Deadly Exposure. Cara Putman
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Название: Deadly Exposure

Автор: Cara Putman

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современная зарубежная литература




СКАЧАТЬ prepared to relish each moment. She’d spent the five years since graduation working her way through the ranks of broadcast journalism, moving from Cheyenne to Des Moines to St. Louis. She’d given it all up to move to Lincoln for Aunt Jayne. Her mom believed she’d lost her mind, and her dad tried to convince her to take a job at his station in Chicago each time they talked.

      Lincoln had been lonely, especially when Aunt Jayne’s bad days outnumbered the good. She’d wanted to dance when she reached Peaceful Estates and found Aunt Jayne alert and excited. A sliver remained of the woman Dani remembered from summers spent in Lincoln. If only she reappeared more often.

      The curtain rose, and Dani leaned into the railing. She glanced at the neighboring box, but couldn’t see more than outlines in the darkness. The opening song began, and her attention focused completely on the stage covered by a large set that resembled a junkyard. The actors stretched and danced as they mimicked cats and sang. The scenes flew by, and too soon the curtain sank for intermission.

      Dani shifted against the seat and straightened. Renee Thomas. That was the woman’s name. She’d interviewed the grad student for a story on promising research at the university. Though Renee had been formal and distant tonight, she’d been much friendlier and relaxed during the interview. Odd, since people tended to freeze in that setting. She’d practically glowed as she discussed the research, something about protecting the food supply from terrorist attacks. Dani had worked with her to describe the research in layman’s terms.

      Aunt Jayne tapped Dani’s arm lightly. Dani smiled. “Are you okay? Need a break from sitting?”

      “Maybe we should hunt for the story. Surely it’s hiding somewhere.” Aunt Jayne looked at her, amusement glowing in her eyes.

      “There’s a loose plot, keep watch.” Dani stretched in her seat and her gaze slid into the box to her right. Renee sat motionless. She studied the woman, remembering the edge of worry that marred her expression. Renee had remained alone after all. “Let’s stretch our legs a bit.”

      They stepped into the wide hallway. Dani looked around, hoping tonight wouldn’t be the time she ran into the only person she’d allowed to break her heart. Caleb Jamison. The thought of him made her emotions spiral into a tornado of anger and hurt. She looked over her shoulder, afraid he’d appear like some horror-movie ghoul. Wished she could wipe her memory of him.

      “Aunt Jayne, let’s step up here. I interviewed your new friend last week. Maybe she’d like to join us.”

      Dani approached the neighboring box. She knocked on the doorframe, parted the curtain and entered the woman’s box. A spicy fragrance tinged the air.

      “Renee?” Dani waited a moment. The woman never turned. The seconds ticked by. “Are you enjoying the show? Andrew Lloyd Webber is a genius.”

      Renee remained silent. Dani stepped closer. One part of her mind began to insist she leave. Now.

      Dani tapped Renee on the shoulder. Her skin felt cool. With quick steps she circled the seat and stood in front of Renee. Dani looked down, looking for a flash of recognition. Instead, Renee’s gaze remained fixed, a horrible grimace pasted to her face. The emerald scarf wound tight around her neck in contrast to the way it floated earlier.

      She sucked in a breath and willed herself to remain calm. Between the tightness of the scarf and the bruise lying under the woman’s jaw, Dani’s instinct jumped to murder. Bile rose in her throat. She put a hand over her mouth and swallowed.

      This couldn’t be happening again. Images of her college roommate’s distorted features floated in front of Renee’s. She’d been too late then. She couldn’t be now. Dani rushed into the hall, fumbled for the cell phone in her evening bag and dialed 911. No service. She thrust the phone back into her purse. “Somebody call 911. There’s a medical emergency. Does anyone know CPR?”

      She didn’t wait for an answer but ran back into the box. She sensed someone behind her, and turned to find Aunt Jayne. She pulled her attention back to Renee, and tried to ease her to the floor, struggling under the leaden weight.

      Please don’t let it be too late.

      Concerned faces peered into Dani’s from around the curtain. A well-dressed gentleman slipped into the box. He eased Renee the rest of the way to the floor, then loosened the scarf. He checked the woman’s neck for a pulse. Dani watched him silently tick the seconds off his watch for an eternal moment. He shook his head and glanced at her. “It’s too late.”

      Dani shuddered. She rose to her feet and took Aunt Jayne by the arm. “Let’s get you back to our seats where you can be comfortable.” A couple minutes later, Dani stood in the foyer. She took a step toward Renee’s box, then turned back to her own. Aunt Jayne seemed fine, but Dani hesitated.

      The news director would expect a complete report. She’d found the body, so she’d own the story from this moment. Somehow she’d balance that with caring for Aunt Jayne until she was back in her suite at Peaceful Estates. Interview questions ran through her mind. Someone had to have seen something.

      “Ma’am, you have to stay until the police arrive.” A tenor voice tickled her ear.

      Dani jumped back against the wall. She turned toward the sound. An usher had invaded her space and her gaze met a fishy stare.

      “You’re a reporter with Channel 17, right?” He slid a half step back and licked his lips. “They…the police, I mean, should be here soon. They’ll want to talk to you. You found the body.”

      She stepped to the side, unable to bear his proximity. “I promise I won’t leave before the police arrive.”

      “Maybe I should clear the box.” His gaze darted around the small area.

      “It’s a little late for that. Quite a few people have moved in and out already.”

      “Still, there must be something. They never told us what to do in a situation like this.” Beads of sweat pooled on his brow as he twisted the top button of his shirt open. Angry uncertainty flashed across his face.

      Dani leaned farther into the wall. “Are you okay? I’d be happy to get help.”

      “I’m fine.” With a parting glare and tug at his collar, he turned on his heel and headed down the hall.

      Dani watched him disappear, and then turned to the box. A security guard huffed up the stairs. A couple followed him. The man, tall and trim with a long stride, caught her eye. The woman held his arm and managed to keep up without looking rushed. Every brown piece of hair was in place, and her blue cocktail dress perfectly fit her athletic form. The man looked at her. Dani froze. One look in Caleb Jamison’s face, and she reverted to the teenager head over heels for the star football player. The teenager who couldn’t say no. The teenager who ached when he stopped seeing her. Stopped calling. Stopped caring.

      The ice disappeared in a flash of anger. Her hands trembled. Her stomach clenched at the thought of his smug, self-satisfied face. She couldn’t go back there. The echo of their baby’s cries as she was given to others jarred Dani’s mind. Caleb had abandoned her long before the birth. Yet here he was, cocky smile and all. He took a step toward her, and Dani escaped into the box.


      Dani blinked to adjust to the dim lighting and pull her attention back from the nightmare of her past. The curtains brushed against her back, СКАЧАТЬ