Dark Pirate. Angela Devine
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Название: Dark Pirate

Автор: Angela Devine

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ that’s good news,’ he said mildly. ‘If there’s anything I can do to help you out, just say the word. This is only a simple fishing community and we’re all good neighbours hereabouts.’

      If he had asked her to go out with him, Rose would have retreated in alarm and refused immediately. As it was, his manner was so casual that she began to think that she had imagined that brief flare of attraction between them. What an idiot she was! Obviously Greg was only trying to be kind…

      ‘Oh, I’m sure you are,’ she agreed with a rush of enthusiasm. ‘This village seems absolutely enchanting and I’m thrilled to think that my roots here go back for centuries. You see, I’ve always hated big cities and wished I could live somewhere small and quaint. Well, I’d say Polperro is the kind of place that time has passed by, where people still enjoy old-fashioned pleasures. Going fishing, gardening, spending time with their friends, having a quiet drink in the pub. I can almost imagine that I’m still in the eighteenth century here. Actually, when I first saw you I thought you looked exactly like—’ She broke off and flushed with embarrassment, aware that his eyes were on her with a frankly amazed expression.

      ‘Like what?’ he prompted in his husky Cornish voice.

      ‘Like a smuggler,’ she admitted.

      Suddenly he threw back his head and laughed, an incredulous, pitying laugh that made her feel a complete fool.

      ‘I’m sorry,’ she said in confusion. ‘I suppose it sounds silly really.’

      An expression mid-way between contempt and amusement flitted across his face.

      ‘You’re not far out, in a way,’ he replied. ‘Just between you and me, in my youth there was the odd bottle of brandy I brought back on my fishing boat from France that never paid duty in any Customs office.’

      ‘You’re a fisherman, then!’ she exclaimed with interest. ‘I thought you must be. You looked like one, somehow. Exactly the way I imagined a Cornish fisherman.’

      ‘Ah, well, my dear,’ he said. ‘It’s clear you’re a ro-mantic at heart and I’ve always liked the romantic, myself.’ Was it her imagination or did his Cornish accent suddenly seem stronger than it had before? ‘But tell me, now, how are you going to get home to your aunt Em’s cottage, seeing you’ve missed the bus?’

      Rose hesitated and then took the plunge.

      ‘W-well,’ she stammered. ‘I hate to ask you this when you’ve already done so much for me, but could you possibly loan me some money for a taxi? I’ll pay you back tom——’

      But Greg was sorrowfully shaking his head.

      ‘I’m sorry, my love,’ he muttered. ‘I don’t think I can do that. A simple fisherman like me doesn’t carry much money on him.’ He reached into his back pocket, drew out a shabby wallet and looked at the three one-pound coins that lay forlornly in it. ‘I’ll tell you what, though. I could sail you home. How about that, now? I’ll drop you off all right and tight in the cove at Pisky Bay.’

      Rose hesitated, torn between delight and apprehension. To sail home through the sunset and catch her first glimpse of her cottage from out in those dazzling, sapphire seas! It would be perfect, absolutely perfect…And yet was it wise to trust herself to Greg Trelawney? Not that he was likely to abduct her, but there were other kinds of danger that could be more subtly threatening. Like the danger of contracting an absurd, adolescent crush on a man who was quite likely to see her day in and day out in such a small community. She didn’t want the pain or the humiliation of that. Really, it would be more sensible to refuse. Sensible! something inside her shrieked in outrage. Where has being sensible ever got you? You were being sensible waiting for Martin to propose, weren’t you? Well? In that instant Rose flung caution to the winds and decided to live dangerously.

      ‘Thank you,’ she said firmly before she could change her mind. ‘That would be wonderful. But are you sure it’s not too much trouble?’

      ‘No trouble at all, my dear. There be my boat just down there, see? Lying at anchor on the mooring.’

      Rose followed his pointing finger down to the spot where a stately old ketch, with a black hull and red sails furled along its boom, lay tranquilly bobbing next to a pink buoy. By now the tide was turning and the water rippled as green as glass around the graceful vessel, making it shift and move as if it longed to be off.

      ‘Come on,’ ordered Greg. ‘We’ll just go down to the phone at the pub and report your belongings missing. Then we’ll be off.’

      Ten minutes later their mission was accomplished and they stood outside on the whitewashed steps in front of the Smuggler’s Rest.

      ‘What about your luggage?’ asked Greg, struck by a sudden difficulty.

      ‘I sent it on ahead on this morning’s bus,’ replied Rose. ‘One of Aunt Em’s old neighbours has been keeping an eye on the cottage and she promised to take delivery of it for me. Oh, there’s one other thing, though. I must call into the clothes shop and tell the woman I can’t take that sweater and skirt after all.’

      ‘Don’t you worry about that,’ said Greg. ‘I’ll take care of it. I have to go round to the far side of the stream in any case to get my dinghy. Now, you walk down to the stone pier over there and wait for me. I’ll bring the ketch to the foot of that iron ladder and pick you up. Can’t say fairer than that!’

      Rose firmly dismissed her last lingering doubts. ‘All right, thank you,’ she agreed.

      Twenty minutes later they were heading out to sea with the sails flaring bright red in the slanting gold light of the sun. There was no sound but the slap of water against the hull, the singing of the wind in the rigging and the occasional noisy squabbling of a flock of seagulls. Rose found the slow dip and rise of the vessel immensely soothing and she heaved a deep sigh of pleasure. A brief smile flickered over Greg’s face but he said nothing, apparently content to enjoy the scene around them without any need for words. He was standing at the yacht’s wheel, his long, muscular legs braced apart and his sensitive fingers handling its blunt wooden spokes as tenderly as if they were alive. With his eyes narrowed against the blaze of the sinking sun and his hair blown into wild disorder by the wind, he looked like some primitive, timeless sailor, totally in harmony with the rugged coastline that had produced him. An aching, primeval need stabbed through Rose’s entire body at the sight of him standing there so virile, so confident, so untamed. I could really fall for him in a big way, she thought and then gave a soft gasp of dismay at her own unruly in- stincts. Living dangerously was one thing; going right off her trolley was quite another.

      ‘Everything all right?’ he asked, looking over his shoulder at her.

      ‘Yes, fine, thank you,’ she agreed, grateful that he could not read her thoughts. Yet perhaps he could, for his eyes narrowed even further and he looked at her with that strange, assessing warmth that she had found so disconcerting on the cliff-top. Once again a tingling current of raw physical attraction seemed to pass be-tween them.

      ‘Why don’t you come and take a turn at the wheel?’ invited Greg, and his baritone voice was so husky, so caressing that the invitation seemed vaguely indecent.

      Rose opened her mouth to refuse and then paused. She was being foolish, incredibly foolish. All this belief in nameless, animal passions lurking just below the surface might be only a product of her own fevered imagination. Greg would probably think she was crazy if she started acting СКАЧАТЬ