Naked Attraction. Jule McBride
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Название: Naked Attraction

Автор: Jule McBride

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы





      “Lee Polls?” He eyed her. “Are you considering buying your family’s company and merging it with Future Trends?”

      “Again, you said it, not I.” She laughed lightly. “Although nothing’s in the works quite yet.” But if she was quoted in the newspaper, Robby might start to sweat, she thought. And after what he’d done to her, she wouldn’t mind making him squirm.

      “People might take such a move as vindictive.”

      “Well, I’ve never cared what people think of me.”

      “Fair enough.”

      “But as I said, I’ve got no feelers out right now.” She smiled once more. “I’d need to find more office space first, anyway.”

      “Three rooms could be cramped after a merger,” he conceded, glancing from where they were seated to what had been the living room a few months ago.

      Following his gaze, Ellie tried not to grimace. Her only employee, Angelina Carrella, had seemed excellent on many levels, at least initially. She was neat, prompt and efficient. However, love had entered her life, and now the girl was ruined. An engagement had followed, and ever since, Angelina was distracted and absentminded. Yes, in only a few short months, she’d transformed from a demure assistant into a brazen spitfire who spent half the day on the phone with her fiancé, Antonio, or the various relatives from whom she was soliciting funds to pay for an absurdly lavish wedding.

      Each day, Ellie was treated to the very last thing she needed to see—pictures of gowns, flowers, cakes and bridesmaids’ gifts. One minute, the wedding would be black and white, then pink and blue, then red and green. Plans had begun for Valentine’s day, then Christmas, then Antonio’s birthday. Every step in the direction of finalizing a decision caused lengthy phone fights.

      Even worse, despite Ellie’s clear instructions to behave while Derrick Mills was on the premises, at least, Antonio had now arrived to take his sweetheart to lunch. By the looks of it, and the very loud smacking sounds, if the two didn’t leave soon, they might well wind up making love on Angelina’s desk.

      Ignoring the trajectory of her interviewer’s gaze, Ellie continued, “Well, most of the analytical work is done by computer here, and I often meet clients in their own offices.”

      Derrick Mills was still watching the couple. “Looks like you’ve got lovebirds around.”

      So much for ignoring them. “She was an excellent assistant before the engagement,” Ellie quipped with a wry smile.

      “A wedding can be so exciting,” Derrick said on a sigh.

      Great. He was a romantic. Ellie couldn’t help but notice he began toying with his wedding ring. “A newlywed yourself?” she guessed.

      “Almost a year ago.”

      About the time Ellie was leaving Robby. “I’m happy for you,” she managed, very much doubting she sounded sincere.

      Not that he seemed to notice. When his eyes found hers again, they held that dopey dazed look of the truly loved. “No man in your life at the moment?” he prodded.

      She tamped down the images the words conjured…Robby’s hot body slick with soapsuds in the shower, asleep on his back with a sheet draped over his hips like a loincloth, lifting her off her feet and whirling her in a circle. “Afraid I have too little time.”

      His eyes were on Angelina and Antonio again, and when she followed his gaze once more, Ellie realized it was no wonder. The Latin lothario had his sweetie nearly backed against the desk now, his hands on her hips, a huge, lusty Cheshire grin on his face. The hem of Angelina’s skirt was rising dangerously high on her thigh. Heat rose in Ellie’s cheeks. The other day, she’d returned from a client meeting and found the couple nearly sprawled across the couch. Well, maybe that was an exaggeration, but there was definitely a tongue kiss, thus a reminder of the passion she’d once shared with Robby.

      “They’re in that beginning phase,” she offered.

      Derrick Mills turned his attention to her once more. “It’s amazing how long such a phase can last,” he said cheerfully. “My wife and I hope it will go on forever.”

      It won’t, she wanted to ensure. She knew better than these lovesick fools. And between Mr. Hearts-and-Flowers and the two love bunnies in the next room, it was downright hard to conduct this business meeting. “Uh…do you have any more questions to ask?”

      Glancing down at the pad on his knee and riffling through the pages, Derrick considered. “Sorry. At any mention of romance, I just…”

      Ellie raised a hand and held it up, palm outward. “No need to explain.” Sighing, she prompted, “Your next question?”

      “I use the old-fashioned stuff,” he continued absently. “Paper. The electronic devices drive me crazy. So I’ll need just a second to collect my thoughts.”

      While she waited, Ellie smoothed her skirt and recrossed her ankles. The rust-orange suit and shoes she’d chosen looked amazing, but weren’t comfortable. Still, a photographer had arrived with Derrick, and she wanted to seem her best. If a picture did make the paper, Robby would see it, since he always read their popular publication.

      Robby. Again! Cutting off the thought, she wondered why the damnable man kept invading her mind. The affair was over. Period. And yet she sometimes awakened, more than she wanted to admit, her sleep-hazy mind full of dreams about the raw sexual passion they’d shared.

      “Well,” Derrick began. “I believe I’ve got everything I need. I’m struck by your success. So is my boss. That’s why he sent me here. I really wanted to meet you personally, rather than just speak on the phone, and now that I have, I’m truly impressed.”

      So the article was going to be a good one. She fought the urge to shout with joy. “Thank you, Mr. Mills.”

      “In under a year you’ve built an amazing company. You’ve cut the overhead so much—”

      “There’s virtually none.”

      “And many of the clients you previously handled at Lee Polls have remained loyal.”

      “To me, yes. A lot of…my father’s clients followed me, too.”

      “Any idea why? Robby Robriquet is an excellent and talented manager.”

      But Robby wasn’t bringing home the bacon. He was best with numbers, she with finding new business. Oh, Lee Polls was doing well enough, but she’d been a third of its lifeblood for years. And as far as she knew, her dad really had retired. Not that she’d spoken to him.

      “Mr. Robriquet is skilled,” she admitted. In fact, in her weaker moments, she hated to see him lose business. She knew how hard he worked, what it meant to him. He was every bit as talented as she, too, but…“The stars were with me.”

      “Celebrity clients?”

      She chuckled. “That, too. On that score, moving to a larger city where I can network more easily has helped. But I meant the stars of fate. I’ve just had a good run lately.”

      “You’re too modest. You СКАЧАТЬ