shift.

      “Did she even spend time practicing medicine before turning to television?”

      Henry, who was also Eva’s agent, shrugged. “I can’t discuss that with you. Confidentiality. And I’d advise that you don’t ask her about it either. Eva has some issues there.”

      “I’ll just bet she does. She strikes me as the kind of woman that has issues about everything from her toenail polish to her hair color.”

      Henry gave him an unyielding frown, so unexpected from a man who made his living from negotiation and compromise. “There’s more to Eva than most men bother to see.”

      “I’ve seen beneath the surface of women like her. I was married to a high-maintenance woman like Eva for longer than I care to admit.” Mark realized he’d given his standard knee-jerk response. His statement wasn’t the only thing jerky.

      Apparently, not only had his ex destroyed his self-esteem, she’d turned him into a judgmental jerk, too.

      Before Mark could retract his glib response, Henry gave one of his characteristic shrugs and turned the conversation. “You asked about the confidentiality of the students. Staff will need signed release waivers from anyone they film. For anyone under age, they’ll need the waivers signed by either a parent or a legal guardian or we can’t use the film. You can use that as a way to keep your interactions confidential if you need to.”

      “I understand. Thanks for checking on that for me.”

      “I consider it part of my job. Despite any preconceived ideas you have about us, agents really do take care of more than the paperwork.”

      “I’ll remember that.” Mark raised his hand in promise. “From now on, no preconceived ideas about agents or about doctors turned talk-show hosts.”

      Henry gave him a nod. “That would be a good thing to remember.”

      A good thing would be to wear sensible shoes on an athletic field. But Mark had stuck his own foot in his mouth enough already, so he refrained from saying it out loud as he watched Eva approach him.

      To keep her heels from sinking into the grass, she had to take mincing steps on tiptoe, making her hips sway even more than he’d noticed earlier.

      He’d always been a sucker for curvy women. His ex had cured him of a lot of his downfalls, but apparently not this one.

      Mark had to exert great willpower to keep from gawking as Eva walked towards them.

      Instead, he turned back toward the practice field where his nephew was now doing push-ups as punishment for some transgression, likely mouthing off. Mark worried about the boy. Aaron was too much like him at that age. The kid was going to get into real trouble if he didn’t change his ways.

      But no amount of advice was going to keep Aaron safe from himself. Again, experience talking.

      Mark gave the assistant coach a nod and a knowing look, even though the man wouldn’t see it with his attention focused on Aaron. If not for the dedication of men like him, he wouldn’t be who he was. He didn’t know how he would have turned out without such dedicated role models, he only knew he would have become someone a lot, lot worse.

      Aaron had a good heart. But he also had a hot head. Between his mouthiness and his temper, he was too much of a handful for Mark’s sister СКАЧАТЬ