A Mother to Love. Gail Martin Gaymer
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Название: A Mother to Love

Автор: Gail Martin Gaymer

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ helped.”

      Grinning, she gave a nod as Rema’s words echoed in her thoughts—I’m sure we’ll be best friends soon enough. “I don’t see her husband much.”

      His smile faded. “Trey...” He paused a moment. “He travels a lot. I think Rema’s lonely.”

      Lonely. She’d been lonely, too, at times, but moving and Rick had filled her life with new expectations.

      “Married?” El glanced at her left hand.

      “No, not yet.” Yet? “No” would have been good enough. She managed to control a frown. “But a good friend from work came over and toted the heavy stuff. He’s a very kind man. Probably someone like you.” Angie spotted a hint of pride puffing his chest.

      “Thank you.” He shook his head. “So this fella is just a good friend. Nothing else on his mind?”

      An image sparked in her mind. Life with Rick? She found him attractive, but she’d avoided thoughts of anything more. At least, she tried to. “Right. Rick’s just a friend, and that’s good with me.” But her true feelings and reactions confounded her.

      “Good girl.” He patted her arm as concern fell across his face. “Please, don’t think I’m the nosy neighbor or the morals police. I just admire young people who value the Lord’s expectations.”

      “My parents gave me strong values.” Again she thought of her relationship with Cal and his friends. She’d let her values slip there, anticipating a ring on her finger. What a mistake. “And I don’t see you as being nosy. I think you care about people, and you’re a man of wisdom.”

      “Thank you, but the Good Book’s filled with wisdom. I just have a good memory.”

      His wit tickled her. “El, it’s nice to meet you, and I know if I need a little wisdom I can come to you, especially with that good memory you mentioned.”

      He gave her a wink. “Love to have you, and you’ll find other good people on this street.”

      She loved his smile. “I’ll let you get back to work and finish my stroll so I can face mine again. I’m determined to get things put away so I can get outside, too.”

      He laughed and waved as she returned to the sidewalk and her trip around to the circle and back. Yet as she walked his comment about Rema being lonely knotted in her chest. Though she didn’t want to take on a needy friend, she couldn’t neglect her, either.

      She headed back home on the far side of the street, admiring her new house as she approached. As it often did, Rick’s image popped into her mind. But so did El and his encouragement to read the Bible, as if it was something she needed. Maybe it was. She’d been without the Lord for a while, and like Rema, she’d been lonely, too. Lilac Circle had opened doors for new friendship and now El had reminded her of another friendship, one with the Lord. Like all new friendships, it would take time.

      * * *

      Though she’d slept poorly, Angie looked forward to the day and Rick’s visit. She bounced down the stairs with a sense of accomplishment. The linens lay in a closet in neat piles, her clothes stacked in drawers lined with scented paper, and her cosmetics and personal items had found their logical place in the bathroom drawers and cabinets. She’d even settled on which paintings and wall decor would look best in each room.

      The extra bedroom had become a guest room, though she rarely had overnight guests. It looked neat with the bed made and a couple of knickknacks in appropriate spots to add a little life to the room. The second floor was finished except for hanging the wall decor.

      Rick’s visit added a bit more hope. He could hang the pictures and anything else she’d selected to adorn the rooms while she made decisions about what to tackle in the yard.

      She’d meant it when she’d told Rick she looked forward to meeting Carly. Rick seemed to dote on the little girl, and she’d learned enough to know that things weren’t always smooth between him and his ex-spouse. Problems didn’t make a good environment for their young daughter. Yet she had confidence in Rick. He would never do anything to hurt his daughter, so she suspected when trouble came he did all he could to hide it from Carly.

      She poured coffee into a mug and nibbled on a buttered English muffin. Nothing else appealed to her. Egg? French toast? Pancakes? Although they sounded good, pancake recipes seemed to be for more than one person. She shook her head at her thoughtlessness. She should have invited Rick and Carly to breakfast.

      To help pass time she busied herself by lining pictures along the walls where she wanted them hung, and she laid a couple of items on the bed that she thought might look nice in the bathroom—a cute wall clock set in a floral motif and a small shelf to hold a miniature vase and a pin box that had belonged to her grandmother. For her home office, she’d laid out a tapestry from her grandmother’s home as well as a dry board to jot notes to herself.

      She eyed the kitchen clock. Nine. She suspected they’d be there soon, but with a little one, maybe not. Before she could question his arrival any longer, a sound from the driveway alerted her. She ran to the living room window and peeked out.

      Her heart skipped a beat upon seeing his car. She spotted Rick leaning into the backseat, releasing Carly’s booster-seat straps. The girl jumped out, cute and spunky, her eyes the same shape and hazel color as Rick’s and bowed lips that must have been like her mother’s. Rick’s were full and more rugged than his daughter’s bowed ones.

      Without waiting for their ring, she hurried to the door and swung it open. At work, Rick wore a sport coat or a shirt and sweater, but today he had dressed in jeans and a deep gold polo shirt that highlighted the gold in his hair.

      Rick looked up and gave a wave. “I hope we’re not too early.”

      “Not at all. I’ve been up for a while.” She hated to tell him she hadn’t been able to sleep and had thought about his visit throughout the night. She pulled her gaze from Rick’s and focused on the child. The girl had her daddy’s hair, the same golden brown with cute bangs and the sides curved beneath her chin. “Hi, Carly. I’m so glad you came to visit.”

      The child gave her a shy look and glanced at Rick before her hazel eyes darted back to Angie. “Thank you.”

      Polite and sweet. Angie’s heart gave a squeeze. She could see why Rick’s life revolved around the little girl. “Come in. I was just having breakfast.”

      Rick’s smile faded. “Oh, I’d hoped I would catch you before that.” He lifted a paper bag she hadn’t noticed. “I brought you a breakfast sandwich.”

      Her chest constricted. “Really? I couldn’t decide what to eat, so I’m nibbling on an English muffin.”

      “Well, stop nibbling. I have a sandwich for each of us. Even Carly wanted to give it a try.”

      She stood back, holding open the door as they entered.

      Rick headed straight for the kitchen with Carly on his heels. When she came through the doorway, he’d pulled three packages from the sack and eyed the coffee carafe. “Do you have enough?”

      She nodded and pulled a mug from the cabinet. “Here you go, and, Carly, would you like milk or some orange juice?”

      The child СКАЧАТЬ