Familiar Mirage. Caroline Burnes
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Название: Familiar Mirage

Автор: Caroline Burnes

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Зарубежные детективы




СКАЧАТЬ now, though, I’m in bed with a very sexy little anthropologist. I’ll bet she would be excellent at some under-the-sheet explorations. Ah, some man is going to be very, very lucky when she finally settles on him.

      Until tomorrow!

      Chapter Three

      Beth sat at the breakfast table, a fresh crusty roll and a cup of coffee in front of her, when she saw Omar walk into the room.

      His gaze sought hers instantly and he came toward her.

      “Shall I accompany you on this part of your exploration?” he asked.

      Beth hadn’t anticipated that the desert guide would be interested in diving.

      “You’re welcome to come if you want,” she said, studying him for any reaction. “It isn’t necessary, you know.”

      His dark eyes held hers. “The sunken cities are relatively unexplored. I’ve read about them, and I’d like to see them.”

      “Do you dive?” Beth was surprised and couldn’t hide it.

      Omar’s smile was cool and amused. “Is it so hard to believe that a man of the desert might be accomplished in scuba diving?”

      “Well, yes,” Beth said. “There isn’t a whole lot of opportunity to dive in the desert. I didn’t mean it as a slight. I wouldn’t expect someone who grew up in New York City to know how to water-ski, either.”

      “Point taken,” he said, the hardness of his face relaxing a little.

      The waiter came and set a cup of coffee in front of Omar.

      “Do you mind?” Omar asked.

      “Please, join me,” Beth said. She hadn’t expected to see Omar so early, and she certainly hadn’t expected to have breakfast with him. “How are the plans for the overland trip going? Did you secure more camels?”

      “Everything is in order,” he assured her. “Please, don’t worry. I’ve led many Americans into the desert and brought all of them back safely.”

      “Have you ever been on an archaeological exploration before?” Beth asked.

      Omar hesitated, his dark eyes steady as he stared at her. “Yes.”

      “Did you enjoy it?”

      “No.” He sipped his coffee, finally breaking eye contact.

      “Why not?”

      He hesitated. “Perhaps you can’t understand this, but I’ll tell you, anyway. When foreigners come into my land to examine and explore, it’s like locusts coming to rob my people of their heritage. Foreign scientists discover valuable artifacts, and they steal them for foreign museums or worse, private collections. Egypt is robbed of her past.”

      “I’m not interested in taking anything out of Egypt,” Beth said quickly. “Everything will remain here.”

      “Perhaps you mean that when you say it, but you have no control over the people who will follow you. You cannot guarantee there won’t be political deals made by the leaders of my country and others. Many men believe that trading the past for the future is acceptable. I don’t happen to share that belief.”

      Beth’s hand clenched around her butter knife. “Omar, if we can find the City of Con, it would bring a lot of worldwide attention to Egypt. Con, I believe, was a flesh-and-blood woman and a seer who ruled with as much power as any of the pharaohs. It would change history.”

      His dark eyes were bright with emotion. “Perhaps Egypt doesn’t want the world’s attention. Perhaps we wish to keep our history to ourselves. I’m not so certain that it’s our responsibility to change the world’s view.”

      Beth started to argue, but she bit back her words. Omar wasn’t going to be convinced by anything she said, and in some ways she understood him. “I can only tell you that I intend to explore the city with the greatest respect. I’ll work in full cooperation with your government and do everything I can to make sure all sites are protected for your people.”

      For a brief moment his eyes softened. “I’m sure you will try, Beth Bradshaw.”

      “Your government has given me permission—”

      “It isn’t the government that you should be worried about,” Omar interrupted. He finished his coffee and abruptly stood up. “I’ll meet you on the boat.”

      “It’s the—”

      “Memphis,” he finished for her. “I know.”

      “How did you…” She didn’t finish the question. She knew how he knew. John Gilmore had told him. “Omar,” she called to him as he started through the restaurant.

      He stopped and turned around, but didn’t approach the table.

      She stood up and went to him. “What were you and John talking about last night in the lobby?”

      She saw surprise flicker across his face.

      “Your co-worker felt it necessary to explain to me that I should have been at the airport, that I was remiss in my duties and insubordinate to my employer. He also made an allegation against me. One that I refuted.”

      Beth felt little sparks of heat run up her neck and into her cheeks. “It isn’t John’s place to do that.”

      “I listened to him.”

      “John has nothing to do with any of the arrangements. He’s a paid hand on this expedition. What did he accuse you of?”

      “I’ll keep in mind that you are the leader of this trip,” Omar said. “The other is insignificant.” He left the restaurant with a long, purposeful stride, brushing past Mauve as she came in.

      Mauve arched her eyebrows at Beth and hurried to the table where the empty coffee cup told the story of breakfast. “My, oh, my, you do work fast,” Mauve said wickedly. “Was it breakfast after aerobics or just a little preliminary feast before doing some mattress maneuvers?”

      Beth couldn’t help but laugh, even though Mauve’s teasing accusations made her slightly uncomfortable. It was hard to be around Omar for any length of time without feeling desire. He was a very sexy man. But desire had no place on this expedition.

      “Omar’s going on the dive with us,” Beth said. “He knows how to dive and he’s interested in the sunken cities.”

      “Terrific,” Mauve said. “I’m very interested in seeing what he’s hiding under those flowing robes.”

      Beth laughed despite herself. “You are a wicked girl,” she said to her friend.

      “Wicked but honest. You’re curious, too, aren’t you? Unless you’ve already had a little preview,” Mauve teased.

      “Get your mind out of the bedroom and onto your work,” Beth said, finishing her roll and rising from the table. “I’ll meet everyone СКАЧАТЬ