Brief Encounters. Suzanne Forster
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Название: Brief Encounters

Автор: Suzanne Forster

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ those lashes, and it was sexual.

      Her soul-searching came to an abrupt end as Joe Harris walked into the room.

      “Everything is booked,” he said to Gaines, who simply nodded.

      It took Swan a moment or two to figure out what he was talking about, and then it hit her that Rob had given Joe her loan check along with the other one. “I’m getting my money back, right?”

      Harris looked at her as if she’d lost her mind. “That’s evidence, Ms. McKenna. No way you’re getting that check.”

      “You can’t mean that.” Swan’s voice went faint. “I need that money! Lynne and I have costs to cover for this tour. If I can’t come up with the money, it will ruin our relationship with the boutique chain. They may even cancel the tour, and I still have to pay for the launch party. I put that on a credit card!”

      Harris and Gaines looked at one another. Apparently even tough FBI agents could be surprised.

      “I’m serious,” she said. “Lynne and I went broke getting the line manufactured. Part of the loan from First National was to cover modeling fees, travel expenses and lodging. I won’t even go into the stack of delinquent bills I have on my desk. Without that money, there won’t be any shows.”

      Gaines raised his hand for silence. After a moment’s reflection he spoke to his partner. “We could put in for an emergency requisition.”

      “Worth a try,” Harris said. “All they can do is say no.”

      Voices filtered up from below and Swan suddenly remembered her party, her guests. The fashion press was down there, along with the brass from La Bomba. She had no idea where Gerard was or what was going on downstairs. The last time she’d seen him, he was being ushered out of the room. He may have been taken in for questioning for all she knew. That would mean her guests were down there, fending for themselves. She had to go. Someone had to do damage control, and there was no one but her!

      Without even thinking to ask permission, she breezed past the two agents and headed for the veranda. As she reached the doorway, she realized she’d just broken every one of Rob Gaines’s four rules and there was nothing she could do about it. Hell with it. Let him shoot her in the back. He might be doing her a favor.

      IT WASN’T QUITE AS BAD as Swan had thought. Gerard hadn’t been hauled off in a squad car. He’d been holding down the fort until she got back, and her guests didn’t seem to have any idea what was going on. That much she could be grateful for. They didn’t even notice that her outfit was a wrinkled mess.

      She tried to think of some way to bring the evening to a close, but no one seemed in any particular hurry to leave, which, ironically, was the sign of a successful party. Something to celebrate, except in this case there were two government agents in her guest bedroom, and she did not want them mingling.

      Too late. She caught sight of Joe Harris by the buffet table. He was helping himself to a healthy slice of Gouda cheese, but he was also watching her. Swan looked around for Gaines, but didn’t see him. She hoped it was because he was working on getting them some funds for the shows. That should keep him busy, and meanwhile his absence gave her another idea. There was something else she had to do tonight, and it would be far easier if she didn’t have to deal with Rob Gaines.

      Gerard was heading her way with a small cluster of guests, hopefully to say good-night. She caught his eye and pretended to be adjusting her earrings. She was actually pointing toward Joe Harris. By now she and her assistant could read each other’s minds. She was asking Gerard to cover for her and he gave her a knowing nod. He excused himself and picked up a tray of canopies, hurrying over to where Harris was standing. In typical Gerard fashion, he had the agent engrossed in herb-stuffed mushrooms and conversation within seconds.

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