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Название: Guilty Love


Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ a muddle, and then he’ll tear me limb from limb,’ she wailed. ‘Couldn’t someone else take over?’

      ‘Sorry, Petal,’ Linzi said, shaking her head. There were younger girls working in other offices, but Ritchie Calhoun had specified Petal, so that was that.

      ‘When will you be back?’

      ‘I’ve no idea, at least a couple of hours, I expect. Just take messages and say I’ll ring back anyone who needs an urgent response.’

      Ten minutes later she was heading towards the motorway, Ritchie’s briefcase locked safely in the boot of her car. She was glad to be out of the office: it was such a hot day that it was hard to work indoors. She drove with her window wide open and a cooling breeze blowing her silvery hair around her sunflushed face.

      There was quite a bit of traffic, so it took her longer to reach the Green Man roundabout than she had expected.

      She only drew into the car park of the public house at ten past one and there was no sign of Ritchie, although she spotted his red Jaguar parked near by. He was presumably in the restaurant, at the back of the building, eating his lunch with Ted, the pilot of the company helicopter.

      Linzi found the cloakroom first, looked at herself ruefully in the mirror, and set about making herself look more presentable. She was wearing a neat white shirt and straight navy skirt, her usual office uniform.

      So she added a smart red blazer with small gold buttons, which she had only bought the day before but which immediately gave a touch of class to the very ordinary skirt and top. Then she ran a comb through her windblown hair, powdered her nose, put on tiny gold earrings which matched the buttons in her blazer, and clipped a gold chain round her throat.

      Two minutes later she paused in the doorway of the restaurant, looking around the room. She spotted Ritchie immediately, seated facing her, at a discreet table in an alcove. He saw her, at the same time, and lifted an imperative hand, beckoning her.

      She walked over to join the two men, very conscious of Ritchie Calhoun’s hard grey eyes watching her all the way. He was wearing his site working gear—hard-wearing blue jeans, an open-necked plaid shirt, strong boots. He looked even tougher dressed like that: more obviously a powerful man—with a lot of muscle and very fit—than he ever looked in a suit with a shirt and tie. He could have been any one of his workers, until you looked into his eyes and saw the cold glint of intelligence there, the habit of authority, the look of a man who knew that when he gave an order other men jumped to obey it.

      Linzi felt a shudder ripple through her from head to foot. He was a very disturbing man. She wished she weren’t so aware of him, but he radiated a powerful male sexuality that was hard to ignore. Hard for her, anyway. Her mouth had gone dry and there was a terrifying heat inside her.

      Ted Hobson gave her a broad grin. ‘Hello, Linzi, love.’ He was a small, wiry man in his thirties, with deft hands, shrewd eyes and thick brown hair.

      She had met him in the office several times; he flew Ritchie backwards and forwards, from site to site, if they were too far apart for a car journey to be practicable. She managed a shy smile.

      ‘Hello, Ted. How’s Megan?’

      His eyes lit up. ‘Fine, thanks; the new baby’s due any day now and we’re hoping it will be a girl. Megan won’t let the hospital tell her whether it is or not—she’d rather wait and find out the usual way. I think she’s afraid to let them tell her, in case it’s not a girl.’

      ‘But Megan will love it whatever it is!’ smiled Linzi, and Ted grinned, nodding.

      ‘Oh, aye. Once it’s here she’ll be happy whatever it is. My Megan is crazy about babies.’

      Megan and Ted had invited Linzi and Barty to a party soon after Linzi began working for the company. It had been fun until Barty had had one drink too many, and turned obstreperous when Linzi tried to persuade him to go home with her. He snarled, pushed her roughly away, and she had been very embarrassed, in front of a room full of people from work. Megan had been wonderful. A large, tranquil woman with glossy brown hair and a warm smile, she had appeared beside them, put an arm around Barty and coaxed, ‘Will you dance with me, Barty?’

      He had blinked at her owlishly and stuttered, ‘Sure,! I’d love to with you.’

      She had whirled him round the room, aiming for the door, and Barty had clung on to her, his head only too obviously going round too. Linzi had followed, avoiding the amused or sympathetic glances she was getting from other guests. Outside in the hall Barty was sitting on the bottom of the stairs, leaning against the wall, his eyes glazed.

      ‘Here’s Linzi to take you home,’ Megan said softly. ‘Up we come, there’s a good boy.’

      Together they had got him to his feet and steered him out of the house and into the car.

      ‘Can you manage at the other end? Would you like me to come home with you?’ Megan had asked her, and Linzi had shaken her head, very flushed.

      ‘No, I’ll manage, but thanks, he doesn’t usually drink so much...’

      The lie had stuck in her throat and she had repeated huskily, ‘But thanks, Megan, and I’m sorry we spoiled your party.’

      ‘You didn’t, don’t be silly. These things happen at parties—we understand, forget the whole thing. Now, you drive carefully.’ She had looked into the car and laughed. ‘Look, he’s sleeping like a baby. By the time you get home he’ll be himself again.’

      Ever since that night, Linzi had thought of Megan as a friend, and they had met for lunch several times when Ted was flying Ritchie Calhoun to some far-flung corner of Britain.

      Megan and Ted had three sons, all at school now. The baby she was expecting would, she said, be her last child and if she didn’t want a little girl so badly she wouldn’t have wanted another child at all, not that she didn’t love her boys.

      She was a warm and loving mother and she and Ted were clearly very happy together. Linzi envied Megan; the older woman had everything she wanted and would probably never have now.

      Ritchie took the briefcase from her and gestured to a third chair placed at the table. ‘Sit down and have some lunch. We haven’t ordered yet.’

      She hesitated. ‘Shouldn’t I get back to the office?’

      ‘Sit down and don’t argue!’

      Ted winked at her. Linzi sat down and picked up the menu just as the waiter came over to the table. The men immediately began ordering their lunch; they both wanted melon followed by steak. Linzi ordered melon too, and a prawn and cottage cheese salad.

      ‘No wine for me,’ Ritchie said, shaking his head at the wine-list he was offered. ‘What would you like to drink, Linzi?’

      She asked for a fizzy mineral water and the waiter left. Ted grinned at her.

      ‘I have to watch what I drink when I’m flying, especially on a day as hot as this! Aren’t you hot in that jacket, Linzi, love?’

      ‘No, I’m fine...’

      ‘Yes, take it off,’ Ritchie said in his curt, determined way, and he got up and came behind her. ‘All this hair!’ СКАЧАТЬ