Beauchamp Besieged. Elaine Knighton
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Название: Beauchamp Besieged

Автор: Elaine Knighton

Издательство: HarperCollins

Жанр: Историческая литература





      “You are my husband.”

      Raymond’s head snapped up, his face pale. He stood, then sat down again. “Nay…she is but—you cannot be—”

      “Why not? ’Tis not the person that is important, but the pact. If I do not please you, that is regrettable, but be assured I find the prospect of wedding you no more appealing.”

      “I did not expect you to find me appealing. I will force myself upon no one. Do as you will, go where you like.”

      His defensive attitude surprised Ceridwen. Not knowing what to think, Ceridwen forged ahead. “Do I or do I not have your word that I may take up residence as your lady—in name only? You said you would not force—”

      “I know what I said.” Raymond rose to his feet. “Once we are wed, I care not what you do. Just keep out of my way…!”

      Beauchamp Besieged

      Harlequin Historical #665

      Harlequin Historicals is delighted to introduce new author ELAINE KNIGHTON

      “Beauchamp Besieged is a triumph of a novel,

      filled with the passion and pageantry of a bygone era,

      heart-stirring romance and high adventure.”

      —USA TODAY bestselling author Susan Wiggs

      #663 TEXAS GOLD

      Carolyn Davidson

      #664 OF MEN AND ANGELS

      Victoria Bylin

      #666 THE BETRAYAL

      Ruth Langan

      Beauchamp Besieged

      Elaine Knighton

      Available from Harlequin Historicals and


      Beauchamp Besieged #665

      I have many people to thank,

      but I particularly need to acknowledge:

      Linda Abajian, who believed from the beginning.

      Shannon Caldwell, whose medieval expertise and

      beautiful longbows inspired me.

      Liz Engstrom, Wes Hoskins,

      Deanna Mather Larson and Doe Tabor,

      who taught me all about writing and to never give up.

      Teresa Basinski-Eckford, Gwyn Cready, Sue Greenlee,

      Sharon Lanergan, Evalyn Lemon, Laurel O’Donnell,

      Ann Simas, Outreach International Romance Writers,

      Rose City Romance Writers and many other members

      of Romance Writers of America who

      offered me unfailing advice and support.

      My agents, Ron and Mary Lee Laitsch,

      and my editors, Tracy Farrell and Jessica Regante,

      who gave this story a chance.

      And James Pearson, who told me so…



       Chapter One

       Chapter Two

       Chapter Three

       Chapter Four

       Chapter Five

       Chapter Six

       Chapter Seven

       Chapter Eight

       Chapter Nine

       Chapter Ten

       Chapter Eleven

       Chapter Twelve

       Chapter Thirteen

       Chapter Fourteen

       Chapter Fifteen

       Chapter Sixteen

       Chapter Seventeen

       Chapter Eighteen

       Chapter Nineteen

       Chapter Twenty

       Chapter Twenty-One

       Chapter Twenty-Two

       Chapter Twenty-Three

       Chapter Twenty-Four
