Formula: Father. Jolie Kramer
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Название: Formula: Father

Автор: Jolie Kramer

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы





      “But that whole issue was pushed to the back burner when they found the dead woman in Beth’s office.” Abby stopped to take another bite of cherry pie before going on. “I can’t explain it, but even that turned out to be lucky, in a way. She and Ty Redstone…” Abby raised her eyebrows suggestively.

      “Really? I thought something was up, but Beth didn’t say a word.”

      “Oops. I’ll let her be the one to tell you, then.”

      “Fair enough,” Darcy agreed.

      Abby took another bite of pie. “Long story shorter than I’d like to make it is that Mother announced that the baby’s mother has come forward but wishes to remain anonymous. After that, all the people who’d sent their regrets changed their minds and accepted the invitation to the gala, which means it’s going to be a zoo.”

      “Oh, dear. I’m not too happy to hear about that.”

      “Why not?”

      “I don’t particularly want this Chelsea Markum to know I’m here.”

      “Oh, yeah. I didn’t think about that.”

      “I’ll have to pass on the party. But thanks for asking.”

      “If you change your mind…”

      Darcy nodded. “I know you have to leave in a minute, but you never did tell me about the woman behind the counter.”

      Abby leaned over again, making sure no one could hear her but Darcy. “She doesn’t know who she is. She was evidently in some kind of accident. Lost her memory completely.”

      “Are you kidding?”

      Abby shook her head. “The only thing she knows for sure is that she’s a fabulous cook. Shelby told me last night that she’s going to ask Sara to be a chef instead of a waitress.”

      “Wow, amnesia,” Darcy said, only half listening to Abby. She couldn’t imagine what that would be like.

      “I’ve really got to go, Darcy. I’m sorry.”

      “No, it’s fine. You go. I’m going to stay and finish every bite of this sundae. And don’t you dare put that money down. It’s my treat. The tour was great, but frankly, the gossip was even better.”

      “We’ll talk more.”

      “You bet we will.”

      Darcy waved goodbye, then turned to her ice cream. Now that she was alone, she allowed herself to think about her problems. Mitchell, of course. But also the fact that Maitland Maternity was in the spotlight so often. It seemed hard to believe that so much had hit the family all at once. Maybe she should go to another doctor and not take such a big risk.

      Now, if she could only figure out which risk she was so afraid of taking—being discovered by the media or rekindling her…friendship with Mitchell Maitland.

      The hot fudge didn’t help her solve her problem—but it sure made the worry a lot easier to take.


      THE BABY GURGLED, and Janelle forced herself to laugh. She tickled the baby’s tummy as she widened her smile. Then she saw that the damn snooty butler, Harold, had finally left the room and she could relax. But not too much. Anyone could walk in at any second. Megan Maitland was the biggest nuisance, but at least she was convinced that Chase was her grandson and Connor her real son and that she, Janelle, was the nicest, sweetest, most loving daughter-in-law-to-be in the world.

      She couldn’t put it off any longer. She had to change the baby’s diaper. Nothing made her want to gag more. Well, nothing except seeing the self-righteous Maitland family being all lovey-dovey with each other. That was enough to make anyone sick.

      All she had to do was keep it up for a little while longer. Just until Petey and she made their money, and then it was adios to Austin, to the Maitlands, to this…. She took off the old diaper and winced at the smell.

      She didn’t dare do anything less than a thorough job, though. Megan or Harold would check. They always did. Like they didn’t trust her or something.

      She laughed. Man, her only regret was that she wouldn’t be around to see their faces when they realized what she’d done. How she’d tricked them all.

      Ironically, she figured Megan would be the one who could appreciate her work the most. Megan, who was tough as nails behind that angelic facade. Megan, who hadn’t gotten where she was by being a Goody Two-shoes. No one made that kind of money by being sweet.

      Megan had had to be smarter than the other guy, one step ahead. Just like Janelle. And that’s why it was all going to work, pretty as you please. Then she’d live her life in the kind of luxury she deserved. As for Petey… If he behaved, he’d be right there next to her. If he didn’t?

      Sacrifices had to be made sometimes. God knows, changing diapers should have been sacrifice enough. But if she had to do this alone, so be it.

      Petey. So damn good-looking. So malleable. But not exactly the brightest bulb in the chandelier. Actually, it was probably better that he wasn’t. Wouldn’t want him getting too many ideas of his own.

      Finally, the kid was changed. And Megan would be down any second to take the brat to the Maitland day care. Janelle could wait. She’d learned all about waiting.

      She picked up the baby and held him to her chest. As she walked around the room, bouncing him gently, a thought occurred to her. What if she didn’t leave? What if she stayed right here in Austin. Took Megan Maitland down a few hundred pegs. Took over the mansion!

      Wouldn’t that be a day. My, my. This would require some thought. Some serious thought.


      Darcy nodded as she walked toward Beth. “I’m on my way out. I just thought I’d stop in and say a quick hello first.”

      Beth stepped over a pile of Lego, dodged a headless Barbie and maneuvered deftly around a See-n-Spell that mooed for no apparent reason. “Did you and Abby have a nice lunch? I was so sorry to miss out.” She embraced Darcy in a fierce hug, then her hands grasped Darcy’s upper arms, which she held as she studied her friend’s face. “I swear to God, you are more gorgeous than anyone I’ve ever met.”

      “Oh, come on.”

      “I’m not kidding.”

      Darcy smiled, knowing that Beth meant it as a compliment and not as an opening line to precede a favor.

      “You know I’m not lying. You could always tell when I was.”

      “And you did plenty of it, if my memory serves.”

      Beth’s grin was exactly the same as when she’d been seven years old, and Darcy had been her babysitter. “I was a perfect angel as a child. And I refuse to believe anything different.”

      Darcy couldn’t help but laugh. Beth had always been so cheerful, so excited СКАЧАТЬ