Close Relations. Lynsey Stevens
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Название: Close Relations

Автор: Lynsey Stevens

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Современные любовные романы




СКАЧАТЬ was late she just used to say she was with you and Dad accepted it without question.’ Lockie laughed with him.

      Oh, Lockie. Georgia swallowed painfully. She’d always said she was with Jarrod because it had been the truth.

      ‘Georgia staying out late at night?’ Morgan put her hands on her hips. ‘I’d forgotten about that. Ha! You can hardly dictate to me, then, can you? Or is it the old, Do as I say not as I do?’ She smirked at her sister. ‘You’re blushing, Georgia. That’s what comes of having a shady past.’

      Georgia’s vocal cords refused point-blank to function and for the life of her she couldn’t conjure up a light retort. She shot a quick, desperate glance at her brother and saw that his face had coloured too. She didn’t dare look at Jarrod.

      Lockie broke into the lengthening silence. ‘Well, you know what they say, Morgan-it’s the quiet ones you have to watch. And no one could call you quiet. But anyway,’ he continued quickly before she could interject, ‘what’s all this rubbish about Steve hitting you?’

      ‘He did hit me. Look.’ She indicated a slightly reddened mark on her cheekbone. ‘But don’t worry—I hit him right back. Then he just walked out. End of story.’

      Lockie raised his eyebrows. ‘What was the fight about?’

      ‘Nothing. And everything.’ Morgan pursed her lips. ‘He’s pig-headed and obstinate.’

      ‘You should know about that, Morgan. Pig-headed and obstinate? Then that makes two of you,’ Lockie remarked drily.

      ‘Don’t you start, Lockie.’ Morgan pouted. ‘I’ve already had enough from Georgia. And I really don’t care to face the big-brother, big-sister inquisition tonight. I didn’t get any sleep last night and I’m tired. We’ll talk in the morning, maybe. I think I’ll go to bed now.’ She turned back to Jarrod and the sulky look left her pretty face. ‘No one around here understands me,’ she murmured with a sigh. ‘I can sympathise with you, Jarrod. I’d cut and run if I had the chance too.’ And with a flounce she left them.

      Lockie grimaced at Jarrod and picked up his sister’s suitcase. ‘Give us strength! How about some coffee? I could do with a shot of caffeine and I put the kettle on just before you arrived home. Want a cup, Jarrod?’

      He inclined his head. ‘Thanks.’

      Georgia moved towards the kitchen and to her consternation Jarrod followed her, watching silently as she set out the coffeemugs.

      Flashes of conversation came disjointedly back.

      ‘Isabel sent for me.’

      ‘You’re still more of a hunk than you have a right to be.’

      ‘I’m about the same age Georgia was…’

      And with torturous clarity she saw again Morgan’s small hand on Jarrod’s arm.

      ‘How’s the coffee coming?’ Lockie appeared behind Jarrod, fragmenting the atmosphere of solid tension in the kitchen. ‘Morgan’s decided she’s not going to bed and she’ll have a cup too,’ he added, rolling his eyes towards the ceiling, and Georgia automatically reached for another mug.

      When she’d poured hot water over the coffee grains she set the steaming mugs on a tray, but before she could lift it Jarrod had taken the tray and motioned for her to precede him into the living room.

      Morgan was already in the room and had draped herself over a chair. As Jarrod passed her a mug of coffee she smiled up at him.

      ‘Thanks, Jarrod.’ Her young voice was softly husky. ‘I suppose you’ve noticed a few changes around the area,’ she continued brightly. ‘The new shopping complex and then all the houses that seem to be sprouting up like mushrooms.’

      ‘Well, he has been away for four years, Morgan,’ Lockie said scornfully. ‘And I’m more interested in the States. Tell us about that, Jarrod.’

      He shrugged and sat down. ‘Not much to tell really. I’ve been working pretty hard.’

      ‘That’s sacrilegious!’ Morgan exclaimed, and her glance slid to her sister. ‘You sound like Georgia. That’s all she ever does. Work, work and more work.’

      Georgia sank wearily onto the sofa, yearning for the solitude of her bed, the oblivion of sleep. ‘You’re exaggerating, Morgan.’

      ‘And it’s a pity you don’t do a bit of work.’ Lockie frowned at his younger sister. ‘Instead of swanning around with your friends all day.’

      A flush washed Morgan’s cheeks and she sent Lockie a withering look. ‘I don’t swan around. And jobs aren’t exactly thick on the ground around here, brother dear.’

      ‘We know that, Morgan,’ Georgia put in placatingly, but before she could continue Morgan held up her hand.

      ‘I can feel a lecture coming on so I think I will go to bed after all.’ She stood up and set her coffee-mug on the table with a bang. ‘You know, I really think you two will be disappointed if I don’t go and get myself into mega-trouble.’ She flounced out of the room.

      Lockie muttered under his breath. ‘Seems to me Steve and Morgan are quite prepared to play at being grown-ups but they’re too young emotionally to handle the situation they’ve got themselves into.’ He paused and turned, frowning, to Georgia. ‘Into trouble? You don’t think she’s taking drugs or-well, that she could be…?’

      Georgia’s hands tightened on her coffee-mug, her knuckles whitening with tension. Her gaze rose to meet Lockie’s and he reddened, his eyes falling from hers.

      ‘No. Of course, she wouldn’t be that stupid,’ he contradicted himself quickly, and gave a nervous laugh. ‘Anyway, enough of Morgan. I’m sure you don’t want to hear all this, Jarrod.’ He glanced back at his sister. ‘Never a dull moment around here, is there, Georgia? And you must be exhausted, arriving home from a hard day at work then having to go racing out to bring Morgan home.’

      Georgia nodded and took a gulp of her coffee. It wasn’t work or the drama with their sister that was responsible for her feeling like a piece of chewed string.

      If only she was on her own so she could rationally evaluate her reactions. Yet how could she have known just how radically the reappearance of Jarrod Maclean would affect her? Because, as much as she wished she could deny it, the fact was that he did still have the power to turn her emotions upside down.

      She could see herself at seventeen again. That had been when Jarrod had come home after graduating. Georgia had been playing tennis and had been hot and dishevelled from the long cycle home. She’d walked in and he’d been there, in that same chair. When she’d entered the room he’d stood up, and he was a good four inches taller than her brother. Her eyes had lifted too, over his long, lithe body, to meet those fantastic blue eyes.

      From beneath her lowered lashes Georgia watched Jarrod take a sip of his coffee, his strong neck muscles working as he swallowed.

      Did he remember too? Probably not Why would he?

      ‘What were we talking about?’ Lockie continued. ‘Oh, yes. The changes around here.’

      ‘I СКАЧАТЬ