A Pregnancy, a Party & a Proposal. Teresa Carpenter
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СКАЧАТЬ stag tonight.” He shook hands and nodded as people stopped in front of him. In a short break between one guest and the next he sent her a sultry look over his shoulder. “There’s been no one since you.”

      “What? I’m supposed to feel sorry for you?” She snorted, then had to paste on a smile when her grandmother gave her an odd look. “Spare me, please. You’re a world-class director. You could have a woman on your arm with the snap of your fingers.”

      “I pine for you,” he said, and lifted Grandma Randall’s hand to his mouth to kiss her fingers. “So nice to meet you. It’s easy to see where Tori gets her beauty.”

      The older woman twittered prettily and moved on.

      “Flirt,” Lauren admonished him.

      He grinned. “She loved it.”

      “Only proves my point. You won’t be alone for long.”

      “Come on—I barely know anyone.” There were a few film industry people here, but the biggest portion of guests was made up of Tori’s family and friends. “You’re maid of honor to my best man. We’re scripted to be together.”

      “Hmm. You’ve spent half the time behind that camera. I don’t know why you need company at all.”

      Implying he was lacking at his duties? Why did he allow her to get to him? Yes, she was lovely, but he’d dated some of the most gorgeous women in the world. She was a bit of a brat, and she constantly challenged his authority. But one whiff of her scent and he could think of only one thing: getting her alone.

      The thinning crowd shifted, bumping Lauren into Ray. He grabbed her to keep her from toppling. His fingers framed her hips as he drew her close.

      He lowered his head and kissed the vulnerable curve of her neck. “The laundry room door has a lock. We won’t be gone long.”

      She melted against him. The corner of his mouth kicked up in satisfaction as he mentally tracked the fastest route to the utility room. They both had bedrooms inside, but the laundry room held sentimental value. Best of all, no one was likely to look for them there.

      In the next instant she’d elbowed him in the gut and twisted from his grasp. “Hands off.”

      He immediately held his hands up in a sign of surrender. He looked at her more closely. “Are you okay? You’re a little pale.”

      She looked away. “I’m fine. I just choose not to let my hormones rule me today. It’s my sister’s wedding. I’m not going to steal away with you.”

      Lauren’s assistant appeared, ushering the wedding party back to the gazebo.

      “No one will miss us after the photos are done.”

      “Just stop.” She planted a hand in the middle of his chest and lifted a pleading gaze to him.

      He stepped back. “Pardon me.”

      He’d never forced himself on a woman and he wouldn’t start now. If she didn’t care to act on the desire her standoffishness couldn’t completely disguise, he respected her decision. He’d only pursued her because she helped distract him from the wedding heebie-jeebies.

      Shoulders back, he gestured her forward.

      For the next twenty minutes he stood where instructed, smiled when told, and snapped his own shots when he wasn’t needed. Finally the photographer released the wedding party. He trekked to the reception with Lauren’s brother Nick.

      They exchanged pleasantries. “How’s work?” Ray asked.

      “Busy. I know I shouldn’t be happy about that.” Nick ran the trauma unit at a Palm Springs hospital. “But I prefer action to twiddling my thumbs. How about you? Is there a new film I should be looking forward to?”

      “I wrapped up Gates of Peril in December. It’ll be out over the summer. I’m still in the planning stages of the next one.”

      “I’m going to hold you to that invite to a premier you issued at Thanksgiving. Not only will I enjoy the movie, it’ll be serious chick points.”

      Nick introduced Ray to more family and he got some nice group footage. Lauren had a large, fun family. Grandma Randall did like to flirt. She snagged his arm and showed him off. It made him think of his own family. He owed his grandmother a call. She had raised him from the age of ten, when his parents had died in an auto accident. Her birthday was this week.

      Having delayed as long as possible, he wandered over to the head table. Along the way a curvy redhead caught his eye. She showed her interest with a come-hither gaze. He kept on walking. He already had all the woman he could handle tonight.

      At the head table he slid into his seat next to Lauren. Tori’s parents sat on the other side of the happy couple. Unwilling to sit in uncomfortable silence for the duration of dinner, he turned on the charm.

      He kept the conversation light and impersonal, which put Lauren at ease. Stories from the set were always entertaining, and he finally drew a laugh from his companion. It gave him almost as much satisfaction as when she had melted against him earlier.

      She’d been overly tense all day. Probably from having to hand control over to her assistant. The woman was nothing if not bossy. The deejay announced the first dance: a waltz to When You Say Nothing At All. Tori and Garrett took the floor, and after a few minutes Ray led Lauren out to join them and pulled her into his arms.

      “Close your eyes,” he bade her. “It’ll be over in a minute.”

      She glanced at him through her lashes. “You’re being very nice.”

      “Hey, I can take a hint when it slaps me in the chest.”

      “I’m sorry.” She laid her head on his shoulder. “I’ve been such a brat.”

      He tightened his arm around her waist. “No more than usual.”

      She laughed. “You’re just saying that to make me feel better.”

      “Is it working?” He laid his cheek against the silk of her hair. “Should I brave another invitation to move indoors?”

      She pulled her head back, eyed him speculatively. “To the laundry room? There are more comfortable rooms available inside, if you’re truly interested in tempting me.”

      “Hey, I have fond memories of you in a laundry room.” He kissed a path to her ear. “Remember?”

      She sighed. “I remember. It wasn’t one of my finest moments.”

      “Oh, I disagree.” He twirled her and brought her back against him. “You were more than fine—you were extremely hot.”

      “My parents were playing poker in another room!”

      “You wild child, you.”

      She grinned. “It was rather naughty.”

      “Excellent.” Blood surged hot through his СКАЧАТЬ