Alaskan Sanctuary. Teri Wilson
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Название: Alaskan Sanctuary

Автор: Teri Wilson

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ Just keep your mouth closed, and you’ll be fine. Don’t turn your face away under any circumstances.”

      Now the rules were getting a little strange. “You’re telling me to stand there and let a one-hundred-and-twenty-pound wolf kiss me on the mouth?”

      “One hundred and forty,” she corrected.

      “Even better.”

      She ignored his sarcasm. “And yes, let him lick your face. It’s customary wolf behavior. Koko’s an alpha. If you turn away, he’ll be highly offended.”

      And would that really be such a tragedy? “Got it.”

      “Good.” She shot him a dazzling smile. “Then we’re ready.”

      She turned around to slide the padlock off the interior gate. Without even realizing what he was doing, Ethan reached for her elbow. His touch said what his lips wouldn’t.


      Stay here. With me.

      But she didn’t notice. The moment his fingertips brushed the rich red fabric of her parka, she moved out of his reach. The look on Piper’s face—the rosy cheeks, the slight parting of her lips, the breathless anticipation—it wasn’t about him. It was about the wild animal waiting on the other side of the fence.

      He’d mistaken the moment for something it wasn’t. Which was fine, really. He had nothing to offer anyone. Not anymore. Not even the first woman to capture his attention in as long as he could remember.

      Anyway, attention and attraction weren’t one and the same. Sure, he found Piper Quinn interesting. Who wouldn’t? He also found her headstrong and impetuous. He knew her type. She was a crusader.

      So was he, and the two of them happened to be on opposite sides of the crusade.

      Fine. This whole ordeal would be over within a matter of minutes. Once he’d seen her walk safely back to her little log cabin, he could drive away, write his article and forget he’d ever set foot in her wolf sanctuary.

      “Hey there, Koko.” She spoke in matter-of-fact tones to the wolf, as if the two of them were old friends.

      Koko gave her a cursory glance and then trotted straight for Ethan. He barely made his way inside the enclosure before the wolf rose up on his back legs, just as Piper had predicted, and planted his massive front paws on Ethan’s shoulders. It had been less than five minutes since she’d talked him into this escapade, and already there was a wolf breathing down his neck. Literally.

      Ethan didn’t feel panicked. Nor particularly threatened. The creature was simply curious, just as Piper had said he would be. Ethan knew as much. But that didn’t mean he enjoyed it.

      “Magnificent, isn’t he?” she asked.

      Once Koko had dropped back down to all fours, Ethan responded, “He’s something, all right.”

      “Come sit down.” She strode toward a fallen log near the center of the enclosure.

      He followed, took a seat beside her on the log and braced himself for another lick on the face. But Koko seemed more interested in Ethan’s feet. The wolf systematically sniffed his right shoe from toe to heel, then moved to the left. Once he’d thoroughly inspected that one, he returned to Ethan’s right shoe and began the behavior all over again.

      Piper laughed. “Wow, he really likes your shoes. Do you have pets at home? A dog maybe?”

      “No.” Ethan shook his head. “No pets.”

      The wolf began to tug on one of his shoelaces. He took a bite, and the lace snapped in two. Ethan didn’t particularly care. Although he was slightly worried about losing the entire shoe, his foot included.

      “I’m sorry.” She frowned. “I haven’t seen him do that before. He’s not hurting you, is he?”

      “No.” Ethan shook his head. Koko pressed his nose so hard against his ankle that he could feel the heat of the wolf’s breath beneath both his wool sock and the leather of his hiking boot.

      Ethan grew very still. His thoughts were beginning to spin in a direction he didn’t like.

      No. Impossible. It can’t be.

      Then he looked into Koko’s eyes, and knew that however much he tried to pretend that the wolf’s interest in his shoes was arbitrary, that wasn’t the case. His odd behavior was no coincidence.

      The wolf knew.

      A chill ran up and down Ethan’s spine. He pulled his foot away, but Koko’s jaws had already clamped down. Hard. The hiking boot slipped right off.

      “Oh, no.” Piper paled, but she didn’t make a move to retrieve his shoe.

      Good. Ethan doubted Koko would willingly let it go. In any case, he didn’t want it back.

      The wolf knew.

      It didn’t make sense, but Ethan was convinced that was what was happening. Maybe it was some sort of animalistic sixth sense. Or maybe the wolf just recognized the scent of blood. And fear. And death. And grief. So much grief.

      The wolf could have the shoes. Both of them.

      Ethan pulled off his remaining hiking boot and tossed it to Koko. An offering to the ways of the wild.

      “What are you doing?” Piper asked.

      Ethan shrugged. “What am I going to do with just one shoe?”

      “This is highly unusual. Koko doesn’t make a practice of devouring shoes. Shasta maybe, but not Koko.” Piper tore her attention away from the wolf and fixed her gaze with Ethan’s. “Please believe me.”

      For the briefest of moments, looking into those earnest blue eyes of hers was almost like looking into a mirror. “I believe you.”

      She blinked. “You do?”

      “Yes, I do.” He believed. He believed in her passion. He believed in her commitment to the wolves. He believed that even though they were on opposite sides, he and Piper Quinn had something in common.

      Something had happened in her past to make her identify with the wolves and care for them the way she did. She was their champion. A warrior. And warriors were seldom born. They were made. Ethan knew this all too well, because he was a warrior himself. He’d had his defining moment, and she’d had hers. Whatever had happened to her had cast her on the opposite path. The pendulum had swung the other direction. She couldn’t walk away from the past any more than he could.

      That didn’t mean he would write the things she wanted him to write. He wished he could. Gazing into her looking-glass eyes, he wished it very much.

      But he simply could not.

       Chapter Two

      The cursor on Ethan’s laptop flashed on-off, on-off, taunting him. Daring СКАЧАТЬ